Vyn "Cool Summer"/Rewards

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< Vyn "Cool Summer"
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Story 1

Scene 1: Hotel Lobby

You: It finally stopped raining!

As you look at the clear sky, you can feel your mood brighten as the days of heavy rain finally stops.

You: (It's been raining for so many days. It finally stopped!)

You: (I can finally leave this small town and go sightseeing with Dr. Richter!)

However, you can see helplessness in Vyn's expression after he talks with the hotel manager.

Vyn: (Name), the hotel manager just told me that the road leaving town has been flooded.

You: !?

You: Is it because of the rain...?

Vyn nods.

Vyn: Even if the rain stops, we will need to wait till the water recedes to be able to pass.

Vyn: Meaning, we may need to stay here for a couple more days.

Vyn: Sorry... I did not think that we would be stuck here because of the rain.

You: ...

You: (Sigh... My vacation...)

Originally, you had other vacation plans, but you accepted a last-minute invite from Vyn. And here you are now.

This trip all started with a phone call.


Vyn: You are taking your annual leave? Have you thought of where to go for your vacation?

You: Not yet. l've been looking at travel guides recently too.

Vyn: If you have not confirmed a destination, would you like to come with me?

You: Eh? You're going on vacation as well?

Vyn: l have a patient that is recovering at a town in the neighboring province. l have to pay him a return visit for a psychological follow-up.

Vyn: I had vacation plans to go to nearby tourist attractions after the return visit.

You: I see!

You: If it's not too much trouble, then it'd be great if we can go together!

Vyn: I will look at the routes and we can drive there.

With that, you and Vyn decide to go on vacation together. Vyn books the hotel in advance.

At the start of your holiday, he drives you to this small town in the neighboring province.

Scene 2: Outside the Resort Hotel

You: I thought it would take at least a day to reach here by car. The country roads here aren't hard to navigate.

Vyn: There were partial development plans to convert the old town to a tourist attraction, hence the resort hotel.

Vyn: Not many tourists came, so they stopped development. It is good because its natural ecology remains protected.

You: Is the patient receiving treatment here?

Vyn: Yes. We will rest for the night, and I will see him tomorrow. You can explore the old town first.

You: No worries. I can come with you! I've been wanting to learn about psychological follow-ups!

You: Ah... but will it interfere with your work?

Vyn: No. Return visits are not complicated. It is just a simple evaluation of the patient's current psychological condition.

Vyn: Besides, to my understanding, he is quite eager to see young people visit him.

You: Huh?

You and Vyn rest at the hotel for the night. The next day, Vyn brings you along for the return visit.

Scene 3: Old House

???: Professor Richter, long time no see.

Vyn: Hello, Professor Xumen.

You: (Huh...? Dr. Richter called him a professor just now, didn't he?)

You: (Could this old man be...)

Vyn: (Name), this is Professor Xumen. He used to be a biology professor at Stellis University.

You: Hello, Professor Xumen! So you were a professor from Stellis University...

Professor Xumen: Hello. Haha, are you surprised that a college professor would require psychiatric care?

You: Ah, not at all! I graduated from Stellis University. So, I'm surprised to find a professor from my alma mater here.

Professor Xumen: Haha, so that's why. The two of you are welcome here. Please, have a seat.

Professor Xumen invites the two of you to sit down. While he makes tea, Vyn begins talking with him.

It is very different from how you imagined therapy would be. It was as if they were old friends catching up with each other.

You: (So this is a return visit... It is much more relaxed than I thought.)

You sit quietly to the side, listening to them talk.

You learn that Professor Xumen started suffering from mental illness soon after the loss of his beloved son.

Under Vyn's treatment, he gradually recovered from the pain and was able to return to a normal life.

He was a professor at Stellis University for a year. Three months ago, he retired to his hometown for treatment.

You: (Professor Xumen brought up his son alone... and ended up outliving his son. I can't imagine the grief he must be feeling...)

You: (Good thing Dr. Richter is here. It is important that a psychiatrist helps their patient return to normalcy.)

You: (It looks like their conversation is going smoothly, which probably means that Professor Xumen is doing well.)

You and Vyn spend about half a day at Professor Xumen's house before Vyn concludes the visit.

The professor seems to enjoy your company. He suggests for the two of you to spend more time in town.

Vyn: Thank you for your hospitality. However, we have other vacation plans, so we might not be able to stay here for long.

Professor Xumen: I see. Well, good luck in your travels. You're welcome to visit anytime.

Vyn: Yes. I will come visit you again.

As they are talking, you spot something in his backyard while looking through a glass window.

You: Is that...?

Vyn: Time to go.

Vyn quickly moves in front of you and blocks your view. As you look up, Vyn's eyes are hinting for you to leave with him.

You: Okay.

You and Vyn bid farewell to Professor Xumen before leaving his home.

Scene 4: Road Around Town

On the way back to the hotel, you ask Vyn about what you saw in the backyard.

You: Did you notice the bicycle in his backyard too?

A dusty bicycle sits in Professor Xumen's backyard. It is out of place for a yard that tidy.

Vyn: Yes. That is no ordinary bicycle.

Story 2

Scene 1: Road Around Town

Vyn: The bicycle you saw is no ordinary bicycle.

You: Huh? But I didn't notice anything special about that bicycle.

You: I thought Professor Xumen would be using that bicycle because he lives quite far from the city.

You: But, that bicycle is too dirty, which means that it hasn't been used in a long time.

You: Putting it in a backyard that tidy makes it way too eye-catching...

Your voice trails off, but Vyn still doesn't respond.

You look up at him only to find that he looks more serious than before.

Thinking back, you suddenly come to a realization.

You: Does it belong to... his son...?

Vyn nods.

Vyn: When Professor Xumen moved here for his retirement, that large bicycle was the only thing he brought here.

Vyn: That bicycle is a relic of his son, as well as his son's gift to him.

You: Gift...?

Vyn: Yes. Professor Xumen does not know how to drive, so he would always ride bicycles when he was younger.

Vyn: His son bought him a new bicycle since he was about to retire. Then, his son promised to go biking together after his business trip.

Vyn: Unfortunately, during that business trip, his car was caught in a landslide while on the mountains...

You: Oh no...

That promise turned into an everlasting regret.

No wonder Professor Xumen kept the bicycle. He might still be waiting for his son to return...

Vyn: I know that it is of importance to him, but it is also his biggest emotional knot.

Vyn: So, I suggested that he could keep the bicycle with him, but to not give it too much attention and care.

You: Maybe... it's a way of keeping his son's memory alive, but that can't be healthy...

Vyn: Good thing Professor Xumen was very cooperative with the treatment. He gradually recovered from the tragedy.

Vyn: It is just a shame about that bicycle. No one ever really took proper care of it.

No wonder the bicycle collected so much dust...

You: Yes. It can't be helped with matters like these.

You: It's also great that Professor Xumen is able to keep it with him.

After making sure that Vyn was done with work, the two of you walk back and discuss the next part of your trip.

Although Professor Xumen suggested for the two of you stay longer, your final destination lies elsewhere.

You and Vyn have done your homework before coming. The surrounding tourist attractions include a volcano, hot springs, and a geopark.

It's rare that you get to travel so far. You want to see things that you can't normally see in Stellis City.

However, things don't work out as planned. When you return to the hotel that night...

You: Whoa...! Why is it thundering outside? And it sounds like a rainstorm!

For the next three days, all you hear are the thunder and lightning. You and Vyn were stuck here.

Today, the rain finally stops. However...

Scene 2: Hotel Lobby

Vyn: Even if the rain stops, we need to wait till the water recedes to be able to pass.

Vyn: Meaning, we might have to stay here for a couple more days.

Vyn: Sorry... I did not think we would be stuck here because of the rain.

Vyn tells you that leaving the small town would not be possible for the time being. Vyn apologizes profusely.

You: (Sigh... This means that we can only leave when the road is dry, but we might already have to go back by the time that happens.)

You: (No. I can't be so pessimistic. It will affect Dr. Richter's mood if I do!)

Vyn: Sorry. I will check the weather in advance next time. That way...

You: Ah...! Why are you apologizing? This isn't your fault.

You: I didn't check the weather either. I'll make sure to check it as well the next time we travel!

You: Besides, didn't Professor Xumen mention that there are also tourist attractions here? We can check those out first ...

Just as you're about to say something, the TV in the hotel lobby broadcasts tourism information.

Host: "The 'Dragon King Rain', an event that only occurs once every five years, refills the water in our channels."

Host: ""The village elders say that the extraordinary sight, 'Yin and Yang Spring', will also appear during this time."

Host: ""Who knows where this year's hot spring and cold spring will appear..."

When the news broadcast is over, the TV resumes its coverage of the flooded roads outside of town.

You: (Yin and Yang Spring...? What's that?)

You: (The news said that it only occurs once every five years. Should we go take a Iook...?)

Vyn: Want to go?

Vyn's voice comes from beside. You raise your head, only to meet his gentle gaze.

Vyn: Since we are going to be staying here for a couple more days, want to go take a look?

You: Yes!

To learn more about the "Yin and Yang Spring." You and Vyn decide to pay Professor Xumen another visit.

Scene 3: Road Around Town

Heading down the village road, you and Vyn can see the distant fields of farmland outside of town.

You thought that the farmlands would be affected by the rain. However, there's no flooding here and the villagers are hard at work.

You: This area doesn't seem affected by the rainstorm.

Vyn: This town is located on a plateau surrounded by volcanoes. That is why this place does not get flooded.

Vyn: The abundant amount of rainwater nourishes the soil and dissipates quickly. It is advantageous for cultivating crops.

You: I see...

Vyn: However, the excess water flows towards lower elevation areas, which happens to be where the road...

You: So, the geography is to blame for the flooded roads.

You and Vyn smile wryly at each other.

You: Oh well. No use in thinking about it. Let's go ask Professor Xumen about the "Yin and Yang Spring."

You: It's worth the trip if we can witness something that only happens once every five years.

Vyn: Yes.

You and Vyn arrive at Professor Xumen's home and knock on the door, but there's no reply.

He's probably not home. You and Vyn discuss coming back later to find him.

However, just as you're about to leave, you turn around to find...

Professor Xumen: Professor Richter, are you two looking for me?

You: Oh...! Professor Xumen, you...!

You are taken back at the sight of him dressed as a villager, holding farm tools.

You slowly turn to look at Vyn, who seems just as surprised as you are.

Vyn: Professor Xumen... Were you working in the fields just now?

Professor Xumen: Yes. After retiring, a fellow villager saw that I had nothing to do all day and gave me some farmland to manage.

Professor Xumen: The rain softened the dirt, so I took the opportunity to prepare for my summer harvest.

Vyn: So, you just finished?

Professor Xumen: Oh, no. I was just going home to grab a few more baskets to harvest my crops.

Professor Xumen: Hm? But I recall that you were both leaving town, weren't you...?

Vyn: Yes. But, the roads leading out of town have been flooded, so we will be staying for a couple more days.

Professor Xumen: What a shame it had to happen on your vacation, but this town has its own tourist attractions.

Professor Xumen: By the way, if you two don't have anywhere else to be, then how about giving me a hand?

You: ... You mean... helping you out in the fields?

Professor Xumen: Yes. Professor Richter has never done this kind of work before, right? You even brought a lady out with you. Want to give it a try?

Vyn: ...!

Story 3

Scene 1: Road Around Town

Professor Xumen: Professor Richter, help me with this one!

Vyn: ... Okay.

Vyn receives a basket full of crops from Professor Xumen, then hands it to you.

Just as you're about to receive the basket...

Professor Xumen: Professor Richter, there's one more!

Vyn: ... Ah! Okay...

You: Give it to me!

Vyn: You will get your clothes dirty.

You: It's okay, I'll be fine. You, on the other hand...

You look at the muddy basket in his hands, then look at him.

lnsisting that you shall not go into the fields, Vyn frantically tries to help Professor Xumen alone.

His white shirt is stained with soil. There is mud stuck to his hand and legs.

There's no sign of any mud on you because all you're doing is receiving the basket from them on the road.

You: (It's my first time seeing him like this...)

No matter how many times you see him, it is not every day that you see Vyn working in the fields with his cuffs and pant legs rolled up...

Professor Xumen: Professor Richter, are you already tired? Do you need a break?

Vyn: No. This does not tire me.

Vyn says that, but you think that he is having a rough time having to do unfamiliar things in this environment.

Vyn: (Name), can you take this basket for me?

You: ... Ah! Sorry, I'll take it from you!

Realizing that you've been staring at him, you reach out your hands out awkwardly to receive the basket.

In just half a day, there are already baskets of crops next to you.

You: (I'm really happy harvesting all these crops!)

You: (But, it's all thanks to his hard work... He's probably never done this kind of work before...)

Vyn: Professor Xumen, it is hard for you to bend down, right? Leave that to me.

Professor Xumen: Heh, okay. Thank you.

Perhaps it is because his entire body is already in a mess, but Vyn finally gives in and devotes himself fully to the field.

Looks like keeping his clothes clean is a lost cause today ...

You: (No. You can't laugh! There's a first time for everything. He's adapting well.)

You: (Dr. Richter is sacrificing his image for manual labor. I should be learning from him!)

Moments later.

Professor Xumen: Sorry, Professor Richter. I put you on the spot for asking you for help so suddenly.

Professor Xumen goes over to Vyn as he fills the basket.

Vyn: No. I am very willing to try things I have never done before.

Professor Xumen: But, I don't think it's good to be all muddy in front of a lady.

Vyn: ...

Professor Xumen: But, you can trust me. That lady won't care about these things.

Professor Xumen: Hehe... young lady, want to come see the crops?

Vyn: ...!

You: Yeah? Do you need my help? Can I come down?

Vyn: Professor Xumen, I'll handle it...

Professor Xumen: Professor Richter, I know why you two have come to see me today.

Professor Xumen: You've helped me a lot with my mental illness. How about I return the favor?

Vyn: ...

You: Professor Xumen, Dr. Richter, I'm coming down...

Professor Xumen: Haha, okay! Take it slow.

Hearing Professor Xumen's call, you pick up the hem of your skirt and head down the road.

You: Here I come!

Entering the fields, the joy of harvesting is more enjoyable than waiting on the road.

Vyn looks at a loss as you walk over to them.

Vyn: Careful with your dress.

You: Don't worry. I'll have to change when I get back anyways.

You: Wow... What is that field of golden flowers? They're beautiful!

Vyn and Professor Xumen look in the direction of where you're pointing.

In the far distance, a plot full of golden flowers waves back and forth in the wind.

Vyn: Those are canola flowers.

Not expecting Vyn to be the one answering you, you look up at him in surprise.

Vyn: This latitude allows canola and wheat to be harvested in the summer. Canolas bloom during this time.

You: Canolas? So this is when they bloom...

Vyn: Yes. There are many rural tourist attractions that use canola flower fields as their main attraction.

Vyn: Not only can you harvest these types of crops in this season, but it is also important to sow them quickly while summer lasts.

Vyn: Remember the people we saw out in the fields?

You: Yeah! Some people were planting instead of harvesting.

Vyn: Plants planted in the summer will be available for harvest in the autumn.

Vyn: It is crucial to understand the planting cycle. There is not a moment to lose.

You: Wow...

You stare at Vyn in awe.

Perhaps because you looked too shocked, for that also surprises Vyn and Professor Xumen.

You: S-Sorry... I grew up in the city, so I don't know much about these...

Professor Xumen: Hahaha I see. Were there farms where Professor Richter lived?

Vyn shakes his head.

Vyn: There were not many farms near where I lived. However, there were many gardens.

You: (I used to think this was beneath him, but he even has knowledge about farming! Amazing!)

You: (Is it because he likes gardening that he has an interest in plants and how they're planted?)

Professor Xumen: Hahaha. Professor Richter, it seems like the lady adores your erudition.

You: ... Huh?

Hearing Professor Xumen's words, you realize that you've been staring at Vyn for far too long again.

Flustered, you advert your gaze and look elsewhere. Vyn does the same and adjusts his glasses.

Vyn: I try to learn as much as I can about plants.

You: Oh... OH.

You: ... Huh?

Seeing a smattering of another color on his face in your peripheral vision, you turn to look back at him.

There is a muddy print under his glasses.

You: (Ah! He didn't notice that his hands were muddy when he adjusted his glasses! He got it on his face now!)

You pause for a moment before you take out the tissues from your bag.

You: Ah... Don't move.

Faced with his surprised eyes, you reach your hand out towards his face.

Vyn: ...

Vyn's surprised golden eyes grow wide.

However, he makes no move to avoid you despite his shock.

You: Good thing I brought tissues. Hold on, I'll be done soon.

Vyn finally realizes that there's mud on his face.

Finding it hard to meet your gaze, Vyn looks away.

Professor Xumen: Haha... youth sure is the best.

Professor Xumen: I feel better spending time with youths. I already feel a few years younger just by looking at you two.

You: ...

Vyn: ...

You: Hmm? I can't wipe it off...

Vyn: Thanks, (Name). I will wash the rest off when we return.

You: Ah... So, you're going to tout the muddy print on your face until you get to wash it off?

Vyn: I do not mind if you do not mind.

You: ... Eh?

You: Yeah, I don't...

The atmosphere turns flirtatious with the following silence. You lower your head, not knowing where to look.

It is Professor Xumen's laughter that breaks this silence.

Professor Xumen: Okay, it'll be inappropriate for me to stay here if you two carry on.

You: !!

Professor Xumen: Heh... I know why you two came to see me today.

You: Eh? Professor Xumen, you know what we came here to ask you about...?

Professor Xumen: Yes. As thanks for helping me in the fields for so long, I will tell you about the "Yin and Yang Spring."

Professor Xumen: Didn't the two of you come to ask about the "Yin and Yang Spring?"

Story 4

Scene 1: Hotel Lobby

You: Dr. Richter...?

You come down to the hotel lobby at 10PM. Besides the employees, there is no one else here.

You: Where did he go? I can't find him anywhere after dinner...

After you and Vyn helped Professor Xumen with his crops in the afternoon, the both of you returned to the hotel to wash up.

Vyn said he was going out after dinner. He didn't reply to any of the messages you sent.

You: (No matter what he's doing, it's too late for him to still be out. I should go look for him.)

You: Hello, do you know if the man with me has returned yet?

Hotel Manager: He's not back yet, but I saw him head in that direction.

Hotel Manager: That guest is very handsome. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

You: Okay, thank you!

You head in the direction that the hotel manager said Vyn went.

You had a feeling that he would be sneaking out.

It was probably in the afternoon when Professor Xumen was explaining the "Yin and Yang Spring"...


Professor Xumen: Didn't the two of you come to ask about the "Yin and Yang Spring?"

Vyn: Yes. I heard that it is a tourist attraction that can only be seen after the "Dragon King Rain."

Professor Xumen: Well, speaking of that... I've tried many times, but I could never find it!

You: You couldn't find it? Why not?

Professor Xumen: Every five years, a rainstorm by the name of "Dragon King Rain" hits this town and lasts for days.

Professor Xumen: "Dragon Leaving the Sea" is what the village elders call the intervals between rainy seasons. Though, the real reason for it might be the rain and terrain.

Professor Xumen: "Dragon King Rain" fills the channels in the town with water to ensure that its irrigation water will not run dry.

You: Oh... No wonder it's been called the "Dragon King's Power."

Professor Xumen: Yes. The excess water in the town will form two springs.

Professor Xumen: Due to the influence of the surrounding volcanoes, one will be hot and the other will be cold.

You: Is that why it's called the "Yin and Yang Spring"?

Professor Xumen: Not only that. Think about it. If you put the two springs and two rivers together, what does it form?

You: Form...?

Although you hear Professor Xumen's description, you have no concept of it in your mind. You can only look to Vyn for help.

Vyn smiles, drawing an image on your hand.

You: A circle with a bending line through it and two opposite dots...

You: Oh! The Yin and Yang fish in the Taichi diagram!

Professor Xumen: Correct! That's how it is and all, but the location of the two springs are completely random.

Professor Xumen: The village elders say that if you find both springs in a day, the "Dragon King" will solve your biggest problem.

You: Our biggest problem now is that all the roads out of town have been flooded...

You: If we find the springs, I'll ask the "Dragon King" to take his powers back and clear the roads. I want to go to tourist attractions!

Professor Xumen: Hahaha, our town isn't small. It would be a miraculous feat if you found even one of the springs.

Professor Xumen: Other tourist attractions will be there all year round. This special event only occurs once every five years.

Professor Xumen: If you stay a few days, you'll be able to see the "Dragon King Offering Event." It's very interesting.

You: Yea...

Vyn: ...


Scene 2: Road Around Town

Following the hotel manager's instructions, you arrive at the road that goes around the town.

Cicadas sing in the summer night. You look up to see a night sky full of stars, something that you can't see in the city.

Summer evenings like this should be spent leisurely and comfortably, but...

You: Dr. Richter... Where are you...

You walk along the road under the light of the street lamps.

After walking for about a hundred meters, a strange sound comes from the distance. It sounds like the clanking of metals.

You: What is that...?

After walking a few more steps, you finally see the figure of the person you've been searching for.

He pedals with difficulty under the night sky. After a short distance, he stops and stabilizes the bicycle by standing up.

You: (Ah! He's...!)

He came out here to avoid you, so that you wouldn't see him like this. You immediately duck and hide somewhere away from the light.

Vyn: ...

You: (That's the bicycle from Professor Xumen's house! Professor Xumen actually lent it to him...)

You: (Looking at Dr. Richter, it seems like he's learning how to ride the bicycle?)

Vyn rides further on the bicycle before stopping again. He manages to get a little further than before.

Just as you were quietly cheering for him, his bicycle tilts fiercely in one direction.

Vyn: !!

You: (Ah...!)

You almost cry out.

Fortunately, Vyn extends his legs in time to stop the bicycle from tipping over sideways.

You: (Whew... that scared me. Good thing he didn't fall over.)

You: (He probably doesn't want to be seen learning how to ride a bicycle...)

You: (Maybe I should wait for him back at the hotel...?)

Worried that Vyn might get hurt during practice, you keep yourself hidden, not moving a single muscle.

However, your fears don't come true. Vyn learns how to ride the bicycle much faster than you expected.

After about half an hour, he is able to steer the bicycle smoothly without falling over.

You decide to return to the hotel when he finally gets the hang of making turns on the bicycle.

You: (Okay! It's going smoothly. Dr. Richter's a realy fast learner!)

You: (But, why does he suddenly want to learn how to ride a bicycle out of nowhere?)

You head back to the hotel quietly. You leave a message for Vyn, telling him to sleep early, before laying on the bed and closing your eyes.

Morning. The next day.

Scene 3: Outside the Resort Hotel

You: (Dr. Richter is gone again?)

When you wake up the next morning, you see that Vyn has left you a message.

"Sorry for the late reply. I will be out this morning. Can you meet me at the entrance of the hotel after breakfast?"

You: (First, learning how to ride a bicycle. Now, you're nowhere to be found. What are you planning, Dr. Richter?)

As the thought settles, you see a familiar figure pushing a bicycle towards you in the distance.

You: Ah, over here!

Vyn stops in front of you with the bicycle.

Vyn: Sorry. I did not see your messages last night.

You: That's okay. Where did you go? And what are those things inside the basket...?

You point at the bicycle's basket.

There are many dewy fresh fruits and vegetables in the basket. Their bright colors makes them look appetizing!

You: They're pretty! And they look delicious! Where are they from?

Vyn: I went to Professor Xumen's this morning. He helped me pick these from his vegetable garden.

You: I see... but why did you specially go pick these?

Vyn: Let us say that these are snacks for our trip.

You: ... Huh?

You stare at Vyn in surprise with widened eyes.

Vyn: We have a big problem that requires solving, do we not?


Professor Xumen: The village elders say that if you find both springs in a day, the "Dragon King" will solve your biggest problem.

You: Our biggest problem now is that all the roads out of town have been flooded...

You: If we find the springs, I'll ask the "Dragon King" to take his powers back and clear the roads. I want to go to tourist attractions!

Professor Xumen: Hahaha, our town isn't small. It would be a miraculous feat if you found even one of the springs.


You: Oh. You mean the flooded roads?

You: I was only kidding!

It was just a random remark, but had taken it seriously.

Though you are embarrassed by your childish remark, his actions warm your heart.

Suddenly, Vyn leans down towards you.

Silvery white hair gently sweeps the hair from your forehead. His golden eyes radiate a warm light.

You: ...!

Vyn: You did say it after all. I do not plan on taking it as a mere joke.

He lowers his voice and says so in such a tender manner, as if trying to seduce you.

Vyn: So, let us make it our travel plan...

Vyn: And go look for it together.

Story 5

Scene 1: Road Around Town

Vyn: (Name), are you ready?

You: Yeah! Ride slow.

Vyn: Alright. Off we go.

You sit on the back of the bicycle. One hand is holding the basket while the other hand is holding onto him.

The scenery on both sides begin to fade away. The breeze lifts your hair as you hold onto your straw hat to keep it on your head.

You: Whoa...!

Vyn: What is it? Am I riding too fast?

You: Not at all. It's just been a while since I sat on the back of a bicycle. It takes some getting used to.

As you hear his gentle laughter, your mood brightens.

As you gaze at his back, the scenes from last night flashes before your eyes.

You: (He only learned how to ride a bicycle last night, but it's a really stable ride.)

Although Vyn is very gentle for the most part, you know that he's anxious to outdo others.

Even if it's something he's not good at, he won't easily concede.

It's as if there's no such thing as "losing" in his dictionary.

You: (In fact, "talent" is a myth. People just don't see the hard work others put in.)

You: (Dr. Richter, I saw it this time.)

Vyn: (Name), did you say something?

You: Ah! N-Nothing...!

You accidentally spoke what was on your mind...

You: l was humming. You misheard... Ah!

Then, the bicycle goes over a pebble on the road, causing the bicycle to shake a bit.

You subconsciously tighten your grip on his shirt and lean into his back.

The warmth of his skin permeates through his shirt, giving you a sense of security.

Vyn: ...Sorry. I did not watch the road carefully enough.

You: Ah, sorry! I must have distracted you with my chattering.

You: I'll stop talking. So you can focus on the road.

Vyn: That is okay. I wish for you to talk to me.

Vyn: I feel that I would ride better if I hear your voice.

You: Eh...?

When your father first taught you how to ride a bicycle, you would ask him to stay with you for the safety his presence provided.

Perhaps it is encouraging for someone to accompany you when you're just a beginner.

You: Okay! The scenery is beautiful. I'll just talk to you about whatever comes to mind.

Vyn: Okay.

You hear the sound of the bicycle bell as you gaze at the farmlands stretching across the horizon.

The cool breeze brushes against his silver hair, bringing a refreshing smell mixed with the fragrance of grass along with it.

You: (This is how you should spend your summers!)

You and Vyn continue to ride along the town road.

You reach out with your hand to grab the wind, as if trying to capture this moment.

Eventually, the passing scenery before your eyes gradually fades...

In this town, isolated from the world, his warm back is the only real and tangible thing to you...

Let the road be a little longer...

With you on the back, Vyn rides along the road around the town.

He occasionally stops to look at the streams, making notes of their direction on his phone.

Vyn: This small stream branches out somewhere from the town. It redirects the overflowing water after the rain into the main channel.

You: There were several streams we saw earlier that were the same.

Vyn: Yes. If we can follow it upstream and find where they converge, then we will be able to find one of the springs.

You: The locations of these streams are hard enough to remember. Tracing the back flow will be much more difficult...

Frustrated, you look up at Vyn. To your surprise, he smiles at you.

Vyn: Trust me, okay?

Vyn: I will definitely fulfill what I promised.

The two of you spent the better part of the day riding in circles around town.

On his phone, Vyn has drawn a complicated river chart. In short, it is something that you can never attempt to understand...

You: You really are amazing...

You: If I am ever stranded on a deserted island with you, I wouldn't have to worry about getting lost.

Having heard what you said, Vyn smiles and adjusts his glasses.

Vyn: Of course. With me by your side, there is no way I will ever allow you to be in such a dangerous situation.

Vyn: l have a rough location of where one of the springs is located. It is probably right here.

Vyn points at one of the converging points of the streams.

Vyn: Let us check out it out. If it right, then we should be able to find the location of the other spring quickly enough.

You: Okay!

The location Vyn marked was in the middle of town. The two of you get down from the bicycle and head over on foot.

About ten minutes later, you and Vyn are able to find the steaming spring in a small forest.

Scene 1: Hot Spring

The temperature in here is slightly higher than outside.

Yes. This should be the hot spring that represents "Yang" in the "Yin and Yang Spring."

You: I can't believe we found it! It's really impossible to find unless you know where to look.

You: No wonder Professor Xumen said that we'd be lucky to find it in a day. I knew that you'll be able to find it!

Hearing your words, Vyn smiles from ear to ear.

Vyn: It looks we have taken a huge step towards solving our problem.

You: Solving our problem...?

You: Ahh, I was only kidding! You don't have to take it seriously...

Vyn: Actively wanting to solve problems proves that you have expectations for the future.

Vyn: Regardless of the credibility of the legend, a good expectation deserves a proactive response.

Vyn: So, I am just trying to respond to those wonderful expectations of yours.

You: Dr. Richter...

Perhaps it's the steam from the hot spring, but your cheeks and ears start burning.

You: L-Let's go find the next spring...!

You: We still have to find the location of the cold spring. The sun is setting soon, so we should hurry and be on our way.

Vyn: Alright.

After leaving the hot spring, Vyn confirms a few points. Then, he begins searching for the cold spring.

However, Vyn makes an error in determining its location. The sun sets, but the both of you have yet to find it.


Scene 2: Woods

You and Vyn are in one of the mountain forests on a part of terrain that looks like a cluster of hills.

You: Um... I think...

Walking next to Vyn, you turn on your phone to look at the time as you speak. It's already 9PM.

You: Why don't we go back the way we came from...

Vyn: ...

After investigating for the whole afternoon, Vyn is very certain that the cold spring is somewhere in these woods.

But, these woods are much larger than the ones before. And with no obvious markers...

Vyn: Sorry... I promised that we would not get lost...

You: It's not your fault. Who knew that there were this many streams in the forest? It's easy to get lost.

We planned on following the stream upstream to find its source, but it branched off too many times.

After walking around in circles a few times, even Vyn is unsure which way the rivers are flowing.

You: Don't worry. I'm happy that we were able to find at least one spring today.

You: It's late now. We can come back for the other spring tomorrow.

Vyn: But, the professor said that we had to find both springs in one day.

You: That's just the legend. We're here to have fun, not rely on some legend to solve our problem.

You: I was really kidding. I'm happy that you were willing to look for it with me.

Vyn: ...

Vyn: Thank you.

You: ... Huh?

Story 6

Scene 1: Woods

Vyn: Thank you.

You: ... Huh?

Unsure of why Vyn is suddenly thanking you, you look at him in confusion.

Vyn: You accepted my invitation to come to this town, and we ended up trapped here by the rainstorms.

Vyn: I thought that we could at least have fun here if we could not leave the town...

You: It's not like we have to find both springs to have fun. The journey is more important than the destination!

You: Besides, I just wanted to spend some time with you. It doesn't really matter where we go...

You suddenly realize the hidden meaning behind your words. Surprised, you cover your mouth with your hands.

You make contact with Vyn's deep golden eyes and your cheeks grow warmer.

You begin to stutter and stumble over every word you say.

You: Ah... That... I mean...

Vyn: Shh...

Vyn suddenly crouches down, placing his warm finger to your lips. You hold your breath.

Vyn: Listen.

You freeze at his words, frantically turning away from his golden eyes to survey your surroundings.

In your hurry to find the destination, both of you had neglected the sound hidden underneath the cries of the cicadas in the summer night.

Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the sound of flowing water.

Different from that of a stream, this one sounds like a small waterfall.

You: Ah...! Could that be...

Vyn: Let us go take a look.

Vyn naturally takes your hand in his and begins heading in the direction of the sound.

As he holds tightly onto your hand, you feel your cheeks getting warmer, but you let him lead you.

After walking past a few large trees, the two of you finally see the spring hidden deep in the forest.

Scene 2: Cold Spring

In the quiet summer night, the water flows quietly from the spring towards the streams to afar.

The clear spring water reflects the moon. You scoop up the spring water with your hands, letting it drip back down through your fingers.

You: This must be it. I can't believe we found it!

Vyn: It looks like we were making circles around this area, but never noticed the sound of running water coming from here.

You: I wonder if anybody was able to find both springs in the same day like us.

You: If the legend is true, then please hear my prayers and let us leave town tomorrow.

You: Though, that's probably impossible. The flooded roads won't dry out that quickly.

Vyn quietly gazes at the spring water. You can see the refracted light wavering in his bright eyes.

You: By the way, do you have any problems you want solved? How about I give you this opportunity?

Vyn hesitates for a moment before shaking his head.

Vyn: I am okay... It is late. We should head back.

You: Ah... Wait!

You reach out to stop Vyn. He turns around and looks at you in surprise.

You: It took us forever to find this cold spring. We should cherish this opportunity!

You've been riding the bicycle all day. Your feet must be tired, right?

Vyn: ...?

You: I want to do something before we go! Stay here with me for a while more!

You tell Vyn to sit by the spring. Taking off your shoes and socks, you put your feet in the spring.

You: When I get tired from walking on a vacation, I like to find a place with a cool spring and let my feet cool off.

You: It helps relieve fatigue. You should try it.

The cold water flows over your ankles, washing away the heat and fatigue. You stretch comfortably.

Vyn: It is not as warm at night, and the spring is cold... It would be bad if you caught a cold.

You: You won't. Just try it out and you'll see!

Vyn: Sure.

Vyn follows your example and puts his feet into the spring.

Well? I didn't lie to you, right?

Vyn: Yes. Both the temperature of the spring water and the water flow are good. It is suitable for resting and cooling off.

You: Hehe... I know a way to cool you off even faster!

Vyn: ... Hmm?

You: Take this!

You splash the cool spring water in Vyn's direction...


Vyn doesn't respond for a long time. You look at him in slight confusion.

You: What's wrong...?

Vyn: (Name), do you regret not being able to go to the tourist attractions as planned?

You: Regret...?

You think for a moment, then shake your head.

You: I did think about this when you were away returning the bicycle.

You: Do I regret not being able to reach our destination for this trip?

You: I don't think so. Rather, I think that I probably wouldn't have had so much fun if none of this had happened.

Vyn's eyes widen, slightly taken aback by your response.

You: If it wasn't for the rainstorm, we wouldn't have witnessed this event that only occurs once every five years.

You: And I wouldn't have been able to ride on the back of the bicycle...or gone with you to the farm.

You: The tourist attractions will always be there. But these experiences cannot be replicated...

You: So, I don't feel regretful about it. If possible, I hope we can go on vacations together again in the future!

After saying everything you wanted to say, you feel relaxed.

You finally understand that you felt a sense of regret not because you were sad that vacation was over...

But, because the time that you can spend with him in this town has come to an end.

You: The most important thing about travel is not the destination, but the journey and the people you meet along the way.

You: I believe I can create more memories like these if I'm together with you!

Vyn: Yes.

Vyn seems to feel relieved, smiling at you in contentment.

Vyn: It makes me happy that you think that way.

Vyn: I feel the same way as you. The value of this tripe lies not in the destination, but the journey.

Vyn: I wish that we could enjoy this vacation a while Ionger.

Vyn looks down and chuckles.

Vyn: It looks like Professor Xumen was right. The legend really is true.

You: ... Huh?

Vyn: I made everything out to be way too complicated than it really is from the start.

Vyn: I should not obsess over the results... but rather, enjoy the process.

You: Huh?

Vyn's deep voice, accompanied by his soft words, gently linger by your ear.

Vyn: I cannot control the results. However, I will not allow any regrets to be left behind in the process.

Vyn: This is... my answer.

Your heart pounds in your ear. You feel the temperature in your cheeks rising.

It is now that you realize, that even though you don't really know why, he is the reason why you're flustered...

Vyn: We should head back to the hotel. I will need your help packing later.

You: Oh... Oh, okay.

Both of you turn and walk towards Vyn's room.

Vyn: As we leave town, we will pass by the farmlands. Let us say goodbye to Professor Xumen one more time. And...

Smiling, the two of you look at each other. You instantly guess what he wants to say.

You: Tell him to make good use of that bicycle!

Vyn: Yes.

Text: Thrill of Travels

Vyn: You have talked about traveling quite a few times lately.

Vyn: Do you enjoy traveling?

Like to travel

You: Yea, I love to travel!

You: You get to experience a lot of interesting things when you travel.

Vyn: I understand how you feel.

Vyn: It is nice to go to different places and see different things.

It's a way to relax

You: Traveling is a really good way to relax.

Vyn: Yup, especially for someone who is stuck in a concrete Jungle...

Vyn: Traveling is a chance to get away from all the restrictions, and really let yourself free.

Vyn: Do you... always travel alone?


You: No, I get friends to come along!

You: It's more fun with people around.

Vyn: Seems like you find the companions to be more important than the trip itself.


You: I usually travel alone.

You: You can go anywhere you want and do anything you want!

Vyn: Looks like you really enjoy traveling.

Vyn: What kind of places would you go to?

Visit popular tourist spots

You: I like to go to popular tourist spots to take photos, then show it off in a post!

You: Haha, I know that it seems a little shallow...

Vyn: It does not.

Vyn: A tourist spot being popular only means that it is a place worth visiting.

Enjoy nature

You: I like to go into the mountains and the wilderness. And become one with nature.

Vyn: Yea, being surrounded by nature is a great way to relax yourself.

Vyn: I wonder if I... might have the opportunity to travel with you again.


You: Sure! I look forward to traveling with Dr. Richter very much!

Vyn: Really? I am very happy you think that way.

If the time allows...

You: Of course... if the time is appropriate...

You: It's just that we're both very busy with work... I'm afraid we won't have time...

Vyn: As long as we both want it, we can make it happen.

Vyn: If I... can be your companion in your travels...

Vyn: It will definitely be a precious memory I never forget.

Text: Cycling Invitation

You: Dr. Richter, is Stellis University hosting a cycling event?

Vyn: Yes. Many students from the institute will be participating over the weekend.

Let's join too

You: If you're free, let's go too!

You: I have no plans this weekend.

Vyn: I would never turn down an invitation from you.

Want to take a look

You: Dr. Richter, You don't have to work over the weekend, do you?

You: You want to go check it out?

Vyn: Hmm? Just to check it out?

Vyn: I can tell that you really want to participate in this event.

You got me

You: Ah... you noticed huh.

Vyn: When I was in college, this event always conflicted with my internships. I missed it four years in a row...

Vyn: I will be in your company this time. You will not miss it again.

You're exaggerating

You: Just... slightly... haha...

You: ...Looks like I really can't keep anything from you.

Vyn: You are very easy to read. You do not need to hide yourself in front of me.

Vyn: Is there anything interesting about this event?

There's a prize

You: Yeah! You get a prize just for participating!

You: If you're able to win a placement, the prizes are even better! Let's go, Dr. Richter!

Vyn: I probably should not respond this way, being the novice that I am.

Vyn: But for you, I am willing to try my best.

Makes you happy

You: It's nice to be able to ride with so many people!

Vyn: I see.

Vyn: Hearing that makes me want to experience it as well.

Vyn: I will come find you over the weekend, and we can ride over?

Ride shared bikes

You: Sure! We can ride the public bikes there.

You: Dr. Richter, You don't have a bike, do you?

Vyn: Actually... I do.

Ride your bike

You: Alright! We'll take my bike there, then borrow one from the school.

You: You get to ride in the back this time!

Vyn: Thanks... but no thanks…

Vyn: I have a bike. I bought it after our vacation last time.

Vyn: I cannot let something I have learned to I go to waste, right?

We can ride together in the future

You: That means we can go on a biking trip in the future!

You: It's good exercise, and it's good for the environment!

Vyn: Yes, and it is another reason to ask you out.

Vyn: Let us make this cycling event the beginning of our cycling dates.

Take me on more trips on your bike

You: Carrying someone on the bike is also a worthy skill to keep! So you'll have to carry me from now on!

You: Haha... I'm just kidding. I can't ask you to do that...

Vyn: Was it just a joke? I was actually looking forward to it.

Vyn: Looks like I need to work harder to make you feel safe in the backseat.

Vyn: I will see you over the weekend.

Vyn: I look forward to this voyage together.