Summer Splash: Card Collection Event

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x30


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Story Script

Seaside Cafe
Seaside Cafe

Misc Location - Seaside Cafe.png

The shop's sales rise day after day, and the new products you've developed are very popular.

However, as the holiday period starts, more and more families vacation here.

Your little group starts another round of strategic business discussions for a plan to attract more customers.

Artem: It looks like our future business strategy might need to cater to families...

Luke: Should we create a set meal that can feed an entire family?

Vyn: That is a good start, but it still is not perfect.

Marius: Hmm... It does sound like it's missing something.

You: I have an idea.

The other four turn to look at you as soon as you say this.

Artem: What's on your mind?

You: I think we can launch a stamp collection promotion.

Vyn: A stamp collection promotion?

Luke: Oh, I get it. It's when we give a customer a stamp for each time they shop here.

Luke: And once they've collected enough, they'll be able to redeem their stamps for a prize, right?

You: That's right.

Artem: Hmm, that plan does sound more comprehensive. Families aren't the only ones visiting the beach — groups of friends and classmates also come here.

Artem: A stamp collection would let them freely pick whichever combo they like.

Marius: Looking at it from a business perspective, offering collectibles acts as an incentive to encourage more spending.

Marius: So, is it settled then? Are we going with this idea?

Luke: No complaints from me. I can even carve the stamp for us.

Marius: Then I'll design the card and the stamp!

Artem: I'm on board too.

Vyn: I see no reason to refuse.

Vyn: As we now have someone taking care of the design and someone making the stamp, the rest of us can decide on the types of prizes and how they can be earned.

You: Sure.

Soon after, your stamp collection promotion begins.

The feedback is more positive than anticipated, and many customers come to the shop every day just to collect the stamps.

The first wave of customers passes at long last, and you all breathe a sigh of relief.

Marius: Phew—! Sometimes, having too much business isn't exactly a good thing.

Luke: I'm glad peak hour is over. Let's take this chance to rest up.

*Ding—!* Just as you're about to answer, the wind chime next to the door rings again.

A familiar figure walks in with a group of children behind her.

You: Winnie! Welcome!

Winnie Cooper: Miss! What are you doing here?

You: Well...

To make it easier to explain, you take out the flyer in the shop and lay out the situation for her.

Winnie Cooper: I see, so you're here for a charity event. That feels like something you'd do.

You: Hahaha, enough about me. Who are these cuties following you?

Winnie Cooper: Oh! They're students from the school I'm interning at. Their parents are all out of town and are unable to return for the holidays.

Winnie Cooper: The school organized for teachers who are still on-site to bring the children to the beach. I don't have anything else planned since I'm still a student, so I decided to join.

Winnie Cooper: They saw this shop from miles away and wouldn't stop talking about how they wanted to come here.

You turn to look at the kids who are already eagerly rushing toward the food they like and chattering loudly.

Even someone like Luke, who looks like he's good with kids, is having problems dealing with all of them at once.

Luke: Hold on, hold on. Don't rush. One at a time.

Boy A: Mister, I'd like a coffee!

Luke: Children shouldn't drink coffee. You can have juice! I promise it's very tasty.

Girl A: Mister! Mister! I want a sparkling coffee!

Luke: Why do you all want coffee...? No. You can only drink coffee after you've grown up a little more.

While Luke hastily starts making the juice as he manages the children's curiosity.

Compared to the ruckus Luke is facing, Artem's side is evidently more orderly as he prepares the dishes.

Artem: A fried fish fillet meal with no pepper? Okay. I'll just add some salt instead.

Artem: You don't have to stand around me. You can sit down and rest or take a picture with Homu...

Girl B: But... we want to watch you cook, Mister.

Artem: ... Okay. In that case, please move back a bit. I don't want you to get hurt.

Girl B: Okay.

You: (Seems like Mr. Wing is very popular.)

You then turn to Vyn to see him elegantly decorating a cake as he explains things to the children.

Vyn: What is the flavor of the mousse cake? It is somewhere between ice cream and jelly. It melts sweetly in your mouth, bit by bit.

Girl C: Is it as sweet as you, Mister?

Vyn: Hmm... Who knows? You will have to find that answer for yourself.

With Vyn's charm, all the loudly chattering children are now staring at him in fascination as he works.

You: (As expected of a university professor. He's so good with children!)

Marius: Hey, you little stinker! No stealing food!

A shout from Marius draws your attention...

You see him confronting a little boy across the food table.

Boy B: I'm not! I... I was just helping you check the flavor.

Marius: Oh? So how does it taste? I wanna hear the truth.

Boy: It's really yummy... yummier than what Mom bought for me before.

The boy doesn't look too happy, but his honest answer makes Marius laugh.

Marius: I'll let it slide this time since you have such great taste.

Marius: Sit here and wait for a while. It'll be ready before you know it.

Boy: O...Okay.

The boy obediently sits on the seat closest to Marius and waits for his Seawind Banana Split.

You: (Seems like they're all doing well. In that case, I'll show the kids how to collect stamps.)

After busying around for a while, you finally finish the food for all the children.

Since there are so many of them, they manage to collect 24 stamps all at once. Winnie then calls for a vote with the children.

After some discussion, they unanimously choose a instant camera as their prize since it can capture their memories at the beach.

They take photos in the shop to their hearts' content, even including pictures of you and the others.

Winnie Cooper: I can't thank you enough for today. As a sign of gratitude...

She waves the instant camera in her hand.

Winnie Cooper: Let me take a photo of all of you together.

You: Us?

Winnie Cooper: Yes. You guys are doing a great job together. It'd be a shame not to take a picture to remember this by.

You: (That's true. We haven't taken a picture together since we got here...)

You turn to look at the four people behind you.

You: It's such a rare opportunity. Why don't we take a picture together?

Hearing your suggestion, the four of them look at each other and nod with smiles.

You pick the door of the Seaside Café as the background. You, Vyn, and Luke stand in the first row, while Artem and Marius stand behind you.

Winnie Cooper: Are you ready?

You: Yup!


With the click of a shutter, NXX completes its first seaside photo together!

Winnie gives the photo to the five of you, then leaves. All of you crowd around the counter and wait for it to develop.

Luke: I wonder if I blinked when the photo was taken...

Marius: I felt like I looked pretty good.

Artem: ...

You: Don't worry. It doesn't matter if it looks good or bad. The meaning of this photo won't change.

Vyn: The photo seems to be done developing.

You all lower your gazes to look at that little instant picture. Everyone looks great.

Luke didn't blink. Marius is smiling happily. Artem's eyes look a little serious, but he is still mostly in the picture. Vyn looks the same as always.

Everyone looks like their most natural self in the picture, as if it's a perfect conclusion to this phase of your work.

You can't help but look forward to the days ahead. What kind of memorable moments will you experience?


Boy A

Passerby Boy character icon.png
Girl A

Passerby Girl character icon.png
Girl B

Marni character icon.png
Girl C

Passerby Girl character icon.png
Boy B

Passerby Boy character icon.png

Passerby Boy character icon.png