Artem "Ready to Go"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Private Messages

Private Message icon.png
Private Message
Family Visitor
(Card Lv40)
Private Message script

Artem: Sorry, the event in the morning has concluded. Please... Why are you here?

Artem: Didn't we agree that I'd pick you up after the event? You don't need to travel this far.

Artem: You're wondering what it's like to visit me at work as a family?

Artem: Sure. It's crowded here. Let me take you to the lounge.

Artem: ...

Artem: Well, have you missed me?

Artem: Me too...

Artem: Are you... blushing?

Artem: ...

Artem: Was that on purpose? How about... we sit and rest awhile?

Artem: ...

Artem: It takes 1.5 hours for you to get here. It must be tiring. Want to rest a bit on my shoulder?

Artem: The afternoon event won't take long. Wait here. We can go home together afterward.

Artem: You want me to rest for a bit?

Artem: Good idea. Can I rest my head on your lap?

Artem: ...

Artem: This is how it feels like to rest my head on my lover's lap. It feels relaxing and reassuring.

Artem: It makes me want to put all the duties and troubles behind. Just stay with you like this, forever.

Artem: ...

Artem: Hmmm, I'm getting a bit sleepy. Let me take a nap. Wake me up when it's time...

Private Message icon.png
Private Message
Couple Dice
(Card Lv70)
Private Message script

Artem: Be careful. Are you hurt?

Artem: Good. I guess it's a gift from my friend. I'll open it.

Artem: This is... a dice? There is an instruction booklet inside.

Artem: The numbers on the dice represent different activities. No. 1 is "Put on the cat ears and tell a bedtime story."

Artem: This looks like a game between couples. Interesting.

Artem: How about... we give it a try?

Artem: All right. Let's take turns. I'll go first.

Artem: No. 3 indicates "Kiss the most captivating part of the other's facial features."

Artem: If you're too shy for it, should we... stop?

Artem: If not, I'm going to do what it says.

Artem: Do you want to guess where I will choose?

Artem: Hmmm... your eyebrows?

Artem: Your eyes?

Artem: The tip of your nose?

Artem: Your earlobes?

Artem: Or perhaps... here?

Artem: No matter where you've guessed, they are all correct.

Artem: Because... I find every part of you captivating.

Artem: This game is fun, but it's getting late...

Artem: Let's... leave the rest of it for next time.

Artem: ...