Enduring Light: Tangled in the Web: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Stage |gameMode=Event |stageType=Story |name={{PAGENAME}} |previousStage=Enduring Light: Mysterious Room I |nextStage=Enduring Light: Secret Chat II |stageCost=None |firstClearReward=None |unlock= |guide= ===Script=== {{Script |scriptHeader=Li Hotel Lobby |characterLinks=You!Main Character,Luke!Luke Pearce,Artem!Artem Wing,Vyn!Vyn Richter,Marius!Marius von Hagen |script= {{Float|{{Background location|name=Li Hotel Lobby|location=Xuzhou Town|image=Bygone City - Venue Lo...")
mNo edit summary
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{{SL|Marius|Then they should be taken late at night, right? Who would take it during the day...? Unless...}}
{{SL|Marius|Then they should be taken late at night, right? Who would take it during the day...? Unless...}}
{{SL|You|Someone drugged Boss Qian's bowl of sweet lotus soup with sedatives to make him fall asleep.}}
{{SL|You|Someone drugged Boss Qian's bowl of sweet lotus soup with sedatives to make him fall asleep.}}
''[Obtain Intel: Boss Qian > Drugged]''
{{SL|Vyn|Yes. After Boss Qian fell asleep, it would give the murderer enough time to search his study for whatever was needed.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Yes. After Boss Qian fell asleep, it would give the murderer enough time to search his study for whatever was needed.}}
{{SL|Artem|But obviously, Boss Qian didn't fall asleep immediately, or he sensed something before he fell asleep...}}
{{SL|Artem|But obviously, Boss Qian didn't fall asleep immediately, or he sensed something before he fell asleep...}}

Latest revision as of 05:13, 20 January 2024


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


Li Hotel Lobby
Xuzhou Town
Li Hotel Lobby
Bygone City - Venue Lobby (Day).png

After resting for some time, an attendant suddenly comes to tell you that someone is waiting for you in the lobby.

You assume someone has found something new and wants to speak with you.

However, you arrive to find that, in addition to the familiar faces, there is also a man in civilian clothes with an air of authority.

???: Everyone, I'm Officer Zhong.

Officer Zhong: I was delayed by another matter, so I couldn't come here immediately. But rest assured, we are already looking into Boss Qian's death...

Marius: Oh? Officer Zhong, do you mind telling us the progress of your investigation?

Marius: Business at the Association has been held up for days because of Boss Qian! I need to get back to business!

Marius interrupts Officer Zhong's pleasantries with his remark.

Evidently, he had already adapted to his role as the Business Association president with an explosive personality. Perhaps a little too into the role.

Officer Zhong: All right, I'll summarize the important parts. According to the medical examiner, a major artery in Boss Qian's neck was cut, resulting in massive blood loss, which led to death.

Officer Zhong: The time of death is between 3:00 and 5:00 PM...

Officer Zhong: Boss Qian may have suffered a blow to the head prior to his death, so we think he might have had a confrontation with someone.

You: Can't you narrow down the window for the time of death?

Just as you say it, you suddenly realize that's out of character.

Perhaps in this era, there isn't advanced technology to accurately determine the victim's time of death.

Vyn: Take it slow, Little Boss. The medical examiner should still be running tests.

Artem: We have also investigated some of the clues mentioned by Officer Zhong. Do you have any other information?

Fortunately, Vyn steps in to say something on your behalf, and Artem also changed the topic.

Officer Zhong doesn't pry any further. He reaches into his pocket to dig out crumpled pieces of paper.

Officer Zhong: Yes... We found the room where Boss Qian was killed in disarray, and there were signs that the drawers had been ransacked.

Officer Zhong: Before coming, I heard Manager Duan say that you didn't touch anything when you entered the room to check the situation.

Officer Zhong: That means the murderer must have caused the mess in the room.

Officer Zhong: And... a colleague in the forensic department performed an analysis of the objects found in the room, and there were traces of sedatives in the sweet lotus soup.

Officer Zhong: Here are the lab results. See for yourself.

The hall is suddenly filled with a new murmur of discussion.

The whispers form an invisible wall, raising the oppressive atmosphere of the room a step higher.

Luke: Sedatives!? Aren't those normally used to alleviate insomnia?

Luke: I have colleagues who take sedatives because they can't sleep when working on a big story.

Marius: Then they should be taken late at night, right? Who would take it during the day...? Unless...

You: Someone drugged Boss Qian's bowl of sweet lotus soup with sedatives to make him fall asleep.

[Obtain Intel: Boss Qian > Drugged]

Vyn: Yes. After Boss Qian fell asleep, it would give the murderer enough time to search his study for whatever was needed.

Artem: But obviously, Boss Qian didn't fall asleep immediately, or he sensed something before he fell asleep...

You: Could it be that Boss Qian found the murderer hiding in his room, just as he was about to drink the bowl of sweet lotus soup?

You: So instead of taking the sedative and falling asleep, the murderer had a direct confrontation with him?

Luke: That makes sense! There was an impact injury on the back of Boss Qian's head. It's very likely the murderer only wanted to knock him out, so he could do what he wanted.

You: But... there's a problem... if the motive was to incapacitate Boss Qian, there was no need to kill him after knocking him out...

Manager Duan: Why not? How can a lunatic have a conscience? He must have been afraid of the consequences and wanted to tie up loose ends!

Manager Duan: Our poor Boss Qian, what a good man...

Listening to Manager Duan's woes, a strange feeling rises inexplicably in your heart.

You: (Our victim was drugged... and had his throat slit. Was it out of deep hatred?)

You: (No matter the grudge, the culprit's behavior was too deliberate, as if they were trying to cover something up...)

Before you can give it any more thought, the heated discussion of others sounds in your ear.

Vyn: Perhaps the murderer accidentally showed his face to Boss Qian and was afraid of being identified, so he murdered Boss Qian?

Luke: So the murderer was someone he knew?

Marius: Hmph, it seems the old man's hypocrisy has offended a lot of people.

Ignoring Marius' "superb acting," Officer Zhong keeps his focus on you.

Officer Zhong: You're the current owner of the Li Hotel, right? Who served Boss Qian the bowl of sweet lotus soup?

You: Hmm...

Before you can think of how to respond, Manager Duan, who is standing to the side, suddenly jumps up.

Manager Duan: I know who! Everyone, please hold on!

Manager Duan: I'm here! I'm here! I brought the person responsible!

A few minutes later, Manager Duan rushes back into the lobby, dragging a person behind him.

He brings the person over to Officer Zhong and points his finger square at the person.

Manager Duan: Officer Zhong, he's the chef who served Boss Qian the bowl of sweet lotus soup.

Chef: I'm just a chef. Why would I dare to add anything to a guest's meal?

Chef: Little Boss, please! You have to believe me—I'm innocent!

The chef crouches on the ground and cries loudly until the people outside the hotel could hear.

You: We're not accusing you of anything. We just want to learn more about the situation.

Chef: I'm just a chef! I didn't do anything! I only served the sweet lotus soup.

Chef: B-besides... the sweet lotus soup was in Boss Qian's room for so long. I wouldn't know if someone added something.

Luke: I just thought of something.

Luke: When I was shooting footage in the lobby, I saw this chef delivering something to Boss Qian's room on the second floor.

He raises his eyebrows, as if suddenly remembering something, then points the finger at Marius.

Luke: Shortly after... I saw President von Hagen enter the same room.

You: (...He went into Boss Qian's room!?)

Marius failed to mention that in your prior conversation.

If what "Journalist Pearce" said is true, Marius deliberately hid that fact from you.

However, if Luke has purposely thrown false clues around...

You: (Things are getting complicated.)

Marius: Hey... just because you're a journalist doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. You keep on slandering me, and I'll come down to your news agency to dismantle it personally!

Vyn: With a threat like that, President von Hagen, are you feeling guilty?

Marius: Guilty? Hmph, why don't you say anything about this small-time journalist being a rat?

Marius: Interpreter Richter, why does it feel like you're targeting me on purpose?

Artem: No, I believe Interpreter Richter brings up a reasonable suspicion on behalf of the Yingxing Trading Company.

Artem: However, President von Hagen... after what Journalist Pearce said, don't you think you should explain yourself?

Marius: What's there to explain? Walking into a room doesn't make you a murderer. It's all about the evidence. Isn't that right, Officer Zhong?

Officer Zhong: President von Hagen is correct. It's all about the evidence.

Officer Zhong: Given the complexity of the situation, I've decided to search the rooms of all the hotel guests to see if I can find anything.

Officer Zhong: I'm sure nobody has objections to that, right?

Vyn: Not at all.

Luke: I have no objections.

You: Yeah, the Li Hotel will offer its full cooperation.

Artem: Of course, we also want to uncover the truth of the matter.

Marius: Hmph, search all you want. I'm curious what you'll be able to find.

The rest of the guests who stayed in the hotel also agreed to cooperate with the investigation.

Officer Zhong looks around, satisfied with your cooperation.

Officer Zhong: Well then, the police will conduct our search as fast as possible. We ask for everyone's cooperation. Please stay in Xuzhou Town in the meantime.

Judging by what Officer Zhong said, as long as you stay in Xuzhou Town, your movements won't be restricted.

You: Officer Zhong, can I visit Boss Qian's room one more time?

You: I feel like I didn't look closely enough during the prior search, and I want to go back and see if I missed any details...

Officer Zhong: You can, but please be careful. Don't contaminate the evidence at the crime scene.

Artem: I'll go with you, Little Boss.

Luke: Me too! I haven't taken any forensic photos yet, so I want to take some more photos.

Vyn: I am happy to accompany you as well.

Marius: Hmph, I'm coming too, so I'm not in the dark if I get accused again.

Mysterious Room
Xuzhou Town
Mysterious Room
Bygone City - Mysterious Room.png

A crackle sounds as the familiar noise of static starts up again...

And along with it, comes a familiar voice.

Mysterious Person: Surprise! There's a special surprise for this phase as well!

Mysterious Person: The following questions may help you with your theories. Have a good look.
