Rick Sider

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Rick Sider sprite.png


"Nothing is more important than her being alive."


Gender Male

Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 林仕 (Lín Shì)

Japanese 高杉りゅう

Korean 임도진

General[edit | edit source]

Rick Sider is a graduate of Stellis University's Law program in the same class as the Main Character. He was ex-boyfriend to art student Lune Edwards prior to her death, dating her for roughly a year until the pressures of studying caused them to drift apart in both their junior years. Lune broke up with Rick when she began seeing new boyfriend Wesley Dunn; however, Rick offered to continue to support her despite the breakup.[1]

Before Lune's passing, she sent Rick a letter asking him to save Wesley and stop him from hurting anyone else. Though he discovered this letter three years late, Rick followed through on Lune's wish by filing a civil suit against Wesley on behalf of all his organization's victims.[2]

Organization(s)[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Story Appearances[edit | edit source]

Rick Sider character icon.png

Vyn's Story 03-07

References[edit | edit source]