
From Tears of Themis Wiki
Template-info.png Documentation

Description[edit source]

Template for evidence found.

Usage[edit source]

  • name - Name of the evidence
  • image - Image file name of the evidence
  • description - The short description of the evidence
  • evidenceDescription - The description found when tapping the Evidence button in-game
  • has3DModel - Do not include field or fill in 0 if does not have 3D Model. Otherwise, fill in as 1.
  • 3DModelDescription - For the responses when tapping certain areas of the 3D Model. For example:
* Tapping Broken Lens
The camera lens was shattered by an impact with a hard object.

The culprit may have discovered the CCTV camera and attempted to destroy it.
* Tapping Wi-Fi icon
The Wi-Fi receiver is damaged, so it is impossible to upload footage to the cloud.
* Tapping Memory Card slot
Ejection functionality is compromised. There is currently no way to remove the memory card.
This template defines the table "Evidence". View table.