Luke "Summer Starlight"/Rewards: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 03:25, 22 May 2024


Finding StarlightThe starlight he seeks is right before his eyes.

Finding Starlight illustration.png

Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Lucky Star
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Luke: Calling [Player]. Calling [Player]. Are you awake? Please help!

Luke: Can you please wish me good luck?

Good luck

You: I don't know what you're doing, but... good luck!

Luke: Thanks for the support, Lucky Star. Now I feel a lot more reassured.

Luke: Hold on. The results are about to be revealed. I'll explain to you in detail later...

Luke: Woah! I did it!

What's up?

You: What are you up to? Why so secretive...?

Luke: This is the pivotal moment I've been working toward the entire morning. I'll be able to see the results soon.

Luke: Please pray for me through the screen! Let me check the results...

Luke: I knew it! Awesome!

You: Judging by your response, it went pretty well.

You: Is it about time for you to tell me what you're being so secretive about?

Luke: Well, I made a resin aquarium this morning, and I wanted to give it to you as a souvenir. But it was missing some decorations.

Luke: It just so happens that a Starlight Cafe employee picked up a pretty luminescent heart-shaped shell on his way to work.

Luke: So I made a "deal" with him — if I can help him get the top prize from a Seaside Supermarket scratch card, he'll give the shell to me.

Luke: But you know how my luck is... So that's why I'm asking for help from my lucky star.

Seems like you got the prize

You: I see! Then it seems like you got the top prize?

Luke: Yep! And I got the shell just now. Once you're here at the store, I should be able to embed the shell into the resin aquarium.

Luke: Thanks to my hard work, the aquarium's basic shape is somewhat ready. I just haven't put the protective acrylic panels on yet.

Luke: I can help you move it to the hotel once we're done with work today.

Luke: While we're still at the beach, I can always add more to it if we find any other decorations.

You: Then I definitely need to come over and have a look. Give me a few minutes. I'll be at the shop soon!

Am I that "powerful"!?

You: Judging from your behavior... Did you win the top prize? Am I that "powerful"!?

You: I suddenly feel like I should get a scratch card from the supermarket myself to test my luck.

Luke: Of course! Believe in your luck. You can believe in us too.

Luke: The tried and true method is for you to lend your good luck to me, and then I handle the practical execution.

Luke: If we work together, we're invincible when luck is involved, right?

You: Hahaha, I'm looking forward to it.

You: Okay, just give me a few minutes. I'll tidy up and come help in the shop as well!

Luke: Okay. I've already prepared breakfast for you. Hurry and come over.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Mysterious Delivery
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

You: Emergency announcement! A mysterious delivery is about to reach the firm! Detective Pearce, please keep an eye out for it!

Luke: Roger that! But I think there are three packages in front of my door... Watson, please let me know which one is your mysterious delivery.

Put on a pretense

You: Huh? Three? No way... But with your skills, you should be able to immediately tell which one I sent.

Luke: True. In that case, I'll conduct a thorough assessment.

Luke: "Peanut," "Luke," and "Detective Pearce" are written as the recipients. The package for Peanut is the biggest...

Luke: Given how much my Watson loves Peanut, the biggest package is probably from you, right?

Tell the truth

You: Hahaha, why can't one delivery be separated into three packages? They're all yours!

Luke: True. The recipients are written as "Peanut," "Luke," and "Detective Pearce." They're obviously all from you.

Luke: Hehe. Thanks! I'll open them soon.

Luke: Wait — I just realized something... why is the package for Peanut the biggest?

Luke: Aw, I'm hurt. I can't even compete with Peanut when it comes to getting gifts from you now.

I'm kidding

You: I'm kidding! Why are you getting jealous of Peanut?

You: I just bought some snacks for Peanut. The ones for Luke and Detective Pearce are the gifts I picked out with care.

Luke: True. The total number of my packages is more than Peanut's! Now I feel better.

Yours aren't small

You: No way! Your packages added together are way bigger than Peanut's!

You: Okay. Stop being jealous of a bird. Hurry up and see what I gave you!

Luke: Hahaha. It's your fault for always teasing me.

Luke: Then let me see what you got for "Luke" and "Detective Pearce"...

Luke: Huh? "Luke" got a travel memento book. As for "Detective Pearce"... Is that a new toolbox?

Luke: What made you want to do this?

Let me explain

You: It's obvious! I hope the toolbox can help the Detective handle work faster.

You: Once his job is done, my Luke can go traveling with me again!

Luke: Oh, so that's what you meant. I get it!

Luke: Good point. Since we got together, we've been working so hard that it's been difficult for us to travel together.

You should take a guess

You: I thought the present is pretty obvious in terms of its intention!

You: Before I explain, why don't you take a guess?

Luke: I'm guessing... the toolbox is to increase my work efficiency as "Detective Pearce."

Luke: As for the travel memento book, it's hinting that we can travel together after finishing work, right?

Luke: Hmm... I just looked over my schedule for the rest of the year. There should be plenty of time.

Luke: Why don't you come over to my place after you finish work, and we can plan out our travel together?

You: Awesome! I have plenty of places I want to go to. Wait for me to finish work, and we'll plan something together.

You: The beach trip was really fun last time. I want to try more things like that!

Luke: Then it's a deal. I'll get dinner ready and wait for you.

Story Characters


Passerby F1 character icon.png
Elderly Shopkeeper

Passerby M3 character icon.png

Passerby F1 character icon.png

Passerby M1 character icon.png