Artem "Here and Now"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Private Messages

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Private Message
(Card Lv40)
Private Message script

Artem: Be careful!

Artem: Ouch... Yeah...

Artem: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Artem: I'm relieved... There's no one else on the skating rink now. Don't worry.

Artem: Me? I'm fine...

Artem: Okay... To put your mind at ease, I'll cooperate and let you check.

Artem: But... you need to get up first. Well... you're on top of me, I can't...

Artem: ...You can start now.

Artem: Well... the ankle you just touched doesn't hurt. This part doesn't hurt either...

Artem: Yeah, all the parts you touched feel fine.

Artem: Huh? Why do I smile every time I look at you?

Artem: I'm just... happy to see you worried about me.

Artem: Why... did you suddenly get so close?

Artem: What are you doing? Do you want to check my body as well...?

Artem: ...Okay, I won't move. Go ahead...

Artem: Turns out my protective gear was crooked...

Artem: Is that it?

Artem: But I think you didn't check thoroughly enough... Keep going.

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Private Message
(Card Lv70)
Private Message script

Artem: Huh? Why are you staring at me?

Artem: I bought some new face masks... Want to help me try them out?

Artem: Okay, I've never used one before. I'll give it a go.

Artem: What do I need to do? Sit down and lift up my hair? Okay...

Artem: Hmm... why do your hands keep pushing outwards on my face...?

Artem: Oh... you have to smooth it out so it fits my face. That way it will absorb more product... All right... I see.

Artem: Hmm... It doesn't feel weird. It's cooling... and the way you're moving your hands is... soothing.

Artem: Now we just wait? Is there anything else we need to do?

Artem: Apply the leftover product to my neck so it won't be wasted?

Artem: Okay, I'll look up. Take your time...

Artem: Oh... something got in my ear.

Artem: All right, I won't move...

Artem: Yeah, it tickles...

Artem: Alright... It's fine now.

Artem: But... it looks like your hands are covered in it...

Artem: You said you didn't want to waste it, so... let me help.