Main Story 03-04

From Tears of Themis Wiki


You hear police shouting outside. Reporters will do anything for a headline nowadays.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40

  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 6000

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin x800 (100%)

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Tabloid Reporter
  • Turn Limit: 15 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"Breaking the law? I'm just here to record the facts."
HP: 600
ATK: 80
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"Let me take a look inside. I won't cause any trouble."
HP: 600
ATK: 80
DEF: 7500
Intuition card type icon
"It's not a big deal. I'll leave after a quick look."
HP: 600
ATK: 80
DEF: 7500

Wave 2

Logic card type icon
"This is terrible. The media has the responsibility to let the people know!"
HP: 2650
ATK: 80
DEF: 7500

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon Trespassing onto a crime scene is breaking the law!

Logic card type icon The case is still under investigation. Don't interfere!

Logic card type icon Searching a residence by breaking and entering is breaking the law!

Empathy card type icon Without the credentials, you cannot conduct an interview!

Empathy card type icon Conducting interviews outside your field of expertise is prohibited.

Intuition card type icon It's not worthwhile to be sent to jail just for the headline!

Intuition card type icon Continue to interfere with police work, and we will have to arrest you!

Debate Stage/Opponent

The Grant Estate
(Debate Stage)
Grant Family Residence.png
Tabloid Reporter

Boss 2 character icon.png