Vyn's Sweet Chapter 02-11

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Light of Hope I: Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center
Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center

Stellis - GMHRC Lobby RPG map.png

Communicate the situation with the Duchess and Marni.

Vyn and Professor Aston return moments after.

Seeing their arrival, the Duchess becomes excited and quickly walks to the door to welcome them.

Professor Aston: Vyn, this is...?

Vyn: This is the Duchess of Bavaria.

Professor Aston nods and the Duchess greets the professor formally.

Duchess: Hello, Professor Aston. I apologize if I have offended you previously.

Professor Aston: It's quite all right... I understand.

Professor Aston: Vyn has told me about your daughter's situation. I hope to talk about it more with you in private.

Duchess: I...

The Duchess stutters as tears fill her eyes. She looks toward Vyn and he gently nods at her.

Vyn: Duchess, the opportunity has shown itself. As for how it will go, well, that is up to you now.

Vyn: You can trust Marni in [Player]'s and my hands for the time being.

Duchess: Thank you, Vyn... Thank you, Professor Aston...

Duchess: I am truly...

The Duchess clutches onto her bag and tries to get her emotions under control.

Vyn calls over a nurse from the front desk and directs her to lead Professor Aston and the Duchess to a meeting room.

You stand off to the side while holding Marni's hand. Vyn then walks next to you.

After the Duchess and Professor Aston leave, Vyn picks up Marni's other hand.

Vyn: [Player], we have some time on our hands to spend with Marni.

Marni: Yay! Vilhelm and Miss [Player] are going to play with me!

You: Yeah!

Light of Hope II: Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center

Chat with Marni.

You and Vyn play with Marni in the office.

Marni has turned the sandbox originally used for psychological treatments into a toy to build a sand castle with.

Marni fiddles with the decorations in the sandbox and begins to build her world.

Marni: We will put this little house here... and then another tree over here...

Marni: And then...

You let out a sigh of relief as you watch Marni play with the sandbox.

You: Finally, some hope in the matter.

Vyn: ...

Vyn doesn't speak. Instead, he just smiles and looks at you.

You: What is it? Is there something on my face?

Vyn: No...

Vyn: I know you have been worried about Marni...

Vyn: Seeing you relaxed now that it has been taken care of puts me at ease too.

You: Vyn...

You: (So he's been worried about my mood this whole time.)

You reach out your hand, hooking your pinkie with Vyn's and smiling back.

Just as you and Vyn are enjoying the moment, the sound of rustling through the sandbox disappears.

The two of you look over at Marni to find her poking at the sand and looking a little down.

You and Vyn quickly walk over and lean down to look at her.

You: Marni, what's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?

Marni: ...

Marni shakes her head and doesn't speak.

Vyn: Is it because your castle is not going according to plan?

Marni fidgets with her hands as she hears Vyn mention the castle.

Marni: No, I have already finished building the castle.

Marni: It is just that... I wanted to put two starfish toys in front of the castle... They are supposed to be Mommy and me...

Marni: But I can not find the little starfish... It just suddenly disappeared.

Marni: Seeing the big starfish... all alone by itself... makes me sad.

Vyn: ...

You: ...

You and Vyn look at one another. The two of you are reminded of what Marni said before.

Marni once said that... she wished she could suddenly disappear so she wouldn't be a burden to the Duchess anymore.

Vyn glances over at Marni and gently takes her hand.

Vyn: Marni, do you remember what you said to Miss [Player] before?

Vyn: Did you say to Miss [Player] that you wanted to suddenly disappear like the little starfish?

Marni: Yes...

Marni bites her lip and nods.

Vyn: Can you tell me why you said that?

Vyn: If you tell me, I will find the little starfish for you and help it return to the big starfish's side.

Marni doesn't speak and tilts her head as she thinks about what Vyn said.

She tugs on Vyn's hand after a while.

Marni: If I tell you, you have to find the little starfish for me! Okay?

Vyn: Of course.

Marni: I said that because... I really like Mommy.

Marni's voice becomes a little muffled.

Marni: I never felt sad about being sick... but I am worried about Mommy.

Marni: Mommy is pretty and young, but she always cries because of me.

Marni: That is why I think it might be better if I just disappeared.

Marni: If I am gone, Mommy might have a new baby. The new baby will definitely be healthier than me.

Marni: And if that happens, Mommy would not need to run around all the time because of me, and she would not cry all the time anymore.

Marni: Mommy would definitely be happier that way.

Marni speaks with an innocent tone. Everything she says is genuine, and she truly believes it.

Marni: Oh... one more thing.

Vyn: What is it?

Marni: Daddy was still around when I first got sick...

Marni: I secretly heard Mommy and Daddy cry in their room before. They said they should not have decided to have me in the first place.

Marni: Mommy and Daddy said that if they did not have me, then I would not be sick...

Marni: They were so sad... It made me sad too.

Marni: But... I have never thought it was Mommy and Daddy's fault that I am sick.

Marni: Being Mommy and Daddy's daughter makes me happy.

Marni: Now that Daddy is not around anymore, I started to think about what I could do to make Mommy a little happier.

Vyn: ...

You: ...

Tears begin to stream down your face and Vyn gently caresses your back.

However, a glimpse of a strange emotion can be seen in his eyes.

The Duchess' voice breaks out from behind you before the two of you can comfort Marni.

Duchess: Marni! Oh, my sweet baby!

The Duchess quickly approaches and holds Marni in her arms while tears flow out of her eyes.

The two of you turn around to see Professor Aston standing at the doorway with a frown on his face.

They must have overheard what Marni said as they returned.

The three of you look upon the mother and daughter that are holding onto one another for support.

Duchess: Marni, my sweet Marni...

Duchess: You are my baby. No matter what happens, you will always be my baby.

Duchess: Mommy does not want anything else. I am the luckiest and happiest person in the whole world as long you are by my side.

Duchess: You are Mommy's hope. What would I do if you were to disappear...?

Duchess: Stay with Mommy, okay? Marni, will you stay with me?

Marni: Okay, mommy...

Marni: I will always stay by your side...

You: ...

Marni bursts into tears after hearing the Duchess' words.

She grabs tightly onto the Duchess with her small hands and doesn't let go...

You discreetly wipe away your tears as you look at the two.

The emotions created by powerful familial bonds are truly moving.

You: (Now that the Duchess and Marni have had that talk... they probably won't do anything else to hurt one another.)

The Duchess and Marni calm back down after a while.

The Duchess looks embarrassed as she grabs a tissue to wipe away her and Marni's tears.

You suddenly notice that Vyn and Professor Aston are no longer around.

You: (Where did Vyn and Professor Aston go?)

You: (I should go and find them. The Duchess and Marni will be fine here.)

Light of Hope III: Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center
Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center
Vyn's Office
Giannovyn MHRC - Consultation Room.png

Join the discussion between Vyn and Professor Aston.

After you walk out of Vyn's office, you discover Vyn and Professor Aston speaking just outside.

Vyn has a strange expression on his face, but he immediately puts on his normal smile as he sees you.

Vyn waves at you, signaling for you to go to him.

Vyn: What is it? Did something happen with the Duchess and Marni again?

You: No, I was worried after noticing that the two of you were gone.

Vyn: Nothing to worry about. Aston and I were just talking about Marni.

Professor Aston gently coughs a few times and looks at the two of you with a playful expression.

Professor Aston: Ahem... I never knew what it meant when people said that lovers become oblivious to the rest of the world when they look at one another—but now, I think I do.

Professor Aston: Seeing Vyn change after meeting you, Miss [Player], makes me very happy for him.

Vyn: ...

You: Professor Aston...

Professor Aston: Ahh, my apologies. I didn't mean to be cheeky.

Professor Aston chuckles apologetically as he looks back and forth between the two of you.

Professor Aston: Vyn tells me that you're very concerned about Marni's illness. I suppose I'll fill you in on the details as well.

You: Ehh? Is it okay for you to do that?

Professor Aston: Don't worry. It doesn't involve any classified information.

Professor Aston: I've already spoken to the Duchess in detail before coming here. I find Marni's condition to be very suitable for my project.

Professor Aston: After careful consideration, I have decided to give them the opportunity...

Professor Aston: Once the trials officially begin, I will arrange for Marni's surgical treatments.

You: Great!

Professor Aston: I will also be taking care of everything that follows. You will be updated if any progress is made.

You: Okay. Thank you so much, Professor Aston.

Professor Aston: I told you, just call me Aston. You don't need to address me so formally now that we know one another.

You: ...

You look at Professor Aston and then at Vyn. Vyn nods at you gently.

You: Okay... Thank you, Aston?

Professor Aston: Ahh, that's much better!

You: (Professor Aston really has a strange personality.)

Professor Aston: Oh, there's something that I need to tell the two of you.

Vyn: What is it? Is there another problem?

Professor Aston: Hmm... I wouldn't call it a problem. It's more of a new observation that I've made.

Professor Aston: I realized that... the Duchess truly is different from the other nobles that I really dislike.

Vyn: Oh? And how did you come to that realization?

Professor Aston: As you may already know, a patient's medical history is very important for a doctor's diagnosis.

Professor Aston: The Duchess has made detailed records of each of Marni's treatments...

Professor Aston: And a record of Marni's daily diet, sleep schedule, and her medicine intake...

Professor Aston: She even had it translated into multiple languages so doctors from different countries will have an easier time reading it.

Professor Aston: The Duchess has... seriously put a lot of effort into taking care of Marni...

Professor Aston: *sigh* I was prejudiced against her before because of her status...

Professor Aston sighs helplessly at the thought.

Vyn: It is not too late to change your perception. People can be so different. Sometimes... it could be like heaven and earth.

Vyn: It is also possible for the things you believe with all your heart to be changed as well.

You: ...

There seems to be something hidden between the lines of what Vyn just said, but he doesn't look toward you...

Professor Aston: Then let's leave it at that for today.

Professor Aston: Vyn, please come with me.

Vyn: All right.

You: (Eh? Isn't it over? Is there something else going on?)

You glance at Vyn with a puzzled look on your face, but he remains silent.

Your curiosity slowly grows into worry.

You: (What is it that they need to repeatedly make sure of...?)

Confide In I: Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center

Talk with Vyn.

Vyn: I still have some business with Aston.

Vyn: Go ahead and head home first. I will be back soon.

You: ...All right.

Vyn quickly leaves just as you are about to ask about what's going on.

His tone was as calm as ever, but he left in a hurry. The worry in your heart grows even stronger.

Is there something that he's never told you about...? His evasive behavior feels familiar...

The events of the past flow through your mind.

You: (Vyn acted this way during the incident with Jessie as well...)

You: (He looked very strange after saving Jessie...)

You: (And when I asked him about it, he seems to have held something back.)

You: (It's even more obvious now with the Duchess...)

You: (After the Duchess talked about Vyn's family... it's like Vyn turned into a completely different person.)

You: (I wonder what he and Professor Aston are talking about right now...)

You: Vyn... what's going on with you...?

Confide In II: Vyn's Living Room
Vyn's Residence
Vyn's Living Room
Vyn's Residence - Living Room (Day).png

Listen to Vyn as he confides in you.

Time continues to pass and Vyn still hasn't returned...

Your patient waiting slowly turns into an ever-present plaguing worry.

You: Why hasn't Vyn come back yet...? What would he and Professor Aston be talking about...?

Just as your mind starts to wander, the crisp sound of the door opening puts an end to your thoughts.

You look over at the door and see Vyn with a folder in his hand and a heavy look on his face.

You jump into his arms immediately. At this moment, only the warmth of his body can settle the uneasiness in your heart.

You: Vyn... What took you so long...?

You: Are you all right? Did something happen?

You wrap your arms around Vyn's waist and look him in the eye as you quickly ask him the questions that have been on your mind.

Seeing you like this, Vyn relaxes his frown and lets out a soft sigh.

Vyn: ...

Vyn: I am all right.

He returns to being his ordinary gentle self as he speaks, perhaps worrying that you may be overly stressed.

He takes your hand and leads you to the sofa to sit down.

Vyn: I am sorry for making you wait so long. What do you want for dinner? I will make reservations.

Vyn quickly changes the subject but his hand is tightly clutching the folder...

Having witnessed Vyn's attempt to hide something from you, an unfamiliar feeling of panic rises up inside you.

You somehow feel that if you don't get the answers you're looking for today, you may never have another chance.

You: I'm not hungry... You, on the other hand...

You: What's in the folder? Are they important documents?

Vyn's expression becomes complex as he hears you bring up the folder. He seems to be both worried and uneasy...

It takes a while before he finally speaks.

Vyn: These are my genetic test results.

You: ...!

Vyn: This is why Aston asked to speak with me.

Vyn: But... I do not have the courage to open it...

Vyn: Actually... I do not even know if I should open it.

Vyn's tone is hesitant and tight. His normal calm and collected self is nowhere to be seen...

You still don't understand why he sees a simple genetic test as something so intimidating.

You: Vyn... it's just a test result. There's nothing to worry about.

Vyn: I...

Vyn falters and doesn't continue to speak... He looks at you quietly with a forced smile on his face.

Vyn opens his mouth and closes it again. He is filled with hesitation.

At this very moment, you can feel the invisible net between the two of you...

He's trapped inside the net... and you are on the outside...

You: Vyn... what happened?

Vyn: ...

Vyn looks around, clearly flustered.

In the midst of the silence, memories of daily events in the past and recent events regarding Vyn's strange behavior flood to your mind...

Duchess: Vyn—no, Lord Vilhelm, you have stayed out of harm's way until now only because you have been lucky.

Duchess: Of course, you can stand idly by, but if something happens to you one day...

Duchess: How can you be sure you will not be in the same predicament? You might even be worse off because no one wants to help you.

Duchess: Think of your family... Do you really think you are any different from them?

Vyn: ...

Duchess: If I did not insist on having Marni, she would not have gotten sick... or suffered so much.

Duchess: She would not be shunned by other family members or mocked behind her back...

Vyn: With the current medical advancements, recessive polycystic kidney disease is incurable.

Vyn: And clinical trials, while capable of developing breakthrough treatments...

Vyn: They essentially require patients to volunteer as test subjects for new treatments.

Vyn: Compared to Marni's current conservative treatment, the risks are astronomical.

Vyn: If anything goes wrong... Marni's condition might worsen, or might even lead to...

He looks back at Jessie, who is sitting in a wheelchair, expressionless. The mysterious look in his eyes makes you anxious.

You: (What happened to Vyn? He's been acting strange ever since he helped rescue Jessie...)

Vyn: Most people would probably feel the same way that Jessie does, right...? She is a ballet performer, yet she has lost her ability to even stand...

Vyn: She said that she is "useless" and does not see the point of living... It may sound pessimistic...

Vyn: But the world is a cruel place and unfortunately, survival of the fittest is a law of nature.

The fragments of memories piece together and you seem to be able to see what Vyn has been trying to avoid.

Seeing your lover becoming fragile... and different from his normal self... your heart begins to ache and your eyes fill with tears.

You: Vyn... You've been acting strange ever since the Duchess of Bavaria came to you...

You: You're concerned about some of the things she said... about Marni's illness... and about what they've gone through...

You: I can even occasionally see a look of defeat on your face... It's just like how you dealt with Jessie's situation.

You: You're making me really, really, worried about you...

Vyn gently places his finger on your lips before you can finish.

You can see your reflection in his stunning golden eyes, which are filled with an apologetic look.

Vyn: I know. I am sorry... for making you worry.

You: (Why... Why is he apologizing to me even in a moment like this...?)

You grab Vyn's wrist and stand up. You look him straight in the eyes as he is still sitting down.

Vyn: [Player], you...

You: I don't want to hear your apologies... I just want to help you share the burden.

You: We're lovers, and we'll share every happy moment by each other's side. But we are also lifelong partners that should share every moment of agony together...

You: We should be telling each other everything, shouldn't we?

You: Vyn, I don't want to be kept in the dark, even at the very end, when it comes to something that has to do with you...

You: I don't want to only find out about it at the very end either.

You: Can you not try to shoulder everything by yourself anymore? You... You have me here with you...

Bitter tears roll down the side of your cheeks and onto your lips.

Vyn grabs you and pulls you into his arms. He gently kisses you on the face and grabs a tissue to wipe off your tears.

Vyn: I... just can not win when it comes to you.

Vyn gently sighs and his tone softens.

He looks into the distance through the window...

Vyn: I will have to start from when I was still little...

Vyn: When I was very young, I witnessed my family member being discarded because of their imperfections...

Vyn: As for the nobles, they stood on a pedestal and gave out commands as they watched everything happen with heartless eyes.

Vyn: In their eyes, whether it be a defect before or after birth...

Vyn: Or a psychological or mental disability... They see it as a form of imperfection.

Vyn: And the people with these imperfections are nothing but trash in their eyes. They believe these people to be worthless and without the need to exist.

Vyn: Ever since then, the seed of the "fear of imperfection" was planted in my mind.

Vyn: I have always been afraid... I have been afraid that one day I will become imperfect and be tossed away because of it...

You: Vyn...

Vyn's eyes turn red as he grabs your hand and places it on his chest where his heart is.

You can feel his warmth and heartbeat.

You are now... inside the net with him.

He continues to look into your eyes. A ripple of emotion rises behind his shining golden eyes...

Vyn: This fear that I have carried with me since birth... is my greatest secret...

Vyn: It is also the reason why I have been afraid to open this folder.

Vyn: Although my family member's situation differed from Marni's, seeing the Duchess of Bavaria this time...

Vyn: Especially after what she said... I am still feeling... slightly... "afraid"?

Vyn: What if what she said came true one day? What if one day the same thing that happened to those people happened to me?

You: Vyn...

You can't help but move even closer to Vyn, hoping to provide him with the support that he needs.

Vyn: You know, I once thought that I would have to hold on to this "secret" until the day I die.

Vyn: But you have shattered my principles and made me open up to you about everything...

Vyn: It is the same as you walking into my life, breaking my belief that I would never be able to fall in love with anyone.

Vyn: Now that you have heard my story... does it disappoint you?

Vyn: Everything about me may seem to be perfect on the outside, but underneath it, lie the same things as everyone else. There is fear... worry... and even weakness...

Vyn: I might not be... the Vyn that you thought I was.

Vyn's tone is soft and weak, like a baby that was just born.

He has exposed his deepest and most vulnerable secret to you and allowed you to do with it as you wish.

At this very moment, you finally understand something.

You toss the folder in Vyn's hand to the side and hug him with all your strength.

You press your face against his chest and listen to the sound of his heartbeat.

You: Thank you, Vyn.

Vyn: ...

You: Thank you for being willing to tell me about your true fears.

You: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to know you better and to love you even more.

You: If you're wondering if I'm disappointed... Well, the answer is definitely no.

You take Vyn's hand and interlace your fingers with his.

You: There are some things that I will be willing to repeat time and time again, no matter how many times I have to say them.

You: No matter how you are or what you become, you will always be the same Vyn in my heart...

You: As long as I have you by my side, I'll be living the complete and happy life that I have been chasing after.

You: Promise me that we'll always love each other and stay by each other's side.

You gently tilt your head up, letting Vyn see his own reflection in your eyes and hear the sincerity in your voice.

Finally, the life behind those dazzling golden eyes returns.

He gently swings your hand and smiles.

Vyn: Okay, I promise.

The white curtains pick up the breeze entering the room through the window, imitating the sound of butterfly wings in the wind as it flutters in the air.

Your lover holds your hand and gently kisses your pinky finger.

Vyn: I have come to realize that... I can no longer live without you.

You: Well, of course! I'm your girlfriend, after all.

Vyn: Yes. I am also becoming more eager to find out about what awaits us in the future...

You: We will... definitely get even closer and sweeter!

Vyn laughs with satisfaction after hearing your response.

You look to the side at the folder that was tossed away...

Vyn follows your eyes and stares at the folder as well.

The two of you look at one another and remain silent for a few seconds. Vyn then reaches out to pick up the folder.

Vyn: The test is complete, after all. I should still take a look at the results.

You: Vyn... you...

Vyn: No need to worry. With you here... I am not as afraid anymore.

Vyn picks up your hand gently, signaling for you to open the brown paper folder with him.

You: See? Vyn, I told you. There's nothing to worry about.

You point toward the definitive test summary on the piece of paper and look at Vyn with excitement on your face.

However, you discover that he paid no attention to the numbers on the results. Instead, his gentle eyes are fixated on you.

Vyn: Okay.

Vyn caresses the strands of hair on your shoulder and wraps his arms around you again.

Vyn: Can you guess... what I am thinking about right now?

You: I... You're thinking about...

There is a certain seductive quality in Vyn's voice, making your heart race.

He presses his face closer to yours. Your cheeks tingle as his silvery hair gently brushes by.

Vyn: I am thinking about... how I should "repay" you.

You: ...

The sunlight gently shines upon the world as warmth and moisture mingle in the air. The flowers in the garden have blossomed...

And what comes... is a warm, soft, and lingering...
