Luke's Sweet Chapter 02-10

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x100


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Small Wish I: Time's Antiquities
Time's Antiquities

Stellis - Time's Antiquities 1F RPG Map.png

Wait for Luke to come back.

The clock ticks by slowly as you watch the hands go round and round.

Your initially high expectations gradually give way to anxiety and sadness.

You: He's been gone for so long... Why hasn't he come home yet?


You: No, no, don't think like that. But...

In the space of a moment, the unspoken worries only grow more intense.

Small Wish II: Time's Antiquities
Time's Antiquities
Antique Shop
Time's Antiquities - Shop.png

Talk to Luke and listen to his thoughts.

The river of time flows, and you stare at the countless antiques in the shop, not knowing how much time has passed.

Just like the antiques, you are waiting in silence and loneliness.

You: When is Luke going to come back...?

You: I wonder what's going on.

Just as your mind starts to wander, the crisp sound of the door opening interrupts your train of thought.

Luke: I'm back.

You: Luke!

Hearing Luke's voice, you run over to the door, wanting to throw yourself into his arms.

Luke lifts you up, spinning you around in place.

Lifted into the air, you feel like a butterfly, joyous and light.

You: How did it go?

After a gentle landing, Luke holds your arm.

He smiles at you with bright eyes, almost as if the sun is shining in them.

Luke: The results are great.

Luke: The half formula is indeed a very important clue, and Aaron has assigned someone to study it.

You: !!!

You: That's great! Our hard work hasn't gone to waste...

You jump into Luke's arms, his warmth passing through your body.

This sudden whirl of great news almost seems like a dream... and you can't differentiate it from reality.

And Luke strokes your back, telling you every detail...

Luke: He promised me that the results of their research, if any, will go a long way in alleviating my symptoms.

You: Good...

Luke: I've reported the matter with Victoria Pharmaceuticals to the bureau.

Luke: They will assign someone else to the investigation so I can have some time off.

Luke: As for Morten Rickmon, he will continue to receive treatment in Stellis. Arrangements will be made to transfer him to a local hospital back home...

Luke: Rest assured, [Player]. Everything will be fine...

Luke's words flow like a warm stream straight into your heart.

This dreamlike feeling grows heavy with every word, then lands on your heart.

You know that your lover's embrace and words, at this moment, are a reality.

You: That's great.

You look at Luke, his smile becoming more tender.

He runs his fingertips through your long hair, speaking in an affectionate tone.

Luke: Now that I'm home and looking at you, it really feels like maybe... our hope won't be lost this time.

Luke: And it feels wonderful to have you share that hope with me.

You: ...

You put your finger to his lips, then shake your head.

You: What do you mean, "maybe"...? It really is!

Luke is stunned for a moment, then a faint smile appears on his face.

Luke: Yes, it really is.

You: And you were wrong about one thing.

Luke: Huh?

Under Luke's gaze, you can feel your cheeks and neck burning up...

You can't help but confess your feelings when facing your lover's enamored eyes.

You: It's not me sharing hope with you...

You: We've already become one. Whatever you feel in your heart, I feel as well.

You: Just like this time, when we went to investigate and find clues about the drug together...

You: Luke, you and I, our fates... have already become inseparable.

Luke: ...

Luke gently pulls your left hand over his heart, then up to his cheek.

Luke: Yes... you're right. Our fates have already been intertwined, never to be separated again.

Luke: [Player], I'm so happy to be with you.

You: Me too...

He tilts his head to rub against the palm of your hand. It feels tender yet ticklish.

Luke: When I was waiting for the results at Aaron's... I was terrified.

Luke: It was completely different from my usual calm.

Luke: I was terrified that the leads we found were going to be for naught.

Luke: I even... prayed in my heart that the piece of paper we found would be useful, that it would give me more time...

Luke: Just one more day, one more minute, one more second... so that I could love you more.

Luke's words are affectionate and loving, but you detect a hint of bitterness.

Yes, "time" is the sword of Damocles, constantly hanging above his head.

Underneath the sword, he is destined to suffer the dull pain again and again, as long as he hungers for you.

But whenever he looks at you, it is always the same warm and healing smile...

Affection, heartache, sweetness... all these emotions rush into your heart.

You: Luke, I...

Just as you're about to say something, Luke kisses your hand to stop you from saying anything else.

Luke: You don't need to say anything else. I know.

Luke: I've never felt that you made me weak or fragile.

Luke: On the contrary, with you by my side, I have the courage to face whatever's coming to me.

Luke: [Player], I won't let go of your hand. Let's create our future together.

You: ...

Luke's eyes are sincere and earnest, radiating with brilliance.

You can't help but take his left hand with your right hand, trying to pull him closer...

You: It's a deal then. We take control of our fate together.

Luke: Yeah... I promise you, I will do it.

You hug Luke with all your might, your lips curling into a sweet smile, sharing this long-awaited hope with him.

His warmth transfers through your skin, making you feel safe and infatuated.

At this moment, he is your little sun...

Time's Antiquities
Luke's Bedroom
Time's Antiquities - Bedroom (Sunset).png

Things have finally wrapped up, and you and Luke return to rest in his bedroom.

You lay in his arms, looking at the ceiling and planning what to do next.

You: Earlier, you said your department was giving you some time off...

You: Does that mean we can plan a long vacation?

With a smile on his face, Luke looks down, touching the tip of your nose gently.

Luke: I'm free. But will your law firm give you time off?

You: ...

You: I was so happy that I forgot about my own job...

You: Then... what about somewhere near Stellis? Maybe a trip that will only last a few days?

Luke gives you a sly wink as you ponder where to visit near Stellis.

Luke: I have an idea.

You: What is it?

Luke: "Time's Antiquities Owner Training Program"... Food and accommodation provided, valid indefinitely.

Luke: What do you think?

You: ...

You: Luke! I'm being serious about where to go...

Hearing your words, Luke bends down and whispers, his hot breath brushing your ear.

Luke: I'm being serious too...

You: I...

Your neck and cheeks become visibly flushed.

You are stunned for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

But he seems to notice your "embarrassment" and takes your arm while looking into your eyes.

Luke: The "training program"... starts now.

You feel lost in Luke's smile that is as bright as the sun...

All you can feel is...

...that both your eyebrows and lips are left with a warm imprint that belonged only to him.
