Summer Splash: Seaside Carnival

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Story Script

Summertime Cold Beverage: Clever & Witty

The floral ornament on your hair clip fell out while you were busy in the shop. You were unable to find it due to the crowd, so the only thing you can do is to wait till your break.

You: *Sigh*... Where did I drop it...?

Luke: What are you looking for?

You raise your head when you hear Luke's voice, only to slam your head into his jaw.

Luke: Urk...

You: L—Luke? Are you okay?

Luke: I'm okay... Just feeling a little numb after that.

Luke lets go of his chin and waves dismissively.

Luke: What about you? Lose something?

You nod and point to the bare hair clip on your head.

You: The flower on my hair clip fell off somewhere.

Luke lowers his head and looks at your hair clip. He thinks for a bit before confidently ushering you to the counter.

Luke: Here. Take off the clip and give it to me.

You: Huh? What are you planning?

Luke: You'll know soon enough. Give it to me for now.

Though you still have doubts, you take off the hair clip and hand it to Luke.

He studies it for a second, casually takes a flower out of the box containing decorations for drinks, then secures it onto the hair clip.

The hair clip soon looks brand new, and it gives off an even more beachy feel than the previous one did.

You: You're so skilled!

Luke: Hehe, I'm not too bad. Put it on and see if you like it.

You: It's perfect.

Festive Seafood Pot: Quick Break

You: Phew! We're finally done!

Seeing the clean and tidy shop, all your previous fatigue disappears and your mood instantly improves.

Artem: Great work.

Artem hands you a sandwich. He then sits down next to you with a book in hand, not looking the slightest bit as if he's had a long day.

You: Aren't you tired? You tidied up lots as well, and you walked so far to throw out the trash.

Artem: I'm good. I'm used to tidying up on my own after cooking.

Artem: Things are already much easier with your help this time.

As Artem says this, he opens the book in his hands and enjoys this moment of rest.

You: (What's Mr. Wing reading? Is it yet another legal book?)

Artem: Do you want to know what I'm reading?

Perhaps seeing how you keep staring at the book in his hands, Artem can't help but voice his question out loud.

You nod honestly and he shows you the book with a smile.

You: "One Hundred Questions About Seaside Foods"?

Artem: Yes. The cooking process for seaside and inland foods is really different.

Artem: I'm reading this book so that I can take advantage of our location and cook something that fits this area.

You: In other words, you want to make the ultimate seaside food?

Artem: Not to that extent. I'm just trying my best to do the ingredients justice.

You: Then I won't let you down, Mr. Wing!

You stuff the sandwich he specifically made for you into your mouth.

You: Yum! Food that's taken seriously is particularly tasty.

Artem: Yeah. I'm glad you like it.

Ocean Breeze Cake: A New Look

Even from far away, you can see a little girl putting something sparkly into Vyn's hands.

She then gestures a few times and makes sure that Vyn fully understands what she means before leaving with her parents.

You: Dr. Richter! Did you get a gift from a young customer again today?

Ever since your seaside café opened, Vyn seems to keep receiving small gifts.

Vyn: Yes. This is a hair clip in the shape of a cake.

Vyn shakes his head helplessly, as if he doesn't know what to do with this tiny hair clip.

You: Since the customer wanted you to have it, why don't I help you put it on, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Put it on?

Vyn takes a step closer to you, his gaze containing a complex mixture of curiosity and the desire to tease you.

Vyn: Where do you want to put it on me?

You: On your shirt pocket... of course.

You: But if you feel like your hair isn't laying right and you want me t—

Vyn: Great. Could you please clip it in my hair then?

You: Huh?

You didn't think Vyn would ask that of you. You stand still, not knowing what to do.

Vyn: I was joking.

Vyn: Here, put it on my shirt pocket.

You: Oh, okay.

You take the cake-shaped clip from Vyn and fasten it on his left breast pocket. At first glance, it looks like a medal of honor.

You: Done. How cute! It fits you well, Dr. Richter.

Vyn's long fingers brush against that clip, and he smiles as if he's thinking about something.

Vyn: You are right. It really is cute. Thank you for putting it on for me.

Vyn: As thanks, I will make a cake just like the one on the clip. Would you be kind enough to share it with me?

You: Of course. It'd be my honor.

Summer Fun Watermelon Ice: Opportune Moment

You: Marius, why don't you put this down...

You wanted to try making dessert after tasting Marius' rolled watermelon ice cream, but... the results are less than impressive.

You look at the indescribable pile of ice cream you created and start to regret your rash decision.

Marius: Nope. This is your debut work. How could I not eat it?

You: What if you get an upset stomach...

You instinctively block Marius' hand and stop him from eating it.

Marius: It's fine. The ingredients are all fresh. It just looks... really unique. I think it'll taste decent at least.

Seeing that you're still hesitating, Marius reaches around you and steals a spoonful to put into his mouth.

You: *Sigh*...

By the time you realize what's happening, he's already swallowed it.

You: How does it taste?

Marius deliberately makes an expression as if he's savoring the food, and only opens his mouth after a few seconds.

Marius: I think...

You: What?

Marius: This is the most tasty rolled ice cream I've ever had.

You: Really?

Marius: You can taste it yourself if you don't believe me.

Saying so, he offers a spoonful of the ice cream to you, and you cautiously take a bite.

You: It does seem decent...

Marius: I'm telling you, you're just too nervous. With a great chef like me here, there's no way you'd ever make bad rolled ice cream.

You: Okay, Okay. It's all thanks to you being here. Let me make another one while I still remember how.

Marius: Hold on. We're still on break now, so one serving is enough. Take some time to relax and recover a little.

Now that he mentions it, you do feel a bit tired, so you agree to the proposal.

You: Okay. Then please teach me again next time!

Marius: No problem!


Seaside Cafe

Misc Location - Seaside Cafe.png
