Long Beach Case: Ex-employee

From Tears of Themis Wiki


Other Dispute: A bakery employee was fired for missing work too many times. In a fit of rage, the employee spread rumors online that the bakery uses expired flour, which damaged the bakery's reputation and reduced its sales. As a result, the bakery took the former employee to court. Currently, the case has not been filed. Talk to the former employee.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards:

  • Unlock Condition: Long Beach Reputation level 1-8
  • Attribute: Empathy card type icon Empathy
  • Recommended Power: 21661

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin
Reputation icon.pngReputation

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Ex-employee
  • Turn Limit: 15 turns

Wave 1

Empathy card type icon
"I'm telling you the truth. This is not slander!"
HP: 16900
ATK: 240
DEF: 7500

Intuition Defense Buff icon.png
Intuition Defense Buff
Boosts your Intuition Defense by 5000% for 30 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon If it's not slander please show me the evidence.

Logic card type icon According to the evidence, the bakery's flour is within its shelf life.

Empathy card type icon Your motive is to hurt the bakery's reputation.

Empathy card type icon Where's your conscience?

Intuition card type icon You are taking revenge for being fired due to your tardiness.

Intuition card type icon It's not too late to confess.