Mirage of Blooming Swords 2-2: Mysterious Blog

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn coin s.pngStellin x2500


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Mysterious Blog (1/3)
Pax Group
Pax Lobby
Stellis - Pax Lobby RPG map.png

Head with Marius to Pax Headquarters and investigate the clues from Anne Croft's cryptic blog.

Front Desk: Mr. von Hagen, Mr. Martel from one of our subsidiaries has come to see you. He is hoping to meet with you.

Marius: I'm busy today. Arrange another time with him.

Marius: Oh, and if anyone else comes to see me, please don't let them in.

Front Desk: Understood, Mr. von Hagen.

You: Are you sure it's okay to turn him away so abruptly? What if the board directors come to talk to you again when they find it out?

Marius: I have a legitimate reason for today. Assisting the police with a serious case takes priority.

Marius: Anyway, let's go to my office.

Mysterious Blog (2/3)
Pax Group
President's Office
Stellis - Pax Marius RPG map.png

Head to the Pax President's Office and help Marius crack the password to Anne Croft's blog.

Marius: Look, this is the blog I found. Hmm? I have to enter the password based on this hint to view the blog content? This is crazy!

You: One password requirement after another... It's like those Russian stacking dolls.

Marius: Croft probably knew that someone would read her blog, so she set up a lot of passwords to block them.

You: Let's see... It says when "2×3=1; 2×5=2; 333×1=3; 55×66=4"...

You: The password will be "1314×1=□; 520×2 =□; 214×3=□; 11×4=□."

Marius: Is this a math problem?

You: No, it can't be. If it were a math problem, then 2 times 3 would equal 6, and 2 times 5 would equal 10...

Marius: I got it! The number after the equal sign is the number of digits in the product! So the □ must be the number of the digit, too!

Marius: We just need to fill in the number, and we'll be able to get the correct string of characters for the password.

You: That makes sense. Let me see.

Mysterious Blog (3/3)

Try inputting the correct password to view information from the blog.

You: So it says when "2×3=1; 2×5=2; 333×1=3; 55×66=4"...

You: The password will be "1314×1=□;520×2=□;214×3=□;11×4=□," so the result will be...


You: It worked! Marius, look... Huh? What is this...?


You: Hmm!? It's wrong?

Marius: Did you make a mistake? It should be 4432 based on the calculations of the digits in the product.

You: Hmm, let me try again.

You: Huh... the content of her blog is not a diary...

Marius: These are... transaction records?

You: Yes. Most of them are donations to orphanages, welfare organizations, and rehabilitation centers.

Marius: The total sum is more than what some famous entrepreneurs donate. I never thought of Anne Croft as a philanthropist.

Marius: Hmm? They are not all donations. Check out this one... The recipient is Jen Mendoza and the transfer was made three months ago.

You: Why did she suddenly transfer money to Ms. Mendoza? Do they know each other?

Marius: Perhaps that's something only Jen Mendoza can answer.

You: It would be nice to meet Ms. Mendoza and ask her in person.

Marius: She is currently preparing to launch her brand in Hemingway Heights. We should be able to find her there.

You: Huh? How did you know that?

Marius: Hehe, it's a secret. Let's go. I'll tell you the story on the way.



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