Artem "Autumn Dreams"/Rewards: Difference between revisions

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Artem: You:

Text: Paper Crafts

Artem: At the library, I noticed that you only checked out physical books. Do you prefer paperbacks?

I'm used to physical books

You: Nothing escapes your eye! I do prefer physical books.

You: They may be a bit old-fashioned, but they feel more satisfying to read.

Artem: I also prefer reading physical books, since I take notes while reading.

I actually prefer e-books

You: Actually, I'm used to reading e-books. They're faster and more convenient.

You: But, real books have a better feel to them, which is why I buy them often.

Artem: True. That's what makes real books different from e-books.

Artem: Personally, I also enjoy the feel of paper in my hands.

Artem: Aside from books, paper can also be used for a multitude of crafts.

I know a little

You: Yeah, I know of some.

You: I've read craft books before. You can make a lot of things out of paper.

Artem: Correct. Paper crafts are highly detailed and possess a delicate beauty.

Artem: I originally didn't know any of this. My mentor taught me.

I don't know anything

You: Huh? You can use paper in crafts?

You: I had no idea...

Artem: Yes, the crafts you can make vary, depending on what kind of paper is used.

Artem: It's ok. I didn't know it either. My mentor taught it to me.

Artem: Thanks to that, I can make a few things now.

I never knew you had that skill

You: I didn't expect that you'd know about paper art. You're amazing!

Artem: Only a little.

Artem: ...But, I'm happy to have earned your praise.

Can you teach me?

You: So... Does this mean that you know how to make paper crafts? Can you teach me?

Artem: ...I only know a little.

Artem: I can teach you anytime if you want to learn.

Artem: It looks like you're quite interested in paper art.

Artem: The Culture Salon is currently hosting a paper art exhibition, and there are supposedly many famous works there. Do you want to go together this weekend?

Of course I'll go!

You: Paper art exhibition? I've heard about it. Sounds like lots of famous artists are going.

You: Of course I want to go!

Artem: Good. I'll wait for you downstairs this weekend.

Artem: It will definitely be a special experience with you there.

Artem: I'm looking forward to it.

I want to stay home and rest

You: Sorry, I'm a bit tired. I want to stay home and rest this weekend.

You: Would next week or another time work for you?

Artem: Of course. It's important that you rest well.

Artem: The exhibition will go on for a while. We can go another time.

Artem: Don't order takeout. I'll make your favorite dishes and bring them over the weekend. Wait for me at home.

Text: Sci-Fi Novels

Artem: You seemed to be interested in "Sky" back in the library earlier.

Artem: Are you a fan of Sci-Fi novels too?

I'm a Sci-Fi fan

You: Yes, I'm a big Sci-Fi fan!

You: I'm intrigued by how these novels all have a different interpretation of what the future may look like.

You: It feels as though you can imagine how the world might look like a few hundred years from now though [sic] these novels.

Artem: Yes. Things that we're unable to do today might become the norm in the next ten years.

I read all novels

You: Not really. I read all kinds of novels.

You: But, I do like Sci-Fi novels.

You: I often wonder if society will develop into how it is in the novels.

Artem: Maybe the people in the past thought the same way.

Artem: For example 6 telecom, holograph projections, intelligent VR, and much more.

Artem: The things that were imagined by the authors back then are all slowly becoming reality now.

Exploration of the unknown

You: The logical and scientific assumption of the unknown... Maybe that's what makes Sci-Fi novels so alluring.

Artem: Yes, it is always exciting to explore the unknown.

Innovative ideas

You: It's impressive how imaginative these Sci-Fi authors are.

Artem: Yes, an artificial world based on real science is always appealing.

Artem: You can also check out "Sea." It's another series by the same author.

Artem: It is more mainstream than "Sky," but it's still quite the read.

Artem: I think you would be interested.

I'll go buy it now!

You: I'll go get it right now!

Artem: No need. I have it here.

It must be a great book

You: It must be a great book to receive such high praise from you!

Artem: Yes, it's worth a read.

Artem: I'll bring the book for you next week.

Talk about the plot together

You: Can we talk about the plot after I finish reading?

Artem: Sure.

Artem: I mean... I'm looking forward to it.

Read it when there's time

You: Okay! I'll can read it during my lunch break!

Artem: I look forward to hearing your thoughts.