Marius "Eye of the Beholder"/Rewards

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< Marius "Eye of the Beholder"
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Story 1

Scene 1: Central Business District

Who are you? Where are you? What are you doing?

These are sentences that best describe your current mental state.

You: ...

Marius: Don't be so serious! Your expression is scaring everyone around you!

You: And whose fault is it that I'm so serious? Master! Marius!

If only you could go back in time. You would tell yourself from two days ago: Don't say yes to Marius!

Scene 2: Flashback (Your Residence)

On the first night of the golden week, you receive a phone call from Marius.

He asks for your entire week's schedule. Then, proceeds to talk about the hottest variety show, "It's Big Brain Time."

The show, created by Marius, aims to raise money for Alzheimer's patients. It has been trending recently.

"Marius" and "Hype" are some of its internet tags.

You: You want me to test the recording with you?

Marius: The rundown and the content of the show has been finalized. This is a field check to see if some things are feasible

You: You don't have to do it yourself, do you? Shouldn't this be handled by the production crew?

Marius: Ah... I could. But, this is the first show of my making, so I feel more comfortable doing it myself.

Marius: I'm inviting you in hopes that you might catch any problems, or if you have any suggestions.

You: Uh... but I don't understand variety shows very well...

Marius: Ahh... so you're going to reject me? Looks like I'll have to go to set all alone, poor little me.

Marius: Everyone on set is going to be pointing at me and saying, "How pitiful! He has no friends..."

Marius: Miss, you're going to let all those people make fun of me?

You know that it is just a trick to get you to go, but you end up falling victim to his tactic anyways.

You: ... Which day?

Marius: I'll pick you up in two days. Rest well these two days and I'll see you at the scene of the show.

Shortly after you hang up, Marius sends over a brief introduction of the rundown of the show.

"It's Big Brain Time" is a show where contestants compete in a challenge to earn money and buy an item.

The time limit is three hours. The location is the Central Business District. You can only make money using your skills, no strings attached.

For every contestant that finishes the challenge, the sponsor will donate $70,000 to an Alzheimer's facility.

You: The rules for the game are easy to understand. It should be interesting.

You naively anticipate it, not knowing what kind of exciting experience awaits you.

Scene 3: Central Business District

Two days later, you meet up with Marius at the Central Business District.

You: What!? I really have to work to earn money!?

You thought you would just "go through the motions," not actually play the game.

However, Marius suddenly tells you that this test run will simulate the normal shooting conditions.

You: L-Let me get this straight. So you're saying...

You: That we really have to work and earn enough money on this street to buy the amethyst accessory from that shop within 3 hours?

Marius: That's correct! To make the simulation accurate, I've asked employees to play the part of the other guests.

Marius: Even the "competition" is simulated! What do you think? i put in a lot of effort, right?

You: Why are we taking this test run so seriously!?

Marius: "Real knowledge comes from practice"? How would we know the rundown is good without testing it personally?

Marius: I told you, didn't I? This is the first time I'm planning a show. I've got to be serious and thorough about it!

You: ...

You fall silent, not knowing how to express your current emotions.

Marius: ... If you really don't want to... then, it's okay...

Perhaps it's your silence that causes Marius to misunderstand. he immediately begins to reassure you.

But, looking into his eyes, you can see it brimming full of expectation. You don't have the heart to say no.

You: ... Should we start? It's getting late...

Marius: Okay, we're starting now!

Marius signals the film crew's director. Soon, the cameras start rolling and the recording begins.

You: (Whatever, the challenge is only three hours anyway. It'll be over before I know it.)

Silently comforting yourself, you give in and face the camera next to you.

Unbeknownst to you, a great "disaster" was already upon the horizon.

In order to make as much money as possible, you and Marius choose to work in a popular shop.


Scene 4: Dessert Shop

Dessert Shop Owner: Even though you two are talented...

Dessert Shop Owner: But sorry, it's only for three hours. We would rather hire this young man that has experience making desserts.

When the owner finishes talking, the employee acting as a competitor frantically apologizes to Marius.

Staff A: Mr. von Hagen, Alice, I didn't mean to take this job. The director said I had to take this role seriously...

Staff A: I... I thought Mr. von Hagen knew how to make desserts...

You: It's okay. It's not your fault that we have no experience...

You: ... Marius, is that what you mean by "competition"?

You: How many times have we been rejected for having "no work experience?"

Marius: ...

Since getting a job at a popular shop might end in failure, you and Marius decide to go in another direction.

You and Marius choose a job that isn't competitive and doesn't require strong professional skills.

In the end...

Scene 5: The movie theater

Bartender: Mr. von Hagen, you have the looks and the fame. People will be lining up to purchase snacks just to look at you...

Bartender: But, to qualify as an employee here, you must first learn how we greet the customers.

Bartender: Now, repeat after me! WELCOME ONE!! WELCOME ALL!! Would you like some coke and fries?

The bartender's strange accent draws everyone's attention, and a few experienced cameramen train their cameras on Marius.

Marius: ...

The employee, unfazed by Marius' sullen face, flashes a business smile at the cameras and pats him on the shoulder.

Bartender: Don't be shy. Come on now. Loud and proud. WELCOME ONE!! WELCOME ALL!! Would you like some coke and fries?

You: ...

The roar of laughter from the camera crew signifies another defeat for your team.

Scene 6: Central Business District

You: ...

You: ... if this continues, we won't be able to purchase the amethyst accessory before the challenge ends...

Marius: Can we negotiate the price? I can work my charms.

You: Marius, the price of this brand has only gone up ever since it was created. Also, they never offer any promotions, ever.

Marius: You know that I normally don't even look at the price when I buy things. How would I know that?

You: The cheapest accessory will cost us a couple of thousands. Any lower and they won't even sell us their scraps.

Marius: You sure do know a lot... Do you know this brand?

You: Of course! I have been following them for a long time. Their amethyst accessories have always been my favorite.

Marius: I see...

Marius ponders about it for a while, but doesn't say anything.

???: Mr. von Hagen, it's time for a break.

The film director shows Marius the time on his phone. He nods and looks at the surrounding employees.

Marius: Thank you for your hard work. Lunch is on me!

Marius: From now until we regroup, eat and drink anything you want. My treat!

His employees explode into a roar of cheers and applause.

The tired camera crew thanks Marius for his kindness, then scatters to the various restaurants on the street.

Marius: Let's find a place to rest too.

You: Okay.

Scene 7: Dessert Shop

You: (A gallery, a bookstore, a makeup shop... These aren't really places where we can rest at...)

You and Marius walk down the street in search for a resting place.

Dessert Shop Owner: Hey, young man. Here. Over here!

Suddenly, a passionate man intercepts the both of you.

Story 2