Editing Romantic Rail Getaway/Script

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{{SL|Guide|Anyone interested can go there and learn how to make whatever trinkets you love.}}
{{SL|Guide|Anyone interested can go there and learn how to make whatever trinkets you love.}}
{{SL|You|Will it be difficult?}}
{{SL|You|Will it be difficult?}}
{{SL|Guide|Straw hats, bracelets, and belts are easy to make. I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time at all.}}}}}}}}
{{SL|Guide|Straw hats, bracelets, and belts are easy to make. I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time at all.}}}}}}

===The Rumor of the Mine===
===The Rumor of the Mine===
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You smile along with him, the soft warmth in your heart turning into a gentle scenery...}}
You smile along with him, the soft warmth in your heart turning into a gentle scenery...}}
==Country of Wine (Vyn's Route)==
===The Charm of Grapes===
|scriptHeader=Cultural Salon
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|Lounge Instructor|With the development of modern industry, the technology of the mass production of wine is already very mature.}}
{{SL|Lounge Instructor|People no longer need to worry about the inconsistency of wine quality seen in manually made wines.}}
{{SL|Lounge Instructor|Of course, in some regions where traditional wines are valued, people still insist on making wine manually.}}
{{SL|Lounge Instructor|The most famous example is the birth place of wine, Barosk.}}
In the Barosk Wine Culture seminar, the speaker's humorous style makes people listen with interest.
The two-hour lecture doesn't feel long at all. It arouses people's interest in the distant wine town.
After the seminar, you are still captivated by the aroma of wine and couldn't get back to reality.
{{SL|You|Birthplace of wine... I wonder if the air smells like wine too...}}
{{SL|Vyn|Are you interested in Barosk?}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I saw a travel guide of Barosk a few days ago.}}
{{SL|You|Other than the main attractions, it also mentions a wine-themed tourist train. It sounds interesting!}}
The reason you attended the seminar is to better understand Barosk.
It is a small country famous for its wine with great weather and landscape. It seems like an attractive place to visit.
{{SL|Vyn|Seeing is better than hearing. You should see the landscape there for yourself.}}
It was just a casual comment. But for some reason, it sends ripples to your heart.
True. The landscape of Barosk must be very different from Stellis, right?
You're not too busy lately. It shouldn't be a problem to take a few days off.
{{SL|Vyn|[Player], do you want to visit Barosk together?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Maybe we can experience the new tourist train route.}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, do you want to go as well?}}
As soon as you said that, you feel like you'd revealed your interest too soon.
{{SL|Vyn|I have been to Barosk several times. I am quite familiar with it.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I have been on holiday recently. I have plenty of time right now.}}
{{SL|Vyn|If you do not mind, I can be your guide and travel with you.}}
Vyn's golden eyes are filled with expectations, which makes you unable to refuse him.
{{SL|You|I want to go with Dr. Richter.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Good. You have been busy for a long time. It is time to take a break.}}
So you and Vyn's trip is confirmed.
From booking to departure, everything goes smoothly. Soon you and Vyn embark on your journey to the birthplace of wine...}}
|scriptHeader=Rail Travel Station
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|You|This travel guidebook is so detailed! It even describes the variety, taste, and quality of the wines.}}
{{SL|You|Oh? It even has... grape vine propagation methods?}}
While waiting for the train to arrive, you flip through the guidebook you picked up at the customs counter.
The guidebook not only contains sightseeing information but also includes information about the local grapes.
It's like a mini-encyclopedia of wine.
{{SL|Vyn|It seems that the people here are very proud of their wine.}}
{{SL|You|Well, it's like they are announcing to the world, "come and try my wine."}}
As you chat, a staff pushing a trolly walks down the platform and stops in an empty spot.
The tourists waiting for the train all turn around to see what it is.
{{SL|Staff|Everyone, free handmade wine. Come and have a taste.}}
{{SL|Staff|Please present your train tickets to enjoy the surprise we prepared for you!}}
{{SL|Staff|Friendly reminder, this is only for adults. Underage persons cannot drink alcohol.}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, we are so lucky! We can try Barosk wine in advance.}}
Although there are many tourists on the platform. Under the instruction of the staff, everything goes in an orderly manner.
Before long you and Vyn receive your free samples.
You take a sip of the wine eagerly. The taste lingers on your lips and tongue, releasing a rich and complex aroma.
{{SL|Vyn|How is the Barosk handmade wine? Does it meet your expectations?}}
Vyn swirls his glass but doesn't drink. Compared to the wine tasting, he seems more interested in your comments.
{{SL|You|It tastes...}}
|choice1=This wine is better
{{SL|You|I think it tastes better than the wine I used to drink.}}
You try very hard to recall the wine tasting jargons you heard at the wine seminar.
{{SL|You|Refreshing, mellow, and delicate... What else... Oh, I can't think of anymore.}}
{{SL|You|In short, it's good.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Looks like the wine here is quite good.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I think I'll take a few bottles of wine back to Stellis with me.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Our trip has not even started. Maybe you will find more local specialties that you want to bring back.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I might need your help carrying them.}}
Perhaps amused by your confidence. Vyn reveals a smile.
{{SL|Vyn|Of course, I will carry them for you.}}
|choice2=Can't tell the difference
{{SL|You|To be honest... I don't think it's very different from the wine I've had before.}}
It's nice, but it's hard to point out what was nice about it.
After a brief struggle, you decide to tell the truth.
{{SL|You|Sigh, too bad. I don't know much about wine tasting...}}
{{SL|Vyn|It is not your problem.}}
{{SL|Vyn|After all, this was handed out for free on the platform for tourists. There's nothing outstanding about it.}}
{{SL|You|Shh... Dr. Richter, the staff would get angry if they hear you.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I am only saying that to you.}}
{{SL|Vyn|For good wine, we should go to some local wineries... We should be there in a few days.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I look forward to it!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Okay. It is almost time to leave.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I have a feeling that this will be an amazing trip.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I think so too.}}
Good food, great views, and with Vyn here with you... You look forward to this trip very much.
===Wonderful Fragrance===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|You|Mmm, it smells so nice. It's like walking into a vineyard.}}
After exiting the train station, you notice that the scent of fresh grapes is ubiquitous on Lange's streets.
The smell is sweet and mellow, almost as if it leads to a heap of delicious fruit.
Looking around the bustling city, you can't imagine that a vineyard is tucked away somewhere.
{{SL|Vyn|That is indeed the scent of grapes, but... there is another fragrance mixed in — one not of fruits.}}
Did someone spray grape perfume in the streets?
Unlikely. That would be too over-the-top.
{{SL|Vyn|Let us continue onward. We may find the source of this scent.}}
So you continue to follow the smell... until you reach a tourist center in front of you.
{{SL|Vyn|Found it. This is the source.}}
There's a massive grape sculpture next to the tourist center, under which a white mist is spewing out.
It seems that the aroma you could smell comes from the mist emitted from under the grape sculpture.
{{SL|You|Yes! This is the smell, it's so nice.}}
{{SL|Staff|Hello, welcome to Lange tourist center. It's my pleasure to be of assistance.}}
|choice1=Aroma-diffusing statue
{{SL|You|Excuse me, may I ask how is it that this sculpture smells like perfume...?}}
{{SL|Staff|This is a unique perfumed sculpture commissioned by the museum to celebrate the Spring of Grapes.}}
{{SL|Staff|The museum decided to display it here because the information desk is near the platform where many tourists come and go.}}
{{SL|Staff|The unique grape fragrance puts tourists right in a vineyard as soon as they begin their journey.}}
{{SL|Staff|It also helps us to get tourists' attention on the tour.}}
{{SL|Vyn|What a brilliant way to advertise.}}
{{SL|You|I noticed the perfume as soon as I left the station! It's wonderful.}}
{{SL|Staff|Thank you for the compliment. The statue was carefully designed by the technical team at the Historic Vineyard Museum.}}
{{SL|Staff|Its fragrance can evenly distribute over a distance of several hundred meters.}}
{{SL|Staff|...Sorry, but I can't tell you more because it involves proprietary technology.}}
{{SL|You|It's okay. I understand.}}
|choice1=Historic Vineyard Museum
{{SL|You|Um... Could you tell us more about The Vine?}}
{{SL|Staff|The museum is the oldest museum in Barosk. It provides the most detailed history of grapes and wine in the city.}}
{{SL|Staff|It contains all the existing specimens of grapevines in Barosk as well as historic documents on grape research.}}
{{SL|Staff|You'll get a sense of the local's love for grapes when you visit the museum.}}
{{SL|Staff|In addition to the exhibits, there is a 500-year-old vine near the square outside.}}
{{SL|Staff|It is the symbol of Lange and the pride of Barosk.}}
{{SL|You|A 500-year-old vine?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Is that where the museum got its name?}}
{{SL|Staff|Yes. That's right.}}
{{SL|Staff|The museum was originally built to preserve the old vines. Now tourists flock to us every year.}}
{{SL|Staff|Many have said that seeing the vines makes them believe miracles exist in the world.}}
{{SL|You|(Hmm, I should go visit it with Vyn... Maybe we'll have a miracle, too.)}}
|choice2=Spring of Grapes
{{SL|You|Hey, what was that about a Spring of Grapes you mentioned earlier?}}
{{SL|Staff|The Spring of Grapes is the most important day of spring in Barosk.}}
{{SL|Staff|We believe that the sunlight in spring is the foundation for the quality of the grapes.}}
{{SL|Staff|Thus, we hold various ceremonies at the end of spring to pray for a good harvest in autumn.}}
{{SL|You|I see... There must be a lot of interesting activities during the festival, is that right?}}
{{SL|Staff|Yes. The homemade food walk, grape float tours, and the grapevine painting at the square are all popular.}}
{{SL|Staff|The most popular activity is definitely the food walk.}}
|choice1=Homemade Food Tasting
{{SL|You|What is the homemade food walk all about?}}
{{SL|Staff|It is where you can taste the traditional cuisine of Barosk.}}
{{SL|Staff|Local participants will bring their homemade food to share with everyone...}}
{{SL|Staff|You can taste hundreds of wonderful dishes there! I recommend you two to give it a try.}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, how about we go to the feast later?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Sounds good. Maybe we will find something special there.}}
{{SL|Staff|Is there anything else you want to ask?}}
{{SL|You|That's all. Thank you.}}
{{SL|Staff|You're welcome. Have fun.}}
===Homemade Food Tasting===
|scriptHeader=Food Plaza
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
After visiting the ancient grapevine museum, you and Vyn go to the natural food market.
The various traditional Baroskian snacks attract hordes of tourists who surround the food stalls.
Neither you nor Vyn like crowds...
So you find a quiet cheese dessert stall in the corner and sit down to rest.
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Hello, would you like to try some handmade cheese? There are many flavors that you can choose from.}}
The stall owner greets you warmly and gives you two bowls of cheese desserts with sliced fresh fruits.
The sweet and sour fruit neutralizes the mellow cheese. It's so refreshing when it melts in your mouth.
{{SL|You|Yummy! Hmm... Rich yet not too greasy. It's delicious!}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|It's my honor to hear your compliments.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Try some more. There are other flavors too.}}
|choice1=Flavor selection
{{SL|You|What other flavors do you have here?}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|I have chocolate frosting, nut spread, or coconut jam to go with the cheese.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Which one would you like?}}
|choice1=Praline cheese
{{SL|You|...I'd like to try nut spread and cheese.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Here you go. It's a mix of peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts that I picked, grounded, and roasted myself.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|The toasted nuts add a nice sweetness to the cheese. I hope you like it.}}
{{SL|You|Mmm, it smells good!}}
|choice2=Coconut cheese
{{SL|Vyn|Well... I would like coconut jam with cheese, please.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Here you go. Give it a try.}}
{{SL|Vyn|The freshness of the coconut jam is a good match with the sweetness of the cheese.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Would you mind telling us how one would make coconut jam?}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|It's very easy. Add some sugar in the pan, followed by toasted coconut mixed with coconut oil, then add a little bit of coconut water to wrap up the juice.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|This way the aroma of coconut will be mostly retained.}}
|choice1=Cheese flavors
{{SL|You|Hmm... Is there wine in this cheese?}}
{{SL|You|It's very light, but I can taste a little bit of wine in the aftertaste.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Yes. Normally cheese is made with rice wine, but I also add some regular wine, from grapes, with moderate acidity.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|The acidity of the wine nicely complements the sweetness of the cheese and also adds a unique fruit flavor to the cheese.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|This makes my cheese suitable for a variety of desserts.}}
{{SL|You|Your cheese is so delicious. It must be very popular.}}
Hearing that, the cheese stall owner's facial expression changes subtly.
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|...}}
{{SL|You|What's wrong? Did I... say something wrong...?}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|No, no. I am very happy to hear you say that.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Do you want to try some other flavors?}}
The stall owner looks hesitant to say anything more. You probably shouldn't ask if she's unwilling to talk.
{{SL|You|I'll try the chocolate flavor.}}
After trying the cheese desserts, you and Vyn leave to check out other stalls.
However, the subtle expression on the owner's face has left an impression in your mind...
You can't forget it...}}
===Delicious Cheese===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
After visiting the attractions suggested by the guidebook, you and Vyn stroll along the streets in Lange.
The bustling streets gradually light up in the night, adding magnificent colors to this exotic town.
{{SL|You|How time flies when you're traveling... It's already nighttime.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Are you feeling tired?}}
{{SL|You|No. I can go for another lap at least.}}
Today's trip gives you the feeling that Barosk is a magical country with grape elements everywhere.
You and Vyn visited the wine memorial hall, ancient grape tree museum, and grape garden plaza...
You find all these things very novel and interesting.
{{SL|You|The attractions are very interesting and the food's great. I think coming here was the right choice!}}
{{SL|Vyn|I am glad that you like it.}}
{{SL|Vyn|What I want most from this trip is... for you to be happy.}}
{{SL|You|Yes. I am very happy.}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, the train will arrive in Liebe Ranch tomorrow. Have you been there before on your previous trips?}}
{{SL|Vyn|I have been there once. I remember... I took the cable car. The scenery in the ranch is quite spectacular...}}
{{SL|Vyn|If you want, you can take some really nice photos there.}}
{{SL|You|Taking a cable car to the ranch?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Yes. The Liebe Ranch is on top of a mountain. It is faster to take a cable car.}}
{{SL|You|(Wow, a farm on the mountaintop...)}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, will there be nice cheese at the ranch?}}
{{SL|Vyn|The farmers make their own cheese, which is one of the specialties of the Liebe ranch.}}
{{SL|You|I wonder if it'll be better than the cheese we tried at the natural food market today...}}
Speaking of which, you can't help thinking about the delicious food at the natural food market.
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Hello, would you like to try some handmade cheese? There are many flavors that you can choose from.}}
The stall owner greets you warmly and gives you two bowls of cheese desserts with sliced fresh fruits.
The sweet and sour fruit neutralizes the mellow cheese. It's so refreshing when it melts in your mouth.
{{SL|You|Yummy! Hmm... Rich yet not too greasy. It's delicious!}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|It's my honor to hear your compliments.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Try some more. There are other flavors too.}}
The cheese stall owner smiles as she recommends her cheese desserts to you.
{{SL|You|This one with hazelnuts is delicious too! Ooh... Coconut jam is good too!}}
{{SL|You|Your cheese is so delicious. It must be very popular.}}
Hearing that, the cheese stall owner's facial expression changes subtly.
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|...}}
{{SL|You|What's wrong? Did I... say something wrong...?}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|No, no. I am very happy to hear you say that.}}
{{SL|Cheese Stand Owner|Do you want to try some other flavors?}}
The stall owner looks hesitant to say anything more. You probably shouldn't ask if she's unwilling to talk.
{{SL|You|I'll try the chocolate flavor.}}
Thinking about that, the homemade cheese's flavor is still lingering in your mouth.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, the cheese in Liebe Ranch is handmade, right?}}
{{SL|Vyn|The cheese in Liebe Ranch is handmade with traditional techniques...}}
{{SL|Vyn|They taste richer, and not as delicate as the fruit cheese we tried today.}}
{{SL|You|...It must taste very special, right?}}
There may be a lot of delicious food waiting for you at the Liebe Ranch.
With that thought, you can't help looking forward to your journey tomorrow.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, our schedule tomorrow includes horse riding, sightseeing, and gourmet food tasting!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Yes. I wish tomorrow... can come sooner.}}
===Liebe Ranch's Scenery===
|scriptHeader=Flower Field Pastures
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|You|This breeze is so comfortable...}}
After Liebe Ranch, you and Vyn walk into a sea of flowers accompanied by the smell of fresh grass.
{{SL|Vyn|This is the flower field outside the ranch. After the flower field, we will arrive at Liebe Ranch.}}
{{SL|You|Shall we take the cable car?}}
{{SL|Vyn|The cable car station is up ahead, sure...}}
Although the cable car station is marked on the guidebook, this piece of wilderness is unexpectedly big...
It's quite hard for tourists to find the tiny station hidden by mountains and trees.
{{SL|???|Welcome to Liebe Ranch, my dear guests.}}
{{SL|???|Do you want to take the cable car to visit the ranch? Take the road to the left and you'll find it.}}
The voice of a middle-aged man interrupts the conversation between you and Vyn.
You see a middle-aged shepherd walking towards you with his horse. He points to the left side.
{{SL|Herdsman|The Libby Ranch has the largest piece of wilderness in Barosk...}}
{{SL|Herdsman|The wilderness is beautiful but newcomers can easily get lost in it.}}
Following the direction of the shepherd's point, you see a small sign hidden behind trees.
The woods are dense. Without the guidance of the shepherd, it would be really difficult to find.
{{SL|Vyn|Thank you.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|You're welcome. Many tourists lose their way here. I'm used to giving directions.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|By the way, do you want me to introduce the ranch to you?}}
{{SL|You|Sure. Thank you.}}
|choice1=Experience Attraction
{{SL|You|Do you have recommendations for any activities at the ranch?}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Liebe Ranch is open for tourists and all the activities are available for you to try.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|The Ranch Rides and the Natural Food Festival are very popular among tourists recently.}}
|choice1=Ranch Riding
{{SL|You|What is Ranch Rides?}}
{{SL|Herdsman|The ranch offers mountain bikes.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Tourists can ride around the ranch to enjoy the beautiful scenery.}}
{{SL|You|(Bike riding... with Vyn sounds fun and relaxing.)}}
{{SL|Herdsman|The temperature in the mountains is a bit lower than in the plains, so remember to bring a jacket if you go riding.}}
{{SL|You|Okay. Thanks for the reminder.}}
|choice2=Original Foods Festival
{{SL|Vyn|Could you tell us more about the Natural Food Festival?}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Mm-hmm. Since more and more people are coming to the ranch...}}
{{SL|Herdsman|We have set up a food festival to welcome the tourists with delicious food that is only available on our ranch.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|If you are interested, you can visit the food area when you get to the ranch.}}
{{SL|You|(Food that is only available on the ranch... It sounds very tempting.)}}
{{SL|You|Are there any specialties that you would recommend?}}
{{SL|Herdsman|I recommend the goat cheese rolls and the cheese stuffed meat.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|I swear Liebe Ranch produces the best cheese in Barosk!}}
{{SL|Herdsman|It's great with wine or mixed with milk to make a milk stew.}}
|choice1=Goat cheese roll
{{SL|You|I want to try goat cheese rolls! Is it made with Barosk's traditional cheese?}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Yes. Air-dry the freshly made goat cheese and press it.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|To us, goat cheese is a divine blessing.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Only the cheese from the traditional hand-made method can bring out the classic flavor to its fullest.}}
|choice2=Cheese-stuffed meat
{{SL|You|Cheese stuffed meat sounds great... Dr. Richter, want to try it later?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Of course. Stuffed meats made with traditional Barosk cheese are said to have a very complex and creamy flavor. I am very curious about it.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Sir, you have distinguished tastes.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Cheese stuffed meat is Liebe Ranch's specialty. Its complex and fascinating flavor drives visitors crazy.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|I swear you will feel a unique charm in the ranch.}}
{{SL|You|We are looking forward to it!}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Haha, I'll leave you guys to it.}}
{{SL|Herdsman|Take the cable car. And have fun.}}
===Battle of Cheeses===
|scriptHeader=Liebe Ranch
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
Just like the shepherd said, the temperature of the ranch in the mountains is lower than that in the foothills.
But it's spring after all. The sun is shining on you and you barely feel cold at all.
After the horse ride, you go to the natural gourmet festival to try some food.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, let's order meat stuffed with cheese and roasted vegetables...}}
{{SL|Vyn|I wonder if the shepherds have good quality white wine here.}}
{{SL|Vyn|White wine has a strong citrusy and liberal flavor, which matches perfectly with goat cheese.}}
The travel guide mentions something about cheese and wine pairing, but it's not as detailed as Vyn's explanation.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, you are so knowledgeable.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I just thought... since we are here, I want you to try the best food.}}
As you chat and enter the food court, you hear arguments.
{{SL|Herdsman|Jennie, I've told you many times! We won't let you ruin our cheese. You should leave.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Can we at least talk about it...}}
{{SL|Herdsman|There's nothing to be discussed. Get out of here!}}
The shepherd who was very hospitable before seems to have changed into someone else, he's yelling angrily.
The lady called Jennie looks frustrated. You recognize her right away.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, it's her...}}
{{SL|Vyn|It's the owner of the cheese stall at the natural food market.}}
Jennie says something else provoking to the shepherd. He reaches out towards her angrily.
Vyn steps forward and stands in the way of the shepherd.
{{SL|Vyn|What are you doing? Let's be civilized about this.}}
['''[[Romantic Rail Getaway/Battle of Cheeses|Debate]]''']
|choice1=Debate success
{{SL|Herdsman|Humph, I don't want to argue with you people.}}
The shepherd recognized you and feels slightly ashamed... yet his attitude is still very rude.
{{SL|Herdsman|Anyway, I will never allow our milk to be made into something strange. That would be a shame for us!}}
The shepherd walks away angrily. The incident has ruined your mood for sightseeing.
Jennie, who's standing to one side, looks at you in embarrassment. You have no idea how to comfort her.
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|It's you... I'm sorry to get you involved.}}
{{SL|You|If you don't mind, do you want to tell us about it?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Sure.}}
{{SL|You|What's the argument about...?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|I came here to buy milk, but the locals didn't want to sell me any.}}
{{SL|You|Huh? Why's that? That's a little strange!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|They say what I make can't be called true cheese. They think I'm wasting their milk...}}
|choice1=New cheese product
{{SL|You|Your cheese is great. Why would they say that?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Because my cheese is different from the traditional cheese of Barosk...}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|I've tried everything, but they still won't accept my cheese.}}
Jennie lowers her head and she seems to be quite sad.
{{SL|You|Don't take it to heart. I'm with you. Your cheese is delicious!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Well, thanks.}}
|choice1=Milk source
{{SL|You|The biggest problem now is that you won't be able to make cheese if you can't get fresh milk...}}
{{SL|You|Hmm. Do you have other sources for milk?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Yes. Actually, I have my own farm and cows... It's just that my milk is not as good as Liebe Ranch's.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|But don't worry about me. I'm not giving up!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|I'll keep sharing my cheese with people and I'm sure one day the locals will come around to accepting my cheese, just like you did.}}
{{SL|You|It will definitely happen.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Ms. Fiscella, I think maybe you should join the Creative Food Festival at Pouille Lake.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Maybe you will find the opportunity you're looking for there.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Pouille Lake? I haven't been there yet...}}
{{SL|Vyn|As far as I know, the purpose of the Creative Food Festival is to show people more innovative ways to prepare food.}}
{{SL|Vyn|That seems to be a suitable place for the new cheese that you make.}}
Hearing Vyn's suggestion, Jennie's eyes start to light up. The disappointment has been replaced with hope.
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Thank you. I think... I'll give it a go.}}
She says goodbye to you and quickly leaves the ranch.
Seeing her leave, the worries in your heart are intensified. The joy you experienced on the trip seems to have been diluted.
{{SL|You|(Sigh, I hope Jennie's cheese can become popular soon...)}}
|choice2=Debate failure
{{SL|Herdsman|Stop! I don't care what you say.}}
{{SL|You|(Calm down! Let me think of another way to convince him!)}}
===Accident at the Ranch===
|scriptHeader=Liebe Ranch
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|You|I really don't understand why the farmers are opposed to Jennie making cheese and are unwilling to sell milk to her.}}
{{SL|You|Is it just because the cheese Jennie makes is not traditional cheese?}}
Although you comforted Jennie and told her not to worry...
After saying goodbye to her, you can't help thinking about this and feeling confused yourself.
{{SL|You|Jennie's cheese is so delicious!}}
{{SL|You|Yesterday at the natural food market, many tourists gave positive feedbacks after they tried.}}
{{SL|You|I thought her cheese would be very popular...}}
Vyn looks at you silently and shakes his head.
{{SL|You|Did I... say something wrong?}}
{{SL|Vyn|People who tried Jennie's cheese at the stall were mostly tourists like us.}}
Prompted by Vyn's reminder, you think about the scene at the natural food market that day.
It's true... only you and a few foreign tourists liked Jennie's cheese.
Most local residents ignored Jennie's stall completely...
{{SL|Vyn|Sometimes, people lose the ability to judge when they are trapped for too long.}}
{{SL|Vyn|When exposed to unfamiliar objects, some people's first reaction is fear.}}
{{SL|You|Some people?}}
Is Vyn talking about the farmers who were arguing with Jennie?
Or... all the local residents in Barosk?
{{SL|Vyn|People in other places like to make wine with automated technology, but in Barosk they prefer the traditional methods...}}
{{SL|Vyn|They follow the oldest wine-making techniques. From harvest to fermentation, it's all done manually.}}
{{SL|Vyn|That way, their control over the wine-making process is stricter and more rigid.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Over time, this habit also begins to affect the local people's preferences in other areas.}}
{{SL|You|I see...}}
{{SL|You|Jennie's cheese is different from the farmer's traditional cheese or the cheese in the local people's minds...}}
{{SL|You|So the farmers resist them and refuse to accept...}}
Vyn sighs lightly and a sign of empathy flashes in his eyes.
{{SL|Vyn|Obeying the rules is a good habit. But over time it's easy to become complacent and conservative.}}
{{SL|You|But... the world is always changing is it?}}
{{SL|You|Let's take wine, for example, the specialty of Barosk.}}
{{SL|You|At first, people tried to turn grapes into other things for storage purposes. That's how wine was invented.}}
{{SL|You|If their predecessors had refused to change, people in Barosk would be stuck with eating grapes.}}
Vyn stares at you with interest, like he's praising you and encouraging you to go on.
{{SL|You|So, I think as long as people are willing to adapt, things will change!}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, aren't we going to Pouille Village tomorrow?}}
{{SL|You|Shall we visit the Gourmet Festival to support Jennie?}}
{{SL|Vyn|You always... surprise me.}}
Vyn reaches out and brushes your fringe behind your ear.
There's a gentle smile in his eyes and his fingertips are warm... There's a strange warmth where he touches.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter...}}
{{SL|Vyn|You are right. As long as people are willing to adapt, things can be changed.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I am willing to witness the change with you.}}
{{SL|You|Cool. Let's do it together!}}
===Food Festival Crisis===
|scriptHeader=Pouille Plaza
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
You've been thinking about Jennie so much that you haven't planned much for today's schedule.
After enjoying the nice spring view by Pouille Lake, you and Vyn arrive at the Creative Food Festival.
{{SL|You|I wonder where Jennie's stall is...}}
{{SL|Vyn|It doesn't seem to be around here. Let's go inside.}}
{{SL|You|There are a lot of stalls further in. Let's go and have a look.}}
Tourists who come here for delicious food have started to gather. You and Vyn walk around to look for her...
{{SL|You|Oh, there she is!}}
Same as when you first met, Jennie's stall is still in a relatively quiet corner.
But the difference is... This time, her stall is surrounded by many people who are talking about something.
{{SL|Resident A|She calls this cheese?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|...Please try it before you decide whether it's cheese or not.}}
{{SL|Resident B|Oh my gosh. Stop kidding me. I'm not going to try this weird cheese!}}
{{SL|Resident A|Yeah. This shouldn't appear at our food festival!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|...}}
{{SL|You|(It's a bit mean to say that!)}}
You can't stand it anymore so you walk up and interrupt them.
{{SL|You|This is the Creative Food Festival. The new style of cheese she makes completely matches the festival theme.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Gosh, you don't understand the beauty of cheese. That's why you think it's delicious!}}
|choice1=Reason for resistance
{{SL|You|Could you be a little more specific about your objections?}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Our Barosk cheese is made through a process that involves hand steaming, concentration, and fermentation!}}
{{SL|Local Resident|It goes perfectly with food or with wine.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Look at what she made... so gooey... It's nothing like cheese.}}
|choice1=Cheese differences
{{SL|You|But... there are many kinds of cheese and they all have different characteristics.}}
{{SL|You|The one Jennie made is more of a sweet style. It goes well with dessert.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Just as you said, it's dessert, it can't be called cheese! Why does she have to call it cheese?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|My cheese is not just for dessert. It can also be made into other things.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|No cheese should go with fruit or chocolate!}}
|choice1=Clinging to tradition
{{SL|You|I think people need to be a little more open-minded around here...}}
{{SL|You|Many places outside of Barosk make cheese desserts, for example...}}
{{SL|Local Resident|I'm not going to live abroad, so I don't care what you outlanders think!}}
The hardheadedness somehow draws similar echoes from the people around.
Why don't people here accept things that seem very normal to you?
{{SL|You|(I guess changing their mind is not so easy.)}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Oh my God. I can't believe I wasted so much time here.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Anyway, you won't understand. I'll go have tea with my friend Maggie!}}
The debate is meaningless. It ended with one side's departure.
But the tourists who were keen to try the cheese desserts are now hesitant because of what happened...
Now there's only you and Vyn in front of Jennie's stall.
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|...}}
{{SL|You|Don't lose heart. We...}}
You want to comfort her but you don't know-how.
If she needs legal assistance, you'd do everything in your power to help.
But changing people's traditional values is not something a lawyer... or anyone can achieve easily.
{{SL|Vyn|Ms. Fiscella, I can understand how you feel... but if you give up now, it'll be all over.}}
{{SL|Vyn|You must be feeling disappointed and frustrated and even want to give up.}}
Jennie gives no reply, but from the disappointment in her eyes, you feel that Vyn has spoken her mind.
{{SL|Vyn|Of course, you can decide to give up, which would be easy. }}
{{SL|Vyn|But it also means that all your previous efforts will be for nothing}}
{{SL|Vyn|Ms. Fiscella, do you want to end everything here?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|No. of course I don't!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|But... what can I do?}}
{{SL|Vyn|I can help you.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Oh?}}
{{SL|Vyn|I have a friend who's a cheese dealer, he lives near Bergandi. If you want... I can refer you to him.}}
{{SL|Vyn|He is someone who likes to try new things. I think he would be able to help you.}}
{{SL|You|(Dr. Richter's friend? Although I haven't heard about this before... but Vyn wouldn't lie.)}}
{{SL|Vyn|What do you think? Will you trust me this one time?}}
Jennie bites her lips and nods.
{{SL|Vyn|Then, please join us for the rest of our journey.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Our train will arrive in Bergandi tomorrow.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I will contact my friend in advance and make sure you get to meet him tomorrow.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Thank you for your invitation. But... I need to do some preparations. I'll see you at Bergandi tomorrow.}}
{{SL|You|Okay. Jennie, then please give us your contact details.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Sure.}}
After exchanging your contacts, Jennie says goodbye to you. Seeing her leave, you say a prayer in your heart...
{{SL|You|(I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow.)}}
===Healing Fragrance===
|scriptHeader=Pouille Village
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
Pouille Village in spring is green and full of vitality.
Walking between flowers and alleyways is like stepping into a fairy tale world.
But this tranquility seems to be superficial. The solidified anxiety hidden from view has not been reduced.
{{SL|Vyn|Are you still worried about Jennie?}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. I hope Jennie is okay? I don't know if things will work out tomorrow...}}
{{SL|Vyn|Don't worry. My friend Ivan is a good businessman.}}
{{SL|Vyn|He has a good eye. He will not miss the opportunity.}}
Although the cheese trader you are going to meet tomorrow is Vyn's friend,
Although Vyn seems to be in control of the situation... somehow you just can't help feeling uneasy.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter... I know this is strange, but I still couldn't help thinking...}}
{{SL|Vyn|You are a compassionate girl. You are subconsciously thinking in Jennie's shoes.}}
{{SL|Vyn|You imagine her problems as your own.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Just like when you work, you always put yourself in the position of your client.}}
{{SL|Vyn|This is your virtue, but sometimes... There is no need to push yourself too hard.}}
{{SL|Vyn|You are not in this alone. I am here as well.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I will help Jennie find a solution.}}
{{SL|You|I have faith in you, Dr. Richter!}}
|choice2=Not worried
{{SL|You|No. I wasn't worried about Jennie...}}
{{SL|You|You said you'll help Jennie find a way, and you will. I have faith in your capability!}}
Vyn's golden eyes show a sign of surprise, which feels similar to joy.
{{SL|Vyn|Thank you for your trust.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Then why do you... look so upset?}}
{{SL|You|I was just thinking... people who sneer at Jennie.}}
{{SL|You|I thought the locals were just unwilling to accept a new food. I didn't expect them to get so angry...}}
{{SL|Vyn|It takes time to change people and make them accept unfamiliar things.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Just take it one step at a time, that is all we can do.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. You're right, Dr. Richter.}}
{{SL|You|Maybe I am too impatient...}}
{{SL|Vyn|Let's not talk about this... do you want to visit an interesting place?}}
{{SL|You|Interesting? Where?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Let's go. You will find out.}}
After leaving Pouille Village and taking several turns, you enter a yard surrounded by fields of flowers.
The yard is very open. There is an aroma of wine in the air.
{{SL|You|The wine smells so fragrant...}}
Looking around, you see several huge wine barrels on the lawn.
Each barrel is as tall as two people, like a small cabin.
The fragrance of wine you smell comes from the barrels on the lawn.
{{SL|Vyn|Here we are. This is the famous Barrel Estate of Pouille Village.}}
{{SL|You|What an interesting place! Are these really... wine barrels?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Well, with a bit of transformation, these old barrels are now used as lounges for visitors to rest in.}}
{{SL|Vyn|They say that the aroma of these barrels, which had been soaked in wine for years, can help people relax.}}
{{SL|Vyn|This is the so-called Aromatherapy.}}
Vyn walks up to a barrel and gently pushes it...
Like a trap door, the wall of the barrel automatically pops open like an umbrella, creating a shaded area underneath.
Under the shade, there's a lounge chair for people to rest on.
{{SL|You|What a unique design!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Come on...}}
Vyn extends his hand to you, like a nobleman inviting his partner to the dance floor...
You can't help but follow his suggestion, close your eyes and lie down on the lounge chair.
The sun beams down like rain drops, penetrating the barrel, seeping into your skin.
Although you can't see it or touch it, you can sense that it is real.
Amidst the aroma of the wine, your body is gradually relaxed. And your mind slows down...
After some time. When you open your eyes again, the beam of sunshine seems to have moved to one side.
{{SL|You|Did I... fall asleep?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Yes, a little.}}
{{SL|You|It is as though your body has been emptied and has become very relaxed.}}
Aromatherapy helps people relax. You suddenly understand why Vyn brought you here.
He was worried that you would be affected by Jennie. He's hoping that the natural aroma would help to ease your mind.
He's comforting you in his own way.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter...}}
{{SL|Vyn|You do not have to thank me.}}
{{SL|Vyn|The purpose of this trip is to make you relaxed and happy. Leave the troubles to me, I will handle them for you.}}
{{SL|You|I am glad to be traveling with you, Dr. Richter.}}
The sun shines gently and the aroma of wine in the air warms up your cheeks.
You are intoxicated... in the breeze, surrounded by the fragrance of wine and under Vyn's intense gaze.
You feel deeply, deeply intoxicated...
===Thoughts of Bergandi===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
The train arrives in Bergandi slightly earlier than expected.
After arriving at the meeting place with Jennie, you and Vyn find a street cafe to sit down in...
{{SL|Vyn|Let's wait for Ms. Fiscella here.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah! Let's order some snacks while we wait.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|What would you like to order? Do you need some recommendations?}}
|choice1=Recommended foods
{{SL|You|Could you tell us about your specialties?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|The light meals and desserts are very popular.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|Would you like a light meal or just a dessert?}}
|choice1=Simple specialties
{{SL|You|Well... Do you have any light meals that you recommend?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|Oyster soup with black truffle and an apricot ham pastry.}}
|choice1=Black truffle oyster soup
{{SL|You|Oyster soup with black truffle?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|High-quality black truffles have a rich and fresh mushroom flavor. It provides a crisp and nutty aftertaste...}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|Adding it to fresh oysters broth will double the freshness of the soup and give it a memorable taste.}}
{{SL|You|(Sounds delicious...)}}
|choice2=Apricot ham shortbread
{{SL|You|Could you tell us about the apricot ham pastry?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|First, you slow cook fresh apricots and mushrooms at a low temperature, mix it with ham, and then bake it.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|The crispness of the crust maximizes the savory flavors of the apricot, mushrooms, and ham, making the texture rich and gentle.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|Anyone who has tried this dish is impressed.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|I'm sure you two will be as well.}}
{{SL|You|(I'm already impressed just hearing about it!)}}
{{SL|Vyn|What is your signature dessert?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|It depends on the season.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|The spring recommendations are sweet wine potica and cheese white cakes.}}
|choice1=Sweet liquor potica
{{SL|You|What's potica...?}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|It is our traditional Barosk desert. It's baked with wheat flour mixed with almonds.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|And served with our special sweet sauce that is made with grapes...}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|It's so sweet that it makes people that eat it sweet themselves, and happy too!}}
{{SL|Vyn|I have tried strawberry potica before. What does sweet wine flavor taste like? Now I am a little curious.}}
|choice2=White angel cheesecake
{{SL|You|Cheese white cake sounds delicious.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|It's made with traditional cheese, raspberry syrup, and white cake.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|It melts in your mouth, giving you a soft and sweet sensation. It's as if you are kissing an angel.}}
{{SL|Store Clerk|Hello, would you like to order now?}}
{{SL|You|What should I order... it's so hard to choose...}}
{{SL|You|Oh, Dr. Richter, you can decide.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Sometimes the best choice is to not make a choice, don't you think so?}}
{{SL|You|Right. So... we'll order a set meal and dessert specialty!}}
{{SL|You|We should be able to finish them!}}
===Opportunity for Cooperation===
|scriptHeader=Winery Reception
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
After you finish your snacks, Jennie arrives at the meeting place.
Vyn takes the two of you to his friend's estate.
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Vilhelm, my friend!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Ivan, it has been a while.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|This must be Miss [Player].}}
{{SL|You|Hello, Mr. Affini.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Hello, my lady. Please, call me Ivan.}}
Mr. Affini looks like a passionate and chatty person. After some simple greetings, Vyn goes directly to the subject.
{{SL|Vyn|I think you would be very interested in Ms. Fiscella's cheese.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Of course. I can no longer suppress my curiosity.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Ms. Fiscella, if you don't mind, may I have a taste?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Of course...}}
Jennie puts the cheese she prepared on the table. Mr. Affini screams right after he tastes it.
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Oh, my dear Lord!}}
|choice1=Ivan's manner
{{SL|You|What's wrong, Mr. Affini?}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|I swear this is the best soft cheese I have had in Barosk in a long time!}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|The texture is completely different from traditional cheese, yet it retains a lighter and tangier cheese flavor...}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|It's intoxicating!}}
|choice1=Cheese market
{{SL|Vyn|I remember you once told me that you wanted to conquer the cheese market in Barosk.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Haha, yeah. That's been my dream for a long time.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|What makes you bring that up, Vilhelm?}}
{{SL|Vyn|Because I also seem to recall that you mentioned that you could not find the perfect new type of cheese. One that would impress the tastes of the Barosk people.}}
{{SL|Vyn|What do you think of Ms. Jennie's cheese?}}
After hearing Vyn, a sudden look of excitement rises in Ivan's eyes.
{{SL|Ivan Affini|It definitely works. Vilhelm, thank you for presenting this opportunity to me!}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|I've been thinking the cheese market in Barosk is too rigid for a long time now.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Rules like cheese can only be served with wine, and cheese can only be served in a few fixed ways...}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|I can't stand it!}}
{{SL|You|(Now I understand why Vyn and Ivan are friends. They are one and the same.)}}
|choice1=Opportunity for cooperation
{{SL|You|So Mr. Affini, is there any chance Jennie could be your partner?}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Oh, yes! For certain!}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Ms. Jennie's cheese will be the exclusive recipe to open up into the Barosk cheese market!}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|I can guarantee that her cheese will conquer the taste buds of Barosk people.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|I...}}
Hearing what Ivan said, Jennie doesn't seem relieved. She still looks very worried.
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Sorry. Actually... I have also tried to sell the cheese I made...}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|But it hasn't really worked out. So I'm afraid... I might disappoint you, Mr. Affini.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|It takes time to do promotion and for people to learn to accept it.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Be patient. The result will be good with a proper promotion plan.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Really?}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Yes. Shall we discuss your cheese in detail?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Oh, okay.}}
{{SL|You|(Great. There's a chance for their cooperation!)}}
===The Joy of Trying New Things===
|scriptHeader=Winery Reception
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Ms. Fiscella, are you sure you want to share your exclusive cheese recipe with me?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Yes, Mr. Affini.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Gosh! I've never felt so excited. Ms. Fiscella, whatever your conditions are, everything is negotiable.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|I'm truly fascinated by your cheese. I'm sure it will conquer the taste buds of all the people in Barosk.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|R... Really?}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Of course. It's unknown to people not because of its quality but because of the lack of awareness.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Trust me. I will not let this opportunity to cooperate with you go to waste!}}
When Vyn speaks of Jennie's interest in cooperation, Mr. Affini shows great enthusiasm...
He receives Jennie personally and makes a generous offer to show his sincerity.
{{SL|You|(Looks like this cooperation will be successful.)}}
{{SL|Vyn|I wish your cooperation a great success.}}
{{SL|Vyn|You two must have a lot of details to discuss. We shall leave you to it.}}
{{SL|Ivan Affini|Vilhelm, my friend! Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will treasure it.}}
While Mr. Fiscella discusses the details with Jennie, you and Vyn leave the manor and continue your trip.
You choose the less popular transparent cable car to visit the Gandi Mountainous Park.
|scriptHeader=Winery Reception
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, look at my photos...}}
{{SL|Vyn|Did you take these shots from the cable car?}}
{{SL|You|Yes. It's a spectacular view to look at the winery up from the cable car!}}
You show Vyn the photos you took when you were on the cable car like you're presenting a treasure...
In the photo, the mountains are dotted with green, and the estate is covered by swirling smoke, like in a dream...
{{SL|You|Thank you for your recommendation, Dr. Richter!}}
{{SL|You|If you hadn't suggested taking the cable car, we would still be climbing the mountain.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I heard about this new cable car route. So I wanted to try it with you.}}
{{SL|You|I didn't know the cable car is transparent...}}
{{SL|You|That's why the staff said, "it'll make you feel like you're floating in the air."}}
It's been a long time since you got off the cable car. But the tension and excitement still remain in your body.
{{SL|You|Not too many people take the cable car today. We are like the VIPs.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Most people are concerned about the safety of the transparent cable car. They either walk or take other vehicles.}}
{{SL|You|Well, hanging in the air like that can be scary...a lot of people would find that unacceptable.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Were you scared?}}
{{SL|You|I wasn't. Because...}}
Vyn's gaze is focused on your face like he's waiting for you to speak the answer.
{{SL|You|Because I like to try new things and take on challenges, like you!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Like me? Why... did you say that?}}
{{SL|You|On this trip... you would always recommend new exciting activities and interesting food.}}
{{SL|You|I assume you like trying new things and taking on challenges.}}
{{SL|You|And you cared about Jennie so much...}}
{{SL|You|Other than helping her... you also wanted to help break those conservative values in Barosk, right?}}
Vyn doesn't reply. His golden eyes conceal a smile.
{{SL|Vyn|I like challenges, but not just for the challenge itself.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Just like this trip. I have been here before and have seen these landscapes. But I'd never felt as happy as I do now.}}
{{SL|Vyn|It is you, who makes me discover joy in things that I am already used to.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Rather than enjoy challenges, I enjoy challenges with you.}}
{{SL|You|I'd like to try more fun things with you too!}}
{{SL|Vyn|As usual... you always surprise me.}}
The gentle breeze rubs the golden rays of the sun into his silvery hair, like luminous water, it infiltrates your heart.
A warm sensation flows gradually into your bosom, where the feeling of joyfulness resides.
===Touring Fia Estate===
|scriptHeader=Fia Estate
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
The sun shines on the lawn of Fia Estate, looking pleasantly green.
{{SL|You|So beautiful. Just by standing here in the field of flowers, I feel like my body and mind have blended into nature.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Shall we go for a walk and enjoy the scenery?}}
So you and Vyn stroll among the fragrance of the trees in the estate and enjoy the atmosphere of spring.
Suddenly you hear a familiar voice.
{{SL|???|Mr. Richter, Miss [Player]? I didn't expect to see you here.}}
You turn around and see Jennie walking up to you quickly, carrying a bucket of milk in her arms.
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Are you visiting the Fia Estate?}}
{{SL|You|Yes. What are you doing here, Jennie?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|I live near the Fia Estate. I'm here to get some milk. What a coincidence to bump into you guys here.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Actually... I've been wanting to thank you.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Without you, I wouldn't have such a valuable opportunity.}}
{{SL|Vyn|You are welcome. We were just doing what was right.}}
{{SL|You|That's right. It was your cheese that got you the opportunity.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Right, would you like me to introduce the Fia Estate to you?}}
{{SL|You|Sure, sounds good.}}
{{SL|You|Any fun things to do here at Fia Estate?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|There is the horse show and the lake tour.}}
|choice1=Horse shows
{{SL|Vyn|Oh? There is a horse show here?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Mm-hmm. Fia Estate has the largest horse pasture and a horse track in Barosk.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Whenever there's a big rodeo or horse show in Barosk, it's held here at Fia Estate.}}
{{SL|You|(Hmm, Dr. Richter would be interested in equestrianism, right?)}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter, can we go see the horse show later?}}
{{SL|Vyn|No problem. We can go for a ride if we can manage to rent horses.}}
|choice2=Estate tour
{{SL|You|A lake tour? I don't remember seeing a lake nearby...}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Keep walking a little further and you'll see it.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|It's a very famous man-made lake in Fia Estate. Although it's not huge, it has breathtaking views.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Many tourists like to take a boat ride to enjoy the breeze and the beauty of the estate.}}
{{SL|You|(That sounds very relaxing. I should check it out later.)}}
|choice2=Estate specialties
{{SL|You|Any food recommendations here at Fia Estate?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|There is the baked venison steak and charcoal-grilled beef with mushrooms.}}
|choice1=Roast venison steak
{{SL|You|Baked venison steak sounds delicious.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Mm-hmm, it is.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|It's made from the most tender leg meat from ranch-raised deer and cooked with a wide range of spices...}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|It's served with lingonberry jam and roasted potatoes. It's amazing.}}
{{SL|You|(I have to try it later.)}}
|choice2=Grilled beef and mushrooms
{{SL|You|Charcoal-grilled beef with mushrooms... Do you grill mushrooms and beef together over a charcoal fire?}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Yes. We like to make a mushroom sauce by chopping up fresh mushrooms and mixing them with black pepper...}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|We use that to marinate the beef and then we grill it over the charcoals. The flavors of the sauce and beef will blend together perfectly.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|You've got to try it. It's really wonderful.}}
{{SL|You|It sounds amazing!}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|There are many unique natural landscapes in the Fia Estate. All the tourists find the estate's scenery attractive.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. We can already feel it.}}
{{SL|Vyn|It is indeed very charming.}}
{{SL|Jennie Fiscella|Well, have a nice day at Fia Estate.}}
==="Surprise" Souvenir===
|scriptHeader=Fia Estate
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Vyn!Vyn Richter
After saying goodbye to Jennie, you and Vyn continue to travel around Fia Estate.
The spring breeze is warm and the view is breathtaking. In the distance, cows are grazing on the pasture. It is a peaceful scene.
{{SL|You|...What are we going to do at the last stop of our trip?}}
The five-day overseas trip will soon come to an end. You feel reluctant to leave.
After leaving Jennie's house, you begin to think about doing something special to commemorate the trip.
{{SL|Vyn|Do you want to experience the life of being the master of the estate?}}
{{SL|You|What? How?}}
{{SL|Vyn|There are many farms around Fia Estate which are available for tourists to rent.}}
{{SL|Vyn|If you want, you can temporarily become the owner of the farm and experience the farmer's life.}}
{{SL|You|(It's nice to be the owner of the farm and watch cattle and sheep wandering on the pasture!)}}
{{SL|You|That's it! Dr. Richter, let's become the masters of the farm together!}}
{{SL|Vyn|Shall we go have a look at the farms available for rental?}}
Soon, you find a farm available for rental and become a temporary farmer.
According to the staff, during the rental period, the tenants can use any items on the farm.
If you want, you can even prepare a Baroskian meal for your guests.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter! The cows are here!}}
{{SL|Vyn|I never thought that I would need to harvest my own food one day.}}
It might be a little hard to cook traditional Baroskian food, but it shouldn't be too hard to make a cream stew.
You feel like an idiot for not realizing that you'd have to harvest your own food.
There's no food in the kitchen. If you want to cook, you'd have to collect the ingredients from the farm yourself.
{{SL|You|Fine. It is our farm after all.}}
{{SL|You|As a farm owner, I have to do everything by myself.}}
You volunteer to milk the cow, but you become totally helpless when you sit by the milk bucket.
{{SL|You|Okay. Massage the teat repeatedly from the top to the bottom... Be careful and squeeze it in one fluid motion.}}
{{SL|You|(Oh no, I've completely forgotten the milking technique the staff just taught me!)}}
You try your best to remember as you approach the cows...
"Moo!" You tried to be gentle, but once the cow moves, you get scared and you withdraw your hands.
At this time, a pair of warm hands cover yours and gently hold your trembling fingers.
{{SL|Vyn|Don't be afraid. The more you worry, the more your fingers will lose control.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Calm down. It is actually very simple.}}
With a gentle force between the fingers, you massage the cow's teat... Soon, you can smell the sweetness of the milk.
{{SL|You|I did it.}}
You relax your arms and let Vyn's fingers guide you.
The rich smelling liquid squirts through your fingers and drips steadily into the milk bucket.
Soon the bucket is filled with milk. You've finally finished your task.
{{SL|Vyn|Look, you have done a good job, right?}}
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter... I mean, farmer Richter, you've also done a good job guiding me.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I did not really guide you. I only learned from the staff's introduction.}}
{{SL|You|Now I have to repay you with the creamy stew I guess.}}
{{SL|Vyn|Okay. Let me carry the milk bucket...}}
Because of your inexperience, the bucket is too full... The milk splashes out onto Vyn's face.
Milk is dripping from his collar, cuffs, chest, and even the ends of his hair...
Unlike his usual self, Vyn shows a hint of helplessness or even nervousness.
Instead of getting a towel to clean up, you pick up the camera and aim it at him...
Admittedly, you do want to prank him but you won't say it out loud.
{{SL|You|Dr. Richter.}}
The moment is captured by the camera. The surprise in his eyes, the embarrassment when his shirt is soaked with milk...
It's like... you know a little secret about Vyn. It makes you feel strangely satisfied.
{{SL|Vyn|Why did you... suddenly...}}
{{SL|You|Because seeing you embarrassed is also a new experience.}}
{{SL|You|I want that as a souvenir.}}
Vyn looks at your photo, the surprise in his eyes is enlarged and there is a kind of helplessness in his golden eyes.
{{SL|Vyn|...You captured the embarrassing side of me.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I can never hide anything from you.}}
You pick up a clean towel to clean the milk stains on Vyn's shirt.
{{SL|You|Perfect... I want to get a better look at you.}}
{{SL|Vyn|I am willing to let you see me.}}
His voice is so soft, like the tenderness reflected in his golden eyes.
The more you see, the more you understand, and slowly you find his uniqueness...
I think... Maybe this is the meaning and reward of your trip.
==City of the Arts (Artem's Route)==
===Vacation Invitation===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
The legal assistance case that you and Artem were working on today in the Orchidshine District ended smoothly.
You're in a great mood after a busy day of work, so you can't help but start daydreaming about your upcoming vacation.
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, Celestine said that she'd give us time off after we finished this case...}}
{{SL|You|Have you thought about how you're going to spend your vacation?}}
{{SL|Artem|Not really. You?}}
{{SL|You|...I'll probably spend a few days enjoying someplace with a nice view.}}
{{SL|Artem|Are you... going by yourself?}}
{{SL|You|Yeah, because Evelyn, my friend who works at a geographic magazine publishing house, is asking for my help again...}}
{{SL|You|She wants me to take pictures of "the most magnificent sights" during my vacation.}}
{{SL|Artem|Where do you want to travel? Any ideas?}}
{{SL|You|I've given it some thought, but... I haven't decided yet.}}
{{SL|You|Oh, do you have any recommendations, Mr. Wing?}}
Artem falls silent. He seems to be thinking seriously about your question.
{{SL|Artem|I recommend Lombardia. Its cultural landmarks and natural scenery are remarkable.}}
{{SL|Artem|They also recently opened a travel train route that takes you to popular tourist destinations.}}
{{SL|Artem|If you want to travel, Lombardia is an excellent choice.}}
{{SL|Artem|What is it? Did I say something wrong?}}
Not wrong, but way too coincidental.
You were already interested in Lombardia when you were looking at travel guides, but you were still undecided...
You didn't expect Artem to recommend the same place. Is this the work of the Fates?
{{SL|Artem|Of course, it's only a suggestion. The important thing is that you choose somewhere you like—}}
{{SL|You|I do like it! Lombardia it is!!!}}
{{SL|You|If it's your suggestion, it can't be bad.}}
{{SL|Artem|...Why don't we go together?}}
{{SL|Artem|I just think... it would be difficult for you to take pictures by yourself.}}
{{SL|Artem|Besides, it might be better to have a travel partner...}}
{{SL|You|Perfect. I was just about to ask if you wanted to go with me.}}
{{SL|You|Then it's decided, okay?}}
{{SL|Artem|Okay. I'll have a look at the travel route when I get home tonight.}}
Artem smiles. His sparkling eyes momentarily daze you.
You two soon have the itinerary planned and flights booked. Together, you and him embark on a journey to Lombardia.
|scriptHeader=City Rail Station
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|You|It's so warm and sunny! What a perfect day for our trip.}}
Sunlight streams in through the ceiling's glass panels, providing warmth to the station's passengers.
Standing inside and looking around a station situated by Lombardia's border...
It feels like you've stepped through time into the previous century, away from the hustle and bustle of modern cities.
{{SL|Artem|[Player], the gate might get busy later. Let's ready our tickets beforehand.}}
{{SL|You|Got them.}}
You wave the train tickets in your hand to show that they're ready to go.
{{SL|Artem|The train is almost here. Let's go wait on the platform.}}
{{SL|Artem|The seats I booked are right by the windows. You can enjoy the sights along the way.}}
{{SL|You|Great! I can take some videos to show Evelyn.}}
{{SL|Artem|We'll pass a flower field before the first stop. It should make for a good view.}}
In minute detail, Artem goes on to describe the scenery you will see along the way, as well as some photo-worthy locales...
His descriptions are so detailed that it sounds as though he has personally seen those sights.
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, have you been there before?}}
{{SL|Artem|No... This is also my first time.}}
{{SL|You|What?! But your descriptions were so detailed...}}
{{SL|Artem|I looked them up while assembling a travel guide.}}
You did all this research online to make a guide?!
How many resources did he go through to look up all this stuff?!
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, you're incredible!}}
{{SL|Artem|I... wanted to be well-prepared so you would feel more comfortable.}}
{{SL|You|Well, I always feel really comfortable traveling with you.}}
{{SL|Artem|...That's good.}}
Artem's eyes light up. He appears to be in high spirits after hearing your reply.
{{SL|Artem|Oh, where do you want to go after we arrive in the city of Lombard?}}
{{SL|Artem|I had reserved tickets for an opera because I thought we could watch it together...}}
{{SL|Artem|But after looking at travel guides, I found out that the central plaza hosts popular street performances.}}
{{SL|Artem|So, I thought... it would be best to let you decide.}}
The opera would be fantastic, but a street performance sounds really unique.
Both are excellent options... Which one will you choose?
|choice1=Watch an opera
{{SL|You|Let's watch the opera. It'd be a shame to not use the tickets you bought.}}
{{SL|You|If there's time after the opera, we can walk around town and see if there are other street performances going on.}}
{{SL|Artem|Then let's follow the original plan and watch the opera first.}}
{{SL|Artem|I'm looking forward to our trip.}}
{{SL|You|Yes, me too!}}
|choice2=Watch a street performance
{{SL|You|I want to see the street performance, but... wouldn't that be a waste of your hard-won tickets?}}
{{SL|Artem|No problem. They're refundable. You don't need to worry.}}
{{SL|You|Thanks, Mr. Wing. I hope it's not too much trouble...}}
{{SL|Artem|...No need for stress. We're here on vacation, so we should do what we want to.}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing...}}
{{SL|Artem|Let's go. The train's almost here. I'm looking forward to our trip.}}
<nowiki>*</nowiki>choo* The sound of a train whistle draws the attention of all the travelers on the platform.
{{SL|You|It's here. Let's go, Mr. Wing!}}
Maybe because of the excitement in your voice, Artem also cracks a smile.
===Explore City of the Arts===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
Lombardia, also known as the "City of Art," is a renowned tourist destination famous for its beautiful environment, architecture, and art collections.
Standing in the city's streets right now, you finally understand its epithet.
As soon as you exit the station, your attention is captured by the artistic and classical architecture.
{{SL|You|So beautiful... Good thing we came here.}}
{{SL|Artem|We can take a tour bus to the city's CBD for a more impressive view of the city.}}
{{SL|You|Hm... I feel like I'll be able to take all of Evelyn's photos today.}}
You two arrive at the tour bus station, ready to take a bus into the heart of the city. However...
{{SL|You|Huh? There isn't even a single bus...}}
Having waited for half an hour, not a single vehicle passed by this place.
Many tourists who are also waiting for the bus are getting anxious and are starting to complain.
{{SL|Artem|Maybe there's an accident so the bus is late.}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, shall we go and check with the staff?}}
Once you enter the tourist information room, the staff greet you immediately.
{{SL|Staff|Excuse me, are you here to inquire about the delay with the tour bus?}}
|choice1=Tour bus
{{SL|You|Excuse me, but did something happen to the tour buses?}}
{{SL|Staff|Sigh, I'm so sorry.}}
{{SL|Staff|Road repairs are being done nearby. Traffic jams have been common lately because of the construction work.}}
{{SL|Staff|Thank you for your continued patience. The tour bus should be here within 15 minutes.}}
The staff member swiftly resolves your confusion. It looks like she's had to answer these questions a lot as of late.
{{SL|You|I see... That explains a lot about our wait.}}
{{SL|Staff|I'm so sorry. We will discuss this issue with the construction team.}}
{{SL|You|No problem, I understand.}}
{{SL|Staff|Thank you for your understanding. Is there anything else I can help you with?}}
|choice1=Recommended attractions
{{SL|You|Can you give us more recommendations for popular spots?}}
Although you have already made travel plans with Artem, you want to hear a professional's recommendations.
{{SL|Staff|I recommend the Golden Church, Arty Clocktower, and the Lombard Opera House.}}
{{SL|Staff|These three places are full of artistry and romance. You'll get a sense of Lombardia's spirit at first glance.}}
|choice1=Golden Church
{{SL|You|I saw a description of the Golden Church when I was looking up travel guides. It's the oldest church in Lombardia, isn't it?}}
{{SL|Staff|Yes. The Golden Church was sacred in ancient Lombardia and there are a lot of precious artworks from the old dynasties in the church.}}
{{SL|Staff|The church's facade and mesh vaults are lined with gold foil, which makes it dazzling in the sunlight...}}
{{SL|Staff|That's why it is called the Golden Church.}}
{{SL|You|(I'm sure I'll get some great photos there!)}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, can we go visit the Golden Church... if there is time?}}
{{SL|Artem|We don't have much on the agenda today, so we can go anywhere you want.}}
|choice2=Arty Clocktower
{{SL|You|Where is Yati Clock Tower?}}
{{SL|Staff|It's near Lombardia Central Square. It's one of our landmarks.}}
{{SL|Staff|The Yati Clock Tower is about 300 feet high, and each wall is decorated with the golden lion from the old Lombardia legend.}}
{{SL|Staff|The top floor of the clock tower has a view of the whole city.}}
{{SL|You|(The view from above must be spectacular! I should go check it out if there is time later.)}}
|choice3=Lombard Opera House
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, the opera house you wanted to visit is the Lombardia Opera House, right?}}
{{SL|Artem|Yes. It's had many masterpieces performed in it and the building itself is very characteristic of Lombardia. It's one of best the landmarks of the city.}}
{{SL|Staff|You're an expert on this stuff. You must have done a lot of homework.}}
{{SL|Staff|The architectural style of Lombardia Opera House is a combination of Baroque and Gothic.}}
{{SL|Staff|However, it also incorporates Lombardia's classical architectural features. The whole opera house is elegant and artistic.}}
{{SL|Staff|Anyone who has been to the opera house is enchanted by its beauty.}}
{{SL|You|(Hmm, I should pay a visit with Artem.)}}
{{SL|Staff|Do you have any other questions?}}
{{SL|You|No. Thank you.}}
{{SL|Staff|You're welcome. This is my job.}}
{{SL|Staff|By the way, this is a travel guidebook for Lombardia...}}
The staff smile and hands you a booklet.
{{SL|Staff|The attractions and travel routes are marked in the guide. You can refer to this map for sightseeing.}}
{{SL|You|Thank you. It's really convenient.}}
{{SL|Staff|Have a nice day.}}
===Photography Problems===
|scriptHeader=Lombard Specialty Restaurant
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
At the end of the day's journey, you and Artem have dinner at a Lombardan restaurant famed for their specialty dishes.
The restaurant is not large, but the simple and classic decor lends a comfortable atmosphere.
The only drawback is the lack of waitstaff — customers need to order directly at the bar.
{{SL|Artem|What do you want to eat?}}
{{SL|You|You pick. I trust your taste, Mr. Wing!}}
{{SL|Artem|Then have a seat and relax. I'll order.}}
While Artem is ordering, you open your tablet to pick which photos to send to Evelyn.
{{SL|You|This one with the street reflected in the river isn't bad. Hm, this shot of the opera house at sunset is also pretty good...}}
After selecting the photos that you like, you compress them into a single file and send them off via email.
As soon as you finish, you hear someone shouting from a neighboring section... It sounds like they're complaining about something.
{{SL|???|How did you calculate this bill?! What a scam! I want a refund!}}
{{SL|???|You guys are trying to scam tourists!}}
{{SL|You|(Over there... A fight?)}}
You can only hear indistinct words through the closed door, and you can't see what is happening.
More muffled noises come from the other room, but they quickly die out and the air grows calm again...
{{SL|You|(It's quiet again. It was probably something small...)}}
As you hesitate on whether to go and have a look, you hear familiar footsteps... Artem's back.
{{SL|Artem|[Player], what's wrong?}}
If you told him, would he think that you're being too nosy? Maybe it's best if you didn't...
You smile and change the subject.
{{SL|You|Nothing... Oh, what did you order, Mr. Wing?}}
{{SL|Artem|I ordered some of their highly rated dishes. I hope you like them.}}
{{SL|You|Looking forward to it!}}
The dishes that Artem had ordered quickly arrive. The delectable display and tantalizing aroma are enough to set off anyone's appetite.
{{SL|Artem|Try the fish chowder while it's hot.}}
Artem places a bowl of the chowder in front of you.
Its savory aroma tickles your nose. You trade your camera for a spoon... A single spoonful washes away the day's fatigue.
{{SL|You|Delicious! I thought that mixing cream and fish would be oily, but this is so tasty!}}
The soft, deboned fillets melt into the soup. Every mouthful is a delight.
You present a bowl of precious fish chowder to Artem, eagerly staring at him.
{{SL|You|You need to try it, too! It's delicious!}}
{{SL|Artem|Okay. It seems that the raw fish was cooked by placing it directly into the cream soup...}}
{{SL|Artem|I would expect that method of preparation to yield a fishy taste, but it is unexpectedly good.}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, how about taking a page from this recipe?}}
{{SL|Artem|I'll try.}}
As you two chat, you savor Lombardia's famed cuisine and enjoy the leisure of being on vacation.
A sudden vibration from your phone breaks your reverie. You unlock your phone and see a message from Evelyn.
"These shots aren't good enough. What I want is a picture of what you think is the most magnificent sight on your trip."
{{SL|You|Oh, man...}}
{{SL|Artem|What's wrong?}}
{{SL|You|I think I failed...}}
You show Artem Evelyn's message and the photos you had just sent her.
Artem examines your photos several times. He returns your tablet before speaking.
{{SL|Artem|I think the photos you took are in and of themselves fine.}}
{{SL|Artem|This one of a church at sunset, and this one with reflections on the water — both are good.}}
{{SL|You|You don't have to console me, Mr. Wing... All these photos got rejected.}}
{{SL|Artem|I was not providing consolation, but stating a fact.}}
{{SL|Artem|My guess is... Your friend isn't asking for a work of superior artistic composition. It's something else...}}
{{SL|You|Something else?}}
Artem's words pour into your heart like spring water and wash away your feelings of dejection.
You try to grasp the key message, but you feel like something is missing. You can't see through the fog before you.
{{SL|Artem|Relax and take your time. The train will arrive at Dilly Plaza tomorrow...}}
{{SL|Artem|They say its beauty is unparalleled as the heart of Lombardia's arts. You might find inspiration there.}}
{{SL|You|True, and we still have quite a few days of vacation after that! I'm sure that the most magnificent of sights is waiting for us.}}
Artem's gentle voice dispels the remaining regret in your heart.
He's right. Your journey only just started — it's too early to define what the "most breathtaking sight" is.
Patience will allow you to discover and realize it during this trip.
===The Charm of Dilly Plaza===
|scriptHeader=Dilly Plaza
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
The next day, you arrive at Dilly Plaza by train.
If Lombardia is a picture of art, Dilly Plaza is an elegant city of lifestyle.
Here, you can feel the passion of the local people.
For example, shortly after you walk out of the station, a travel guide greets you warmly.
{{SL|Tour Guide|Nice to meet you, my guest from afar.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|I wonder if there's anything I can help you with?}}
|choice1=Recommended attractions
{{SL|You|Do you have any recommendations on some popular attractions nearby?}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|There are lots of popular attractions in Dilly Plaza. The top two are Dilly Art Gallery and Wax Museum of Movies.}}
|choice1=Dilly Art Gallery
{{SL|You|I saw online that Stellis Art Gallery is holding an exhibition on Impressionism?}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|Yes. You are welcome to visit the gallery if you're interested.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|This exhibition brings together more than ten famous Impressionist artists, and they allow photography...}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|You can take pictures of the works you like.}}
{{SL|You|(Wow, I can get a lot of precious photos!)}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, shall we go to the art gallery later?}}
{{SL|Artem|Sure. I was thinking about it, too.}}
|choice2=Wax museum
{{SL|You|How do we get to the Wax Museum of Movies?}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|Take the tour bus to the Film Gallery on the west side of the square. The entrance of the Wax Museum of Movies is nearby.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|The wax museum has replicated many classic movie scenes with vivid wax sculptures. It's a favorite for tourists.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|If you are into movies, you can't miss it.}}
{{SL|You|(I love movies! The wax museum is in the guide Artem made. I bet he'd like to see it.)}}
{{SL|Artem|[Player], maybe we should...}}
{{SL|You|Why don't we go to the wax museum?}}
You and Artem say the same thing at the same time... As you both finish your words, a smile spreads across Artem's face.
{{SL|Artem|Sure. Let's go.}}
|choice2=Recommended food
{{SL|You|Any recommendations for food?}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|The top two dishes on Dilly Plaza's fine foods list are mussel shrimp soup and beef tongue in red wine.}}
|choice1=Mussel and shrimp soup
{{SL|You|I'm curious what the mussel shrimp soup tastes like.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|This soup is famous in Dilly Plaza. It uses a variety of vegetables to make the broth, setting off the sweetness of the mussels and long-tail shrimp.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|You are guaranteed to experience the complexity of the mussel shrimp soup from the first sip.}}
{{SL|You|(It sounds like a complicated process! So the soup should taste great, right?)}}
{{SL|Artem|Let's get that when we eat.}}
{{SL|You|Yes! I was thinking that too.}}
|choice2=Red wine braised beef tongue
{{SL|You|Beef tongue in red wine. It sounds delicious.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|It's a traditional Lombardia dish. You have to try it.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|The beef tongue is slowly stewed at a low temperature to ensure its soft texture...}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|The special red wine sauce makes the beef tongue taste fresh and sweet. Anyone that has tried this dish speaks highly of it.}}
{{SL|You|(Just hearing about it makes me hungry! I'm adding this dish to my list!)}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|Do you have any other questions?}}
{{SL|You|No. Thank you.}}
{{SL|Tour Guide|Then, I wish you a pleasant journey!}}
===Waxwork Woes===
|scriptHeader=Wax Museum
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
After visiting the Dilly Art Gallery and enjoying the fresh mussel shrimp soup and the delicious red wine ox tongue...
The next destination is the film wax museum that you were looking forward to.
{{SL|You|(I wonder if there're any of the movie scenes that you and Artem like...)}}
As soon as you arrive at the ticket booth, you're greeted with yelling instead of hospitable staff.
{{SL|Tourist|What's the matter with you? Why should I pay extra?}}
{{SL|Staff|Lady, that is our policy.}}
{{SL|Tourist|These are unreasonable charges for cheating tourists!}}
{{SL|You|Oh? What...}}
{{SL|Tourist|Young lady, tell me what you think!}}
|choice1=Sequence of events
{{SL|You|Hey, take it easy. Can you tell me what's going on?}}
{{SL|Tourist|I bought a travel pass online before I came here!}}
{{SL|Tourist|It includes admission to over a dozen popular attractions without any further charges.}}
{{SL|You|(Hmm... That's a great deal.)}}
{{SL|Tourist|But when I showed it to them... they asked me to pay more!}}
{{SL|Tourist|They said I had to pay extra for the service I already paid for. It ticked me off.}}
|choice1=Ticket price
{{SL|You|Is there any information about additional service fees on the travel pass?}}
{{SL|Tourist|No! I swear, absolutely not.}}
{{SL|Tourist|I went through the ticket several times and there was nothing about any additional service fees.}}
{{SL|Tourist|This store must be lying about it.}}
|choice1=Shop owner's excuse
{{SL|You|Well... What did they say about the extra charge?}}
{{SL|Tourist|Hmpf, he said the travel pass only includes the price of admission...}}
{{SL|Tourist|I had to pay the processing and service fees to get in!}}
{{SL|Tourist|I'm so mad! What kind of wax museum is this? I'm not going in. I want a refund!}}
{{SL|Staff|I'm sorry, lady. We can't refund your ticket.}}
{{SL|You|(No refund? That's a bit unreasonable!)}}
{{SL|Artem|If this lady doesn't want to visit anymore, you should refund the ticket for her.}}
{{SL|Tourist|Exactly. How can you charge me for no reason?}}
{{SL|Staff|Let me be clear. We do not refund tickets! }}
['''[[Romantic Rail Getaway/Waxwork Woes|Debate]]''']
|choice1=Debate success
{{SL|Staff|Fine, fine! You win. I'll refund the ticket.}}
{{SL|Staff|Now, get out. We don't welcome troublesome visitors like you! }}
{{SL|Tourist|Thank you. It'd probably take me a long time to argue with them without your help.}}
{{SL|You|You're welcome. It's not a big deal.}}
{{SL|You|We are tourists as well. We should help each other.}}
{{SL|Tourist|Sigh... the scenery of Lombardia is beautiful. It's just that there are too many unethical business practices!}}
The tourist seizes the opportunity to begin whining.
When you finally calm her down, you and Artem are not in the mood for sightseeing anymore.
After taking a few photos of the scenery, you finish your day early.
|choice2=Debate failure
{{SL|Staff|Humph, we strictly follow the charging standards here. Mind your own business!}}
{{SL|You|(So unreasonable!)}}
{{SL|You|(No. I need to calm down and think... I must be able to think of something to refute him!)}}
===Gentle Street Performance===
|scriptHeader=Dilly Block
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|You|That staff member was so unreasonable.}}
Even though you're already a few streets away from the film wax museum, you still can't let go of what happened.
You thought you could experience the charm of classic movie scenes with Artem at the wax museum...
However... The truth is that you two were refused entry, and the staff member even rudely called you "nosy tourists."
{{SL|Artem|We already explained everything to the local police.}}
{{SL|Artem|It's up to the authorities now. Don't let this matter eat at you.}}
{{SL|You|Right. I shouldn't let someone like that ruin my mood!}}
Artem reaches out and brushes aside your bangs with a faint smile on his face.
{{SL|Artem|Oh, did you want to watch the nighttime street concert at Dilly Plaza?}}
{{SL|You|Eh? ...Can we make it...?}}
Earlier, you were looking forward to the street concert when the tour guide was talking about how much of a spectacle they were.
But you gave up on the idea after considering
{{SL|Artem|Now that we're not going to the wax museum anymore... We have an extra hour of free time.}}
{{SL|Artem|The timing is just right to go to the concert now.}}
Artem's voice slowly drifts into your ears with the night breeze, arousing the curiosity in your heart once again.
{{SL|You|I want to go!}}
{{SL|Artem|Okay. I'll hail a taxi.}}
"My beautiful love, please look at me."
"Don't let go. Become music and follow the galaxy of time to find me."
{{SL|You|The music's lovely.}}
The melodies of the singers on stage flow like a river graced by a starry spring night, quietly lingering in the air.
{{SL|Artem|This is "Nocturne of a Starry River," a popular song that was adapted from a Lombardian folk song.}}
The concert has no emcee, so the singers improvise their songs and interactions with the audience.
Artem acts as your guide and quietly whispers commentary from your side.
{{SL|You|I thought they'd pick faster songs for an outdoor concert, but most of them have been romantic ballads.}}
{{SL|Artem|This performance's theme is "heaven and love." Most of the songs have been Lombardian folk songs.}}
{{SL|Artem|The locals revere the beauty of nature, so they prefer to sing unaccompanied.}}
{{SL|You|Hmm... This kind of improv requires a lot of skill to pull off.}}
{{SL|You|The singers are all in tune, like walking music players.}}
You two converse in whispers as winds of marvelous song blow your worries away.
You are immersed in the songs until the end of the show. The day's troubles have all but been forgotten.
{{SL|Artem|Feeling better now?}}
{{SL|You|For sure! I'm in a great mood after hearing that amazing concert.}}
{{SL|Artem|That's good... I want you to enjoy a perfect trip.}}
{{SL|Artem|That's why I don't want what happened earlier today to leave you with any regrets.}}
{{SL|You|I don't have any regrets. On the contrary... I feel very lucky.}}
{{SL|You|If we hadn't missed the wax museum, then we wouldn't have been able to watch that wonderful concert.}}
{{SL|You|This is a "blessing in disguise"? No, "turning lemons into lemonade"!}}
Artem is amused by your words. His eyebrows arch up, and his eyes seem more animated than usual.
{{SL|Artem|In that case, then I feel like today was... a "gift from God."}}
{{SL|You|Oh, why's that?}}
{{SL|Artem|Whether it's an exhibit or a concert, the most important thing for me is... that I'm going there with you.}}
{{SL|Artem|Now that my wish has been fulfilled, isn't it like a "dream come true"?}}
You didn't know that Artem could chat so casually. Away from the intense environment at work...
Out here on vacation, it feels like he is subconsciously showing you more of his real self.
{{SL|You|Yeah, that makes sense.}}
{{SL|You|I have a little bit of regret.}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, you've always loved movies. I feel bad that we couldn't see the wax exhibit...}}
{{SL|Artem|I don't feel bad.}}
{{SL|Artem|I enjoy the process of seeing the exhibition with you, not necessarily the exhibition itself.}}
{{SL|Artem|And if you ask me, it's been an enjoyable journey.}}
{{SL|Artem|So, I have no regrets. In fact, I feel... satisfied.}}
Artem smiles at you. You can see the kindness on his face and feel the sincerity in his words.
Touched by his words, the final remnants of regret in your heart vanish.
{{SL|You|I'm also really satisfied.}}
{{SL|Artem|It's getting late. We should head back.}}
{{SL|Artem|We're going to Kylos tomorrow, so we should get a good night's sleep.}}
Kylos is famous for its food. Hundreds of local snacks and delicacies attract countless tourists to the city.
{{SL|You|I have my food bucket list ready!}}
{{SL|Artem|I looked into some of the finer specialty restaurants. After we arrive, we can explore the city and try out the food.}}
{{SL|You|Okay. I trust your choices!}}
You and him chat the entire way back.
Under the moonlight, the road ahead seems to stretch on infinitely, leading your journey to an unknown tomorrow.
===Thoughts of Kylos===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
As everyone says, Kylos is the famous gourmet city of Lombardia.
There are many specialty restaurants here. You can smell food everywhere in the streets.
Thoughtfully, Artem has found a guide to tell you about Kylos.
Under the guide's patient and passionate explanation, you start to get a more complete picture of this gourmet city.
{{SL|Guide|My dear guests, welcome to Kylos.}}
{{SL|Guide|This is Lombardia's ark of gourmet food. It's an island ruled by taste and the culinary spirit!}}
{{SL|You|(This introduction is so dramatic... This is probably one of the most unique characteristics of Kylos?)}}
{{SL|You|Sir, can you be more specific?}}
{{SL|Guide|Of course, my dearest guests.}}
|choice1=Special attractions
{{SL|You|Could you give us some detailed recommendations for some unique attractions?}}
{{SL|Guide|Well, I highly recommend the Museum of Tastes and the Green Castle.}}
{{SL|Guide|They are the landmarks of Kylos.}}
|choice1=Culinary museum
{{SL|You|The Museum of Tastes?}}
{{SL|Guide|Ah yes, it has displays on various historical documents related to cuisine.}}
{{SL|Guide|You can learn a lot of details about the history of Kylos as a foodie city.}}
{{SL|You|Got it... I think I'll get hungry walking around the museum.}}
|choice2=Umbra Castle
{{SL|You|What's Green Castle like?}}
{{SL|Guide|It's fully surrounded by greenery and flowers. Some say it's like a fairy tale wonderland.}}
{{SL|Guide|I highly recommend you to visit it.}}
{{SL|Guide|You get to enjoy not only the fantastic delicacies but also the service aristocrats historically experienced.}}
{{SL|You|(Historical aristocratic service... fantastic delicacies?)}}
{{SL|You|(What would that be like? I'm so into it!)}}
|choice2=Popular foods
{{SL|You|What's the most popular food here?}}
{{SL|Guide|Kylos is famous for three delicacies: cheese and mushroom tart, squab pie, and beet lobster.}}
{{SL|Guide|You can't really say you have been to Kylos without trying these three dishes.}}
|choice1=Cheese mushroom pastry
{{SL|You|I think I'll try cheese and mushroom tart.}}
{{SL|Guide|You have excellent taste, miss.}}
{{SL|Guide|Use the special sauce made with cheese and fresh mushrooms to stuff the tart, and bake it. It tastes amazing.}}
{{SL|Guide|Anyone who tastes it will be overwhelmed by the flavor of the cheese and the freshness of the mushrooms.}}
{{SL|You|(It's that amazing? I'll have to try it!)}}
|choice2=Pigeon meat pie
{{SL|Artem|I've heard of squab pie. It's a traditional Lombardia dish.}}
{{SL|Guide|That's right. Personally, I think it represents Lombardia the best!}}
{{SL|Guide|It looks no different from a regular savory pie on the outside, but the filling is made of freshly minced squab meat.}}
{{SL|Guide|The combination of the freshness of the squab and the tender savory pie makes for an incredible dish.}}
{{SL|You|(Mmm... I think this one is gonna be awesome!)}}
|choice3=Beet lobster
{{SL|You|Is beet lobster just beets cooked with lobster?}}
{{SL|Guide|That's an oversimplification. Kylos's beet lobster is much more than that.}}
{{SL|Guide|It must be made with the most tender beets chopped and boiled with oysters, clams, and other seafood to make the sauce.}}
{{SL|Guide|Fry the lobster with butter and serve it with the seafood beet sauce.}}
{{SL|Guide|The freshness of the seafood sauce and the freshness of the lobster makes a perfect blend.}}
{{SL|You|(Wow, I want to try the beet lobster right now!)}}
{{SL|Guide|My dear guests, please let me know if you have any other questions.}}
{{SL|You|That'll be all. We've got everything we need to know. Thank you.}}
{{SL|Guide|You're welcome. It's my honor to be able to answer your questions.}}
After saying goodbye to the guide, you look for the location of the attractions on the map on your phone.
{{SL|You|Hm... Gourmet Museum and Green Castle should be on the same block...}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, we can visit these two places at the same time!}}
{{SL|Artem|Sure. We can find a place for lunch after visiting the museum... then we can visit Green Castle.}}
{{SL|You|Good. We can try the dishes the guide recommended.}}
===Dining Dilemma===
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|You|I wonder what the fried air from the tourism video tastes like ...}}
You and Artem are still discussing the creative dishes you saw in the gourmet museum after you left.
{{SL|You|Deep-fried moss, giant catfish noodles, lobster, and cuttlefish stew... they all seem pretty special to me.}}
{{SL|Artem|I found a specialty restaurant...}}
{{SL|Artem|They are specialized in recreating the dishes in the Gourmet Museum as well as classic Lombardia cuisine.}}
{{SL|You|Let's go to that restaurant, shall we?}}
Your excited voice triggers a smile in Artem's eyes.
{{SL|Artem|Okay. Let me call a cab.}}
|scriptHeader=Specialty Restaurant
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
Soon, you arrive at the specialty restaurant that Artem mentioned.
The restaurant is clean and the prices are reasonable.
So you order a few more signature dishes to savor the delicacies.
But the good times are interrupted when the bill arrives.
{{SL|You|No way. Why is it so expensive? Did you make a mistake?}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|I swear to God, it's the right amount.}}
{{SL|Artem|The unit price on the bill is not the same as on the menu.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|The price on the menu is just for the dish itself...}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|But please understand that there are other fees such as service fees, ingredient fees, and cooking fees.}}
{{SL|You|You didn't explain these fees to us. We are not going to pay for it.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|Oh my god! I guarantee that every cent we charge is reasonable.}}
{{SL|You|So it's reasonable to charge a service fee, an ingredients fee, and a labor fee separately?}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|I can't believe you would ask such a silly question.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|If we don't charge them separately, how can we provide proper service to our customers?}}
{{SL|You|These charges are clearly designed to scam tourists!}}
['''[[Romantic Rail Getaway/Dining Dilemma|Debate]]''']
|choice1=Debate success
{{SL|Artem|We've called the police. I suggest you save your excuses for them.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|Oh, gosh! I don't know how to talk to you people.}}
The restaurant owner has clearly run out of things to say, but he still acts arrogantly.
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|Pay now and get out of my restaurant!}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|If you come to my restaurant again, I can't promise what I'd do to you.}}
Just like that, you are kicked out by the restaurant owner.
Luckily the local police arrive in time to stop the chaos.
After some negotiation, the owner is willing to charge according to the menu. You and Artem accept the outcome reluctantly.
{{SL|You|...That restaurant owner is awful!}}
{{SL|You|(If this happened in Stellis, I would've sued him to bankruptcy!)}}
{{SL|Artem|Sorry. I didn't expect the restaurant to be like that...}}
As soon as Artem finishes, a high-pitched voice of a middle-aged woman cuts in.
{{SL|???|Poor foreigners. Only you would eat in such a restaurant.}}
Her words are clearly directed at you. You can't resist walking up to chat with her.
{{SL|You|Excuse me, do you mind explaining... what you just said?}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Oh, I can't believe poor foreigners would ask such a question. I bet you've never been to Lombardia before.}}
{{SL|You|...Indeed, it's my first time here.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|What you've been through is perfectly ordinary, as ordinary as the apple jam my neighbor Susanna makes.}}
{{SL|You|(This analogy...)}}
{{SL|You|Excuse me, can you be more specific?}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Oh! I can't believe it, you don't know anything.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Fine. I am kind enough to explain this to you.}}
|choice1=Restaurant issue
{{SL|You|Is that restaurant... only frequented by tourists?}}
{{SL|Local Resident|It was popular among us locals ten years ago.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Sadly... its prices have become so expensive as more tourists come to visit.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Lord knows I used to love their squab pie.}}
|choice1=Original prices
{{SL|You|That means... the prices at the restaurant used to be more reasonable?}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Oh, of course. I miss those days.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Cheap and delicious food without all the service charge nonsense.}}
{{SL|You|(Wow? This restaurant was once that kind of place?)}}
|choice1=Restaurant owner
{{SL|Artem|Did the owner of the restaurant change?}}
{{SL|You|(That makes sense... The change in ownership may have lead to the price increases.)}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Never, I swear to God.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Sigh, he is just being greedy. He wants to make more money. That's why he keeps raising prices.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|A lot of tourists don't mind spending more money, which has encouraged him.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|The outrageous thing is that some double their prices when they deal with tourists.}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Those guys! Their hearts are as dark as squid noodle soup!}}
{{SL|You|(I hate to admit it, but it looks like we got hustled...)}}
{{SL|Local Resident|Oh my God. I can't believe I wasted so much time on you...}}
{{SL|Local Resident|My dear Randy is still waiting for me to try his apple pies.}}
Although you don't know who Randy is, this lady clearly doesn't want to continue the conversation anymore.
{{SL|You|Sorry for taking up your time.}}
After the conversation, you and Artem stroll along the busy streets of Kylos.
You have both gone silent. You feel something oppressed in your hearts...
You feel heavy and anxious. You've lost the excitement for the trip.
|choice2=Debate failure
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|I swear to God that I'm already accommodating you with all my kindness. Young lady, you should stop.}}
{{SL|You|You should stop!}}
{{SL|You|(Dang... let me think how I should refute him!)}}
===Scenic Spot Troubles===
|scriptHeader=Kylos Block
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
As the sky grows dark, the lively excitement of the city peters out into a peaceful quiet.
Only the tumult within your heart remains unabated, sharply contrasting the tranquil night.
You can still picture the face of that unreasonable restaurant owner.
|scriptHeader=James Greenhouse Park (Flashback)
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|You|These extra fees you're asking for are unwarranted. We won't pay them!}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|What?! My god, I guarantee that every cent is fairly charged.}}
{{SL|You|So it's fair to separately charge a service fee, a materials fee, and a labor fee?}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|I can't believe you would ask such a silly question.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|If we don't charge them separately, how can we provide proper service to our customers?}}
{{SL|You|You're scamming customers by charging whatever fees you want!}}
{{SL|Artem|We've called the police. I suggest you save your excuses for them.}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|Ah, what the hell! I don't know how to talk to you people.}}
The restaurant owner is clearly unable to refute your words, yet he stubbornly persists.
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|Leave! Get out of my restaurant!}}
{{SL|Restaurant Owner|If you show your faces here ever again, there's no telling what I'll do.}}
|scriptHeader=Kylos Block
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
Your head hurts thinking about how haughty the owner was as he drove you and Artem out, even though he was in the wrong.
To make matters worse, what you experienced after leaving showed you that reality is worse than what you had imagined.
{{SL|You|I thought tourist scams were isolated incidents, not common occurrences.}}
{{SL|Artem|This culture didn't manifest overnight.}}
{{SL|Artem|The restaurant owner's demeanor demonstrated that he has been using dishonest practices to swindle tourists for a long time now.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. The locals that we talked to also told us...}}
{{SL|You|"Some business owners double prices for tourists since they won't know any better."}}
{{SL|You|"That owner isn't even that bad. Others are worse." And stuff like that...}}
{{SL|Artem|Lombardia is a popular tourist destination. Traffic is high, and those who get cheated but don't want to stir trouble generally remain quiet.}}
{{SL|Artem|Unscrupulous merchants know this, so they do as they please...}}
{{SL|Artem|In addition, the local authorities do little intervention, so this phenomenon will only worsen over time.}}
{{SL|You|We can't just do nothing! I need to expose this travel scam and put a stop to such criminal behavior.}}
{{SL|You|Otherwise, every tourist after us will experience what we just went through today!}}
You get angrier as you talk, and your voice naturally becomes more distressed.
Artem reaches out to hold your hands. The warmth of his palms radiates down through his fingertips.
You suddenly stop talking. You feel as if your heart is submerged in a clear spring.
{{SL|Artem|I understand your feelings. You're not upset merely because of what happened today, but that those experiences will continue to repeat themselves...}}
{{SL|Artem|More people will be treated unfairly, just as we were.}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't worry. I'll help you.}}
Artem says the words that you were unable to.
He is a spring of water that you are completely immersed in. There are no secrets before him — he sees through your every thought.
{{SL|You|...Mr. Wing, let's try to collect some evidence and resolve this issue.}}
{{SL|Artem|Yes, together.}}
{{SL|Artem|However... We don't need to rush. Proper solutions require time.}}
{{SL|Artem|I've kept today's receipt as evidence.}}
{{SL|Artem|When the train arrives at the James River tomorrow, we can keep an eye out for similar occurrences during our travels.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah! If we run into a similar situation, we can keep some evidence!}}
{{SL|Artem|Right. Our evidence will be key in eliminating tourist scams.}}
The warmth of his palms grows more intense, as if they are a source of strength that gives you encouragement and confidence.
A feeling surfaces from the depths of your heart: as long as you're with Artem, you will succeed in anything you do.
Yes, this is fact.
===Visiting the James River===
|scriptHeader=James River
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
After you decide to report on the unreasonable charges of Lombardia...
Your trip to James River seems to have gained another purpose.
You record every expense incurred during the trip and check the amounts on each receipt carefully.
{{SL|You|I knew it! Look, Mr. Wing...}}
{{SL|You|There's a 30% extra service charge for the waterbus ticket.}}
{{SL|You|There's an unknown extra charge for the speedboat tickets.}}
{{SL|Artem|Also, there's a surcharge on the receipt of the Riverside Restaurant.}}
{{SL|You|We never realized until we checked carefully...}}
In fact, not only did you find problems in today's receipts, when you and Artem went through the previous bills last night...
You've been charged extra service fees on the first day of the trip. You just didn't notice them back then.
{{SL|You|I think these are sufficient to explain the problem here.}}
{{SL|Artem|Well, let me find the way to the police station...}}
Before Artem finishes, an angry voice interrupts him.
{{SL|???|How can you do that? I'm going to sue you!}}
A man with a bandage on his hand comes out of the water bus station angrily.
He points to the air and says a few swear words as though he's very dissatisfied with someone in the station.
And yet no one from the station is responding to him ...
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Don't hide. I know you are there!}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|You better give me an explanation!}}
Seeing him like this, you can't help going over to ask him.
|choice1=Leading events
{{SL|You|Hello, may I ask... what's going on?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Hm, I wanted to go on the water bus but they asked me to pay for two seats!}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|They're outrageous, aren't they?}}
{{SL|You|Hmm... How strange. Why do they want you to pay double?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|My left arm is broken, so I asked the staff member if he could leave a vacant seat on my left side in case my arm gets hit.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|I didn't force anyone to open an extra seat for me. I just said it would be nice if I could have some extra space...}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Then I was told that they could arrange a separate seat for me but I need to pay extra!}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|They said it was the rules. They wouldn't let me on the bus unless I paid for another seat!}}
|choice2=Cause of injury
{{SL|You|How is your arm doing?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Oh, it's fine. It's been a few days already. I accidentally fell before I came here. It doesn't hurt much anymore.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|But the doctor suggested not to move around too much.}}
|choice1=Bus rules
{{SL|Artem|I don't remember any rule like that about the water bus.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Right? How could such a rule exist?!}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|I told them that I changed my mind and I didn't want to switch seats; that I'd sit with the other passengers.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|But the staff refused, claiming that I would affect other passengers!}}
{{SL|You|(That's practically forcing him to buy another ticket!)}}
|choice1=What happened afterwards
{{SL|You|...What happened then?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|I ran off of the water bus and went straight to their office to ask for a refund...}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|The manager told me that the tickets were not refundable!}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|I didn't take the ride... Why couldn't I get a refund?}}
{{SL|You|(It seems there are a lot of problems with Lombardia's attractions, not to mention the additional unwarranted fees.)}}
{{SL|You|In fact, we've also come across some issues...}}
You briefly tell the tourist about your encounters in the past few days.
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Oh, so you've been through the same thing as well.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|The Kylos restaurant also charged me extra service fees a few days ago when I had dinner there.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|I was in a good mood so I didn't argue with them.}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|And who would've thought they'd try to cheat me here today! Humph, I can't stand it anymore!}}
{{SL|Artem|Are you willing to go to the police with us and report your situation to them?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Sure. I must tell the police and I want answers!}}
===Treatment Plan===
|scriptHeader=James Police Station
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|You|So that's what happened.}}
You report the problems you encountered these few days and submit the relevant evidence to the police.
After hearing what you said, the police officer who received you frowns deeply.
{{SL|Police Officer|I am sorry to hear about your encounters. Although we do receive some complaints about the tourist scams...}}
{{SL|Police Officer|There are not many cases, so we never get too involved after mediation.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Please rest assured that we'll follow the procedures and handle these cases.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|We will urge the restaurants and attractions to give you refunds as soon as possible.}}
{{SL|You|Thank you. Although we hope there'll be a more thorough solution to this issue.}}
Before you can finish, the injured tourist is already starting to yell.
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Hey, that's it?}}
{{SL|Hurt Tourist|Can't you think of a way to supervise them and prevent them from scamming more tourists in the future?}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Don't worry. We will try our best to find a solution. However...}}
{{SL|Artem|May I ask, are you having any difficulties?}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Not really. Just that it takes time to implement the solutions.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|But please trust us, in a few months... we'll be able to completely resolve the overcharging issue.}}
|choice1=Management plan
{{SL|You|Do you mind telling me... your plan to solve all the problems?}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Sorry, I can't disclose the details, but I can assure you that...}}
{{SL|Police Officer|We'll be working with the police in Lombardia to restore order. We'll be strict about the unwarranted fees that have been charged.}}
{{SL|You|(Looks like they will draw up a detailed plan...)}}
|choice1=Tourist compensation
{{SL|Artem|What about the tourists' that have already been over-charged?}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Please, rest assured.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|We have a compensation plan in place for that.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|We will protect the right of every tourist. Once verified, we will find out where they visited to compensate them according to the regulations.}}
|choice1=Follow-up management
{{SL|You|Sorry, I have one more question...}}
{{SL|You|After all this, will there be any arrangements to prevent this from happening again?}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Of course. A group of police will be assigned to supervise these matters.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|And there will be regular inspections as well as occasional checks to ensure that everyone is following the regulations.}}
{{SL|You|We hope you are right... and the tourist scams will be stopped as soon as possible.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|They will. Please have faith in us.}}
{{SL|Police Officer|Next time you come here, I'm sure you will see the difference.}}
===The Warmth of a Greenhouse===
|scriptHeader=James Greenhouse Park
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
Following the James River, you and Artem reach the end of the alleyway and tour a greenhouse blooming with flowers.
From the colorful collections of flowers to the vibrant and verdant plants, everything is full of vitality... Just like your mood right now.
{{SL|You|Great! Thanks to you, Mr. Wing, the tourist payment scams were finally resolved.}}
The evidence that you and Artem had collected together finally makes the relevant authorities prioritize the tourist scams.
The staff repeatedly promised that they would properly rectify the issue and compensate tourists who had suffered losses.
All the hard work you two put in has paid off.
{{SL|Artem|It was primarily thanks to your efforts that this matter was resolved so smoothly. I didn't do much.}}
{{SL|You|You obviously helped a lot!}}
{{SL|You|You helped me sort out information, collect tourists' feedback, and you stopped that rude restaurant owner...}}
{{SL|You|Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do so well...}}
{{SL|Artem|You've done a great job, and great work deserves praise. Would you rather I say...}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't be arrogant and keep working hard?}}
{{SL|You|Either or. I'm happy to accept any kind of compliment.}}
{{SL|Artem|Ah... As you wish.}}
Artem shows a helpless expression, but his eyes are mirthful.
{{SL|Artem|I'm relieved to see you in higher spirits. A few days ago, you were...}}
{{SL|You|Huh? Mr. Wing, I wasn't as upset as you thought I was.}}
You sit down in a patio chair and enjoy the gentle sunlight shining through the greenhouse's glass panes.
{{SL|You|There were some troubles that came up, and I really was worried about them...}}
{{SL|You|But those kinds of things wouldn't affect me! With my confidence, those kinds of things aren't even problems.}}
Artem sits next to you, his gaze burning into you as he contemplates your words.
{{SL|You|Because we're the best team. I know that as long as we're together, we can easily solve any problem.}}
{{SL|Artem|Agreed. We're the best team.}}
{{SL|You|I feel so much better now! Time to properly enjoy the rest of our trip!}}
{{SL|You|Why don't we watch another performance later? Hmm... or maybe a walk by the river?}}
{{SL|You|The travel guides I read said that the James River is really pretty at sunset. We can go take...}}
Before you can say "take pictures," you freeze. It feels like something is buzzing
{{SL|You|Ahh! Oh no, oh no! I—I completely forgot about taking pictures for Evelyn!}}
You thought you'd forgotten something these two days but you didn't dwell on it.
You completely forgot to take photos for Evelyn!
{{SL|You|Oh no. I won't be able to finish my task... I'll have to beg for Evelyn's forgiveness when I get back.}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing... What are you laughing at?}}
{{SL|Artem|I wasn't laughing.}}
Despite what he said, a distinct smirk is concealed behind Artem's eyes.
{{SL|Artem|Don't worry. Let's go take a picture of the James River sunset.}}
{{SL|Artem|The train will arrive in Floren Palace tomorrow. There're many beautiful buildings there. You'll get some nice photos.}}
{{SL|You|From now on, I need to work harder on taking photos! Mr. Wing, please keep an eye on me!}}
{{SL|Artem|Sure. I'll keep an eye on you.}}
===Searching for Floren Palace===
|scriptHeader=Floren Palace
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
The cool breeze blows in from the lake by Floren Palace, brushing past your hair, bringing with it a refreshing atmosphere.
The shade from the green trees covers the classical buildings, just like the scene in a romantic painting.
{{SL|You|Floren Palace is so beautiful... Oh no, I really don't know where I should take the photos.}}
{{SL|Artem|We can ask for the staff's recommendation for places to take pictures.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah. That's what I thought too!}}
|scriptHeader=Tourist Information Center
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
{{SL|Staff|Hello, how may I help you?}}
{{SL|You|Excuse me, can you please suggest some attractions around here for taking photos?}}
{{SL|Staff|There're many beautiful places around Floren Palace.}}
{{SL|Staff|Are you more interested in cultural sites or natural scenery?}}
|choice1=Cultural sites
{{SL|You|Well... Any recommendations for cultural landmarks?}}
{{SL|Staff|I'd recommend The Princess Levee and The Kali Palace.}}
|choice1=Ladyship's Embankment
{{SL|You|Where is the The Princess Levee?}}
{{SL|Staff|It's located on the left side of Floren Palace. You can get there by taking the tour bus from the information station.}}
{{SL|Staff|It was built during the Old Aristocratic Period of Lombardia and is a paragon of the combination of the neoclassical and victorian periods in Floren Palace Architecture.}}
{{SL|Staff|The Princess Levee is a testimony to the history of Lombardia.}}
{{SL|You|(Hmm, it'd be a good idea to take pictures of buildings with some history behind them... nice.)}}
|choice2=Temple of Kali
{{SL|You|Um... Is The Kali Palace on the right side of Floren Palace? The one that looks like an art gallery?}}
{{SL|Staff|Yes. It was once a Gothic-style palace built by the ancient nobility. Now it's an art gallery.}}
{{SL|Staff|The facade of The Kali Palace is very distinctive and is one of the most popular sights for travel photography.}}
{{SL|Staff|It often holds art exhibitions and cultural exchange activities, which are popular among tourists.}}
{{SL|Staff|You may want to go take a look. I'm sure you'll find it worthwhile.}}
{{SL|You|I think I can get some good photos in The Kali Palace.}}
{{SL|Artem|Then we should pay it a visit, later.}}
{{SL|You|Great. Let's do that.}}
|choice2=Natural scenery
{{SL|You|I'm more into cultural landmarks.}}
{{SL|Staff|Then I'm sure you'll like Garden of the Angels and St. Neve's Garden.}}
|choice1=Saint Nove's Garden
{{SL|Artem|I remember St. Neve's Garden... wasn't open to the public at one point. It is now?}}
{{SL|Staff|Yes. It used to be the private garden of a duke.}}
{{SL|Staff|The duke donated the garden and after some renovation, it's officially open to the public.}}
{{SL|Staff|There are lots of rare flowers in the garden. It will be a great experience.}}
{{SL|You|(A romantic garden... hmm, I'm sure I can snap some beautiful photos there!)}}
|choice2=Angel Garden
{{SL|You|Garden of the Angels?}}
{{SL|Staff|It's actually the largest botanical garden in Floren.}}
{{SL|Staff|The garden is best known for its "sea of tulips" and "flower-waterfall trees" in the botanical area.}}
{{SL|Staff|It happens to be tulip season. I guarantee you'll be shocked by the beauty of the flowers if you visit the garden.}}
{{SL|You|(Sea of Tulips... so romantic...)}}
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, I want to take some pictures in Garden of the Angels.}}
{{SL|Artem|Okay. I'll check the route.}}
{{SL|Staff|Do you have any other questions?}}
{{SL|You|No. We already have an idea. Thank you.}}
{{SL|Staff|You're welcome. It's my honor to be able to serve you. Have fun.}}
===The Most Beautiful Landscape===
|scriptHeader=Floren Palace Culture Street
|characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing
On the last day of your trip, you and Artem visit all the attractions in Floren Palace.
The gorgeous Floren Palace, the historical Art Gallery, the magnificent Sculpture Park... You record the scenery with the lens.
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, come and have a look. Which photos should I use?}}
It's easy to take photos but choosing them is a nightmare. After staring at the camera screen for a while...
You decide to turn to Artem for help in choosing the photos for Evelyn.
Artem pokes at the camera screen and points at a group of Floren Palace photos taken with a wide-angle lens.
{{SL|Artem|The angles of these shots make the photos seem more open.}}
{{SL|You|We have the same taste. Actually, I like this group too!}}
{{SL|You|Just that...}}
You personally prefer this group of photos too, but you're also worried at the same time.
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, do you think this group of photos is similar to the last ones I sent?}}
{{SL|Artem|How is that?}}
{{SL|You|When we were in Lombardia, I took photos with similar angles... but Evelyn...}}
{{SL|Artem|Are you worried that your friend won't be satisfied with this group of photos?}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't worry too much. Your friend wants "the view you think is the most breathtaking on your trip."}}
{{SL|Artem|If you think this is the most breathtaking view, then it is.}}
{{SL|You|(My feelings?)}}
Subconsciously, you fan yourself with your hand to calm down and think more clearly.
{{SL|Artem|[Player], let's find a place to sit down and rest.}}
{{SL|Artem|If you can't decide now, relax for a bit. Maybe you'll think of something new later.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah, sure.}}
Artem is right. There's no point stressing over it. You may as well do something else and enjoy your trip.
You take a rest on a bench in the street.
The cool breeze is comfortable and brings with it a sweet aroma.
Following the smell, you see an ice cream truck across the street, with a sign "Handmade ice cream, 100-year-old recipe."
{{SL|You|Handmade ice cream from a 100-year-old recipe? I wonder what that tastes like.}}
{{SL|Artem|Do you want to try?}}
The sign caught your attention and suddenly you're interested in trying the traditional handmade ice cream.
{{SL|Artem|Wait here. I'll go buy some.}}
With that, Artem crosses the street and walks over to the ice cream truck.
You watch Artem from the distance...
You see him talk with the owner politely then return with an ice cream cone in both of his hands.
Artem's classic camel-colored trench coat is straightened and neat, giving him a little extra elegance.
{{SL|You|(This coat really suits Mr. Wing. Strange... Why haven't I noticed earlier?)}}
When you are still staring at Artem, he's already walking over to you...
The classic architecture becomes a background for him, like the composition in a fine painting.
The image freezes in front of your eyes, it looks like a landscape picture.
{{SL|You|(Your friend wants "the view that you find the most breathtaking on your trip.")}}
Thinking about what Artem'd said, the idea slowly becomes clear in your mind.
You pick up the camera and wave it at him.
{{SL|You|Mr. Wing, here!}}
Through the camera lens, he looks directly at you with a smile on his lips. This scene is captured.
{{SL|Artem|Why did you... suddenly...}}
{{SL|You|Because the angle was perfect. I decided to send this photo to Evelyn.}}
You show him the camera. He looks at the photo and looks back at you.
{{SL|You|Everyone sees and thinks differently. I should bravely show others what I think is beautiful.}}
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone sees differently. And everyone defines beauty differently.
So the answer is very obvious.
What Evelyn wants is your emotion. And the beauty of this journey is being together with Artem.
{{SL|You|I think the most breathtaking view...}}
{{SL|You|Is you.}}
Artem smiles and looks at you, sincerely and genuinely.
{{SL|Artem|In my eyes, you've always been.}}
His calm words set off ripples in your heart, twisting and circling.
A warmth surges up to your cheeks. At this moment, even the air seems sweet, making you intoxicated...
{{SL|Artem|Okay. Put away the camera first. The ice cream is melting.}}
{{SL|You|Ah! My ice cream!}}
You'd been so focused on the photos, the ice cream is already melting, dripping down along the side...
You quickly put away the camera and take the ice cream.
{{SL|You|Delicious. No wonder it's been around for a hundred years.}}
{{SL|Artem|It's fragrant and sweet.}}
Although the melted ice cream is a little messy to eat. The creamy fragrance still tastes wonderful.
At this moment, as you look at each other, there's tenderness and romance in the air.
The feeling is beyond words and yet it is in the bottom of your heart.
You believe this is the most breathtaking view of your journey.
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