A Wish in the Light Event/Travel Wish I

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< A Wish in the Light Event
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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


  • Hover to view spoiler content.

Stage 1

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • Appreciating the patterns on the butterflies...
  • Enjoying aquatic plants...
  • Listening to Vyn explain the symbolism of flowers...
  • Red persimmons hanging on the trees... What a harvest!
  • The air smells so fresh from the plants around. How nice.
  • Watching bees pollinate...
  • (Ah, I better be careful not to step on the plants...)

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Botanical Garden

You: "A Portrait of Poetry in Nature." The exhibition is really happening in the woods...

Vyn: The author is a young modernist. He hangs his poems in the woods to show the power of life and nature.

You: That's so creative of him. Let's go check it out.

Botanical Garden

Vyn: This is the largest rose garden in Stellis. It has a large variety of roses, including those that are currently out-of-season.

Vyn: This one with a lot of petals is the begonia rose. This single-petaled one is the cathayensis, while this one is...

You: Haha. You sound like you're talking about treasures whenever you talk about roses.

Vyn: Because it is my favorite flower.

Botanical Garden

You: The garden is filled with the fragrance of osmanthus.

Vyn: It does. The osmanthus in my garden is also blooming. Let us make some osmanthus tea later.

Vyn: I think you will like it.

You: Good idea!

Stage 2

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • Helping a lost child find his mother...
  • Listening to the docent's introduction of the plants...
  • Making botanical specimens with Vyn...
  • Stopping a visitor from feeding mapo tofu to a pitcher plant...
  • Taking part in a question game with Vyn...
  • Trying to make an artificial flower...
  • You are a bit tired from the exhibition. Sit down and take a break.

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Botanical Garden

You: Wow, there are so many plants that eat insects besides the monkey cup and the Venus flytrap...

Vyn: Yes. Nature is something beyond our imagination.

Vyn: There are more interesting plants over there. Let us check them out.

You: Okay!

Botanical Garden

You: Ah, it's so hot here. This is definitely the tropical plant exhibition area...

Vyn: Here, have some water. If you do not feel well, we can go to other areas.

You: Well...

Vyn: Do not move. Let me wipe the sweat off your forehead... All done.

You: ...

Stage 3

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • A couple passes by and asks you to help them take a photo in the flower field...
  • Collecting beautiful leaves with Vyn...
  • Setting up the picnic area...
  • Stopping a kid from picking flowers...
  • (A sunny day, just like my bright mood.)
  • (I wonder what kind of food Vyn has prepared. I hope he likes mine.)
  • (Those birds are lined up in a row. Are they geese...?)
  • (What a beautiful day for a picnic.)

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Botanical Garden

You: It's a great place for a picnic, isn't it?

Vyn: It is. There are not many people here, and it is quiet.

You: You've always loved the quiet.

Vyn: True. I prefer to be alone with you than in a crowd.

Botanical Garden

You: Ah, it's a squirrel!

Vyn: It is coming to us. It must be attracted by the food.

You: Well... I think it's attracted by you, Vyn.

You: Do you remember the squirrel that liked you a lot? Maybe you have a special trait.

Vyn: ...Hmm... Do I?

Location End Script

Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden
Misc Location - Meadow (Day).png

You: It's so beautiful!

You look proudly at the spot you have just decorated. A light-colored picnic mat is decorated with red maple leaves, making it a pleasant sight for the eyes.

Not to mention the star of the show — food. Roast chicken, fruits, puddings, and all kinds of delicacies are laid out on the mat, making your mouth water.

Your stomach growls right on time, deciding to make itself known.

Vyn: Are you hungry? Come sit down and have a bite.

Vyn hands you the strawberry cake.

You take a bite. In an instant, the creamy sweetness completely fills your mouth.

You: Wow! It's soooo good!

You give the cake a huge compliment while enjoying it.

Vyn: It was made to your taste. I am glad it turned out all right.

You: I wouldn't call this just all right... This is amazing!

You: Compared to yours, what I made is just...

You look towards the sandwich in your hand and back at the cake again. You wonder if the sandwich you made is too plain in contrast.

Vyn: This is the sandwich you said you were going to make, right? Let me try it.

You: Um... wait...

Before you can stop him, Vyn takes the sandwich from your hand, opens the package, and takes a bite.

You: (Ah, it's our first picnic and he prepared a strawberry cake, while I only made a sandwich...)

You: (This is so embarrassing...)

With this in mind, you are a little worried. However, he soon responds to you in a gentle voice.

Vyn: It tastes great.

You: This is one of your wishes, but my boring sandwich ruined it...

You: I should have put more thought into it...

Vyn: Do not be too harsh on yourself. I can see that you have put a lot of effort into it.

Vyn gently smiles and holds the sandwich in front of you.

Vyn: This sandwich is not just an ordinary sandwich.

Vyn: Not only is the bread and the dressing my favorite...

Vyn: There are also a lot of cute little details, like heart-shaped eggs, flower-shaped sausages, and star-shaped cucumbers...

Vyn: How can this be considered as something that was not well thought out?

You: Well...

He looks at you, his voice calm and gentle.

Vyn: You do not have to worry about anything when you are with me...

Vyn: To me, anything with your love in it is the most precious thing in the world.

He pauses. His gentle golden eyes gazes softly at you as if to comfort you.

Vyn: Plus, I like the idea of connecting with the people I love. That is why I put a picnic on my wish list.

Vyn: I was elated to pick the venue, shop for the items, and enjoy the food with you.

Vyn: Because all of these were our time together.

You: (Our time together...)

Beams of light shine through the gaps between the branches into his light golden pupils.

Your uneasiness dissipates and an idea suddenly pops into your head.

You: Vyn, let's make your birthday cake together this year.

You: You said that the most important thing is to connect with each other and enjoy the time together.

You: I think it would be a great experience to make a birthday cake together.

You: Also, I can learn how to make dessert from you. Two birds, one stone!

Vyn: ...

Vyn: Sure. I look forward to it.
