Mirage of Blooming Swords Prologue-2: Chance Encounter

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn coin s.pngStellin x2,500


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Chance Encounter (1/5)
Stellis Central Business District
Waterfront Central Business District
Stellis - CBD RPG map.png

Head to the Central Business District for the law dissemination event while trying to learn more about the stolen Sky Gladiolus.

You: Wow, the Central Business District sure is busy. I bet I can distribute these brochures in no time at all.

You: Where should I start... Huh?

You: That guy over there looks familiar... Marius!?

Chance Encounter (2/5)
Stellis Central Business District
Central Business District
Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png

You see someone familiar on the streets. Go confirm if it's Marius!

You: Marius, it's you. What are you doing here?

Marius: Pax is the sponsor of this year's City Anniversary event. I just finished a meeting about event planning. I'm heading back to headquarters now.

Marius: I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing?

You: I'm handing out brochures for this year's City Anniversary and collecting information related to the Sky Gladiolus theft.

Marius: Eh, are you saying the Sky Gladiolus, which were bred specifically for City Anniversary, got stolen?

You: Yes. It's all over the news.

Marius: Let me check it out on my phone...

Marius takes out his phone and skims through today's top headlines. His expression quickly changes to a frown.

Marius: I can't believe this... Miss, are you on the case?

You: No. I'm just trying to kill two birds with one stone by gathering some information for the police while I distribute these.

You: I was thinking about talking with the police after I'm done to see if they need any help in the investigation.

Marius: I'm free now. How about I join you on your investigation? Two heads are better than one. What do you think?

You: Then I suppose I'll have to thank you for being such a helpful citizen.

Marius: Anything you need. Let's go!

With Marius's help, everything goes smoothly.

You quickly finish distributing all the brochures in Central Business District.

Chance Encounter (3/5)
Stellis Hemingway Heights
West Hemingway Heights Street
Stellis - Hemingway RPG Map.png

With Marius' help, you quickly pass out the pamphlets and collect the information. Now, head to Hemingway Heights to investigate.

Marius: Are you tired? Do you want to take a break and get something to eat?

You: I'm okay. It's been much more efficient with your help.

Marius: Still, don't push yourself too much.

You: I'm... Huh!?

Marius: What's wrong? You look surprised.

You: Look at those two people standing at the subway station... Is that Luke and Dr. Richter?

Marius: Miss, you are mistaken.

You: I don't think so... Let's go over there.

Chance Encounter (4/5)

The two people standing by the subway station... appear to be Luke and Vyn? Go confirm it's them!

Vyn: What do you think about the theft of the Sky Gladiolus?

Luke: As far as I can tell, someone might be trying to provoke the police...

You: Luke and Dr. Richter? It really is you guys! I wasn't sure.

Luke: [Player]? What a coincidence! I just wrapped up a case. Vyn and I ran into each other at the exit of the subway station.

Vyn: I was just on my way back from seeing a patient when I came across Luke. What about you? Why brings you here?

You: It's our office's turn to put on the legal literacy program this year. I volunteered to hand out brochures.

Vyn: Our fates must be intertwined since we came across each other in this sea of people.

Marius: I'm surprised to bump into you like this. I wonder if I should call it a coincidence or not.

You: Coincidence is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? We should celebrate.

You: How about we go get dinner together after this? Let's get Mr. Wing to join us too. Are you guys free?

Luke: Ah, dinner?

Vyn: ...

Marius: Well...

You: (Why is it suddenly so quiet? Did I say something wrong...?)

Chance Encounter (5/5)

Suddenly, the atmosphere has gotten awkward. Change the topic quickly!

You: By the way, Luke, I heard you two were talking about the Sky Gladiolus theft.

Luke: Yes. The news is all over town right now. It's hard to not notice.

Vyn: The Sky Gladiolus are expensive to maintain and transport. How did they disappear so suddenly without a trace?

Vyn: There must be factors that we are currently unaware of.

Luke: It is strange that the police haven't made any public statements considering how much pressure from the public there must be.

Vyn: [Player], what does Artem think about this case?

You: Well... Mr. Wing and I have been busy with the program. We're planning to conduct an investigation after the work at hand is done.

Marius: Let's quit wasting time standing around talking about it and just go ask him.

Luke: True. [Player], I'll help you distribute the brochures. After that, let's go ask him about it.

Vyn: I have nothing scheduled for the rest of the day, so I can go with you.

You: That's great. Let's go to Amity Heights to hand out the brochures. When that's done, we'll go to Mr. Wing.
