Main Story 08-16

From Tears of Themis Wiki


You receive a call from an unknown number while with Vyn. The caller claims that he has Vyn captive and demands that you immediately send money.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40

  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 129834

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin x800 (100%)

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Telephone Scammer
  • Turn Limit: 20 turns

Wave 1

Empathy card type icon
"If you don't hurry it up, your friend here won't make it past today!"
HP: 32250
ATK: 1359
DEF: 15000
Intuition card type icon
"Your life or your money? Choose!"
HP: 32250
ATK: 1359
DEF: 15000
Logic card type icon
"If you don't pay up soon, then the hostage is gone!"
HP: 32250
ATK: 1359
DEF: 15000

Wave 2

Logic card type icon
"Vyn has been kidnapped. Call the police and he's a goner. Pay the ransom!"
HP: 107450
ATK: 1359
DEF: 15000

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon Your actions constitute malicious fraud. I won't give you a single cent!

Logic card type icon Vyn is right here with me, so did you kidnap yourself?

Empathy card type icon Your deception is on a level that would make Vyn laugh if he heard it!

Empathy card type icon I already notified the police of your poor behavior. Explain yourself to them!

Empathy card type icon Where did you find the courage to extort a lawyer?

Intuition card type icon The acting is terrible. Act as you mean it.

Intuition card type icon That language is uncalled for. Are you irritated?