South Stellis Case: Woman A

From Tears of Themis Wiki


Family Dispute: A wife, suspecting that her husband is cheating, filed for a divorce. But her husband insisted that he never cheated and that this was just a ploy for the wife to acquire more assets. The wife sued her husband. Currently, the case is in the early stages of preparation. Talk to the wife.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards:

  • Unlock Condition: South Stellis Reputation level 1-8
  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 21661

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin
Reputation icon.pngReputation

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Woman A
  • Turn Limit: 15 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"He made those accusations to disguise the fact that he was cheating on me!"
HP: 16900
ATK: 240
DEF: 7500

Empathy Defense Buff icon.png
Empathy Defense Buff
Boosts your Empathy Defense by 5000% for 30 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon I've got evidence of your husband cheating.

Logic card type icon The court will not only listen to his side of the story.

Empathy card type icon You just need to tell me the truth. Leave everything else to me.

Empathy card type icon He said that without thinking. Don't take it personally.

Intuition card type icon Please have faith in my professional ability.

Intuition card type icon Currently, you can even sue him for libel.