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Sweet Moment: Luke's Residence 3F
Time's Antiquities

Time's Antiquities - Bedroom (Night).png

Talk with Luke - Chat with Luke and hear his thoughts.

It's after midnight when you finally get back.

You flop onto the soft beanbag as soon as you enter the front door and can't help but think about what happened in the past few hours.

You: Phew... Tonight sure was thrilling. I totally didn't anticipate such surprising outcomes.

You and Luke meet up with the police after you leave the hospital. You originally planned to just talk about your next steps.

However, as the police sifted through the data Tony collected, they found traces of some personnel from Victoria Pharmaceuticals escaping.

The police decide to immediately arrest these individuals, and Luke is to carry out the mission as a special member.

After a few hours of combat, they finally capture the seven involved personnel. During the fight, Luke's outfit was cut up by a knife, the slashes almost cutting into his back.

In the end, justice prevailed. Even the most cunning escape plan has holes. You anticipate that it is only a matter of time before the police arrest everyone else.

Luke: This is all thanks to Tony's data and evidence. With it, we can capture Victoria's people as soon as possible.

Luke: I really hope Tony can receive adequate treatment, and his situation will stabilize...

Even though you've sent Tony somewhere safe, Luke is still finding it hard to conceal his concern.

You quickly sit up and softly embrace him, your finger unconsciously rubbing gently against that slash on his shirt.

Luke doesn't describe the process of the arrest in detail, but it is evident that the fight was not any easier than his previous missions.

You: Don't worry. Tony will definitely recover. Besides, have you realized that he's quite similar to you?

You: You've both experienced a lot of danger, but you're still thinking about other people. People like you usually have decent luck.

You: I believe that he'll definitely come out of danger and gradually recover.

It seems like your words are working. Luke bends down slightly and hugs you tightly.

Luke: Yeah. I believe that he will be able to live a long life too...

Luke's smile seems partly forced, partly bitter, and partly concerned.

You run your fingers through his hair and pull him over to the coffee table. Then, you start to unwrap the dinner you just bought.

You feel that the best consolation at moments like this might be a bit of ordinary life.

You: Here — we haven't had dinner yet. Now's the time to fill our stomachs.

Luke smiles and points to the food in front of you.

Luke: It's three in the morning... Do you still call this dinner?

You: Um... Probably?

You: Otherwise, we'll have to call it... what would it be...? A supreme meatball feast to compensate the detective?

Luke: Oh? If the name is that amazing, then I've gotta taste it.

As you and Luke laugh and tease each other, you unwrap the food and place the meatball skewers on a plate.

Indeed, the meatballs are still from the Flavorful Delicacies restaurant. However, the same food can evoke completely different feelings when eating in a different situation and at a different time.

Luke: Mmm... It smells so good! I finally feel like my stomach is empty.

Luke: Now that I think about it, we were so busy that we didn't even have any dinner. Even though I went straight to assisting with the arrests, I didn't feel hungry at all.

Luke: Thank goodness you took me to this restaurant to buy their meatballs when we were on our way back.

You: You've got to thank them for being open 24/7. Otherwise, we'd have to get fast food from the convenience store.

Luke sits next to you and snuggles closer, arranging the food containers with you.

You quietly look at how his expressions change as you keep trying to find a good conversation topic to ensure he can gradually relax.

You: I was feeling just like you were, to be honest. I didn't feel hungry at all.

You: And when I was waiting in the police station for you to finish your mission, I wasn't even thinking about food at all. But now I'm starving.

You put down the food container and picks up a meatball skewer.

Luke: Yep. Now that we can finally relax, we're starting to feel hungry.

Luke: This plate of meatball skewers is the most delicious thing in the whole world for me right now! I could eat a whole cart of it!

Luke picks up a skewer as well and raises it in front of his face. He slowly turns it around as if figuring out which meatball would be the tastiest.

As you watch the way Luke pinches the wooden stick that is holding up the meatballs, you can't help but recall how he "stole" the meatballs out of your hand the day before yesterday.

Seeing that he is full of expectation and about to take a bite of the meatball, you deliberately clear your throat and pretend to be serious.

You: Ahem... Detective Pearce.

Luke quickly stops.

Luke: Hmm? What is it?

You: If I recall correctly, I recently bought meatballs from this restaurant twice, am I right?

Luke is rather confused. When he hears this question from you, he gives it some serious thought and then replies.

Luke: That's true. The first time was a few days ago, and I just couldn't get the taste of them out of my head afterward.

Luke: And the second time is this late-night meal we're having... Why are you asking that?

You: Well, well, well... You can even remember exactly when you had these meatballs.

You: Then, do you remember how you had a different attitude and reaction when eating these meatballs before?

Luke: ...Eh?

You: The last time I bought them, you were so engrossed in the investigation that you didn't get the time to eat them and ended up taking them from my hand. You remember that, don't you?

You: And now you're just actively picking it up and putting it straight into your mouth. Don't you think you're missing some "steps" this time?

Luke: ...

When Luke hears this, he instantly appears to understand something.

He looks at the meatballs in his hand and then guiltily shifts his gaze to you.

Luke: Um... Well... When I took the meatballs from you the first time, it was simply an accident!

As soon as he says that, the meatball skewer in his hand changes direction.

He immediately leans his entire body against you and offers the meatballs to you. The delicious food is now right next to your mouth. Luke: Here. The first meatball on this skewer is yours.

You: Are you trying to bribe me?

Luke: No way. This isn't a bribe, and it's totally not because I feel guilty.

Luke: I'm just making up for not giving enough respect to the esteemed "Meatball Goddess." I hope she won't take it to heart.

Luke: To show my sincerity, I must get the most important person to me to have the first bite!

You: ...

The lamplight dances in Luke's eyes like the endless ripples of a lake.

Unable to hold back your laughter anymore, you snicker as you munch on the delicacies that Luke offers to you.

You: Okay, fine. I'll do my best to eat them. When I have the chance, I'll put in a few good words for you with the "Meatball Goddess."

Luke: In that case...

Luke: From the second meatball onward, I'm going to chew each of them 100 times to show my sincerity.

He then immediately bites into one and starts chewing with a smile, as if he had been hungering for this for a long time and couldn't wait anymore.

After this round of teasing, it seems that the lingering sorrow and seriousness surrounding Luke have dissipated quite a bit.

Luke: I remember a saying — there's nothing meatballs can't solve. And if there is, then just eat another round of meatballs.

You: I don't remember hearing that. Did you just make it up?

Luke: C'mon, don't call me out...

You: All right. If you're that happy to have these meatballs, then let me interview you.

You: Thinking back on the two times you've had these meatballs recently, which was a happier occasion?

Luke chews the meatball in his mouth and then swallows. His eyes dart around the room before he answers your impromptu "interview" question.

Luke: Which occasion... I can't really tell. I was happy on both occasions.

Luke: But if I have to make the distinction, then maybe the type of happiness was slightly different.

You: ...Different? How so?

Luke: Hmm, probably because I experienced a lot of things between the two occasions...

Luke: The last time was a happiness tinged with surprise. This time... it's like a weight is finally lifted from my shoulders.

As Luke explains, he raises the skewer he is eating and slowly twirls the wooden stick toward the light.

The round meatballs in various colors appear rather different in the light.

The twirling meatballs on the skewer remind you of a film roll, where the past happenings gradually replay before your eyes.

Luke: We kept investigating and finally found out the truth. We found the boy, and the important clues he provided helped us to quickly capture the culprits.

Luke: No one will ever become a victim of the unregulated medications from Victoria ever again.

Luke: So, I am filled with emotion when I eat the meatballs this time. There's joy, happiness, and hope...

Luke talks about his thoughts with a natural smile, and his expression does not seem to be forced or trying to hide anything.

You are now thoroughly relieved and lift the meatballs in your hand as well. The two skewers tap against each other as if you are clinking wine glasses.

You: Now that you said that, I'm not worried anymore. Otherwise, I'd keep wondering what I have to do to console you and get you back in a good mood...

Luke: So... you were saying all that to comfort me...

You: Ah... Because you were putting on a fake smile when we first came back, and concerned that you'd affect my mood.

Luke: Huh? I thought I was doing a pretty good job of pretending... I didn't realize you discovered it ages ago.

You: How could I not discover it...

You: When it comes to figuring out what a certain someone is thinking of, I'm... um... sometimes very good at it!

Luke: In that case... do you want to guess what I'm thinking right now?

You: Huh? Right now...?

You: Right now...

What would Luke be thinking right now? Is he still worried...? You put down the meatballs, pull out a tissue, and start to think as you wipe your hands clean.

However, you immediately feel your body leaving the chair.

You: !!!

A familiar scent envelops you.

While you are distracted, Luke lifts you and puts you on his lap.

Now that your position has changed, Luke has to look up to see you. You see nothing but your form reflected in his eyes. The two of you are so close to each other, and yet you feel you are being adored from a long distance below.

To maintain the balance, you have no choice but to put your hand close to the junction between his neck and shoulder, and you squeeze him playfully.

You: You... You scared me there...

Luke's eyes are still full of a gentle smile. The gaze looking back at you is rippling with emotions.

Luke: This is the answer.

You: ...The answer?

Luke: I knew it. You look so surprised, so I knew you must have guessed it wrong.

Luke: Why would you need to think so long to figure out what I'm thinking right now? The answer is right here.

Luke: What else would I be thinking of at this moment other than you?

You: ...

You didn't expect him to answer his question. You pause for a moment before realizing what is happening.

Just as you wonder how you should respond, Luke softly nuzzles against your hair and narrows his eyes.

Luke: To be honest, the incident with Tony Lester made me feel things I hadn't felt before.

You: ...Things you hadn't felt before?

Luke: Yes. This time, I didn't spend too long hesitating over my choices like I used to. Instead, my conviction to keep walking on this path with you is even stronger.

Luke: I never want to part from you again.

Luke: That thought was so strong then that I even had to force myself to push it down and stay calm.

You: Luke...

You move closer toward his forehead.

Your hair interweaves with his, and the temperature of your skin brushing against his triggers a torrential and intense emotion.

Luke's low voice echoes in your ears as if it came from the bottom of your heart.

Luke: I don't quite understand. Has my plan... backfired on me?

Luke: But I don't mind this feeling... What about you?

You: Mmm, I don't mind either. Besides, don't worry, we're not going to part.

Luke continues to dissect his complicated internal thoughts, showing no signs of stopping.

Luke: Maybe that's just how humans are — complicated. We desire and get frustrated when we cannot get what we want, yet we want it nonetheless.

Luke: And once we have it, we are anxious about the possibility of losing what we have.

Luke: For example, right now I don't even dare to imagine losing you one day, or living alone and giving up all the people important to me like Tony did.

Luke: Right now, I am firmer than ever in my conviction to spend my future with you. I want to overcome obstacles and the boundless time with you, adventure together, and grow old together.

You suddenly realize that perhaps he had already made countless decisions without you knowing, and in the end, he still decided to choose you with an iron conviction.

You slowly caress his ear, trying to calm down the anxious feelings he has beyond his words.

You: What you are saying is what I hope for too. I want that as well. Besides, remember that we've got each other now. We'll support and help each other.

You: Anyway, don't worry. We'll be together forever and ever. Even if you get super stubborn one day, I'll drag you back.

As soon as you stop talking, you see Luke smiling softly, his eyes seeming like bottomless stormy seas under the lamplight.

Luke: If you answer me so decisively and spoil me this much... it'll only encourage the possessive feelings that keep growing in my heart...

You: ...Huh?

Luke: There's a bottomless pit down there, you know? I suspect only you would be able to fill it.

Luke wraps his arms around you, then softly puts your face in his hands, as if wanting to forever keep you within his endless kiss.

The soft shadow of the moon gradually passes beyond your sight. The time until dawn seems both very short and very long.


AnswerWe will overcome any difficulty and time. We will go on adventures and grow old together.

Answer illustration.png
