Dreams of Childhood Event/Battle of Champions

From Tears of Themis Wiki


HoYo! The difficulty level is now doubled! This time you will fail!
  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40

  • Attribute: No type card icon Null
  • Recommended Power: 170342

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Homu King
  • Turn Limit: 25 turns

Wave 1

Empathy card type icon
"Answer me quickly. What came first, Slime or Whopperflowers?"
HP: 29750
ATK: 1346
DEF: 30000
Intuition card type icon
"I'm sure you don't know this one. Does Moonbeam's Flechette weaken elemental DMG?"
HP: 29750
ATK: 1346
DEF: 30000
Logic card type icon
"Admit defeat, beg for mercy, and I will let you pass."
HP: 29750
ATK: 1346
DEF: 30000

Wave 2

Empathy card type icon
"These questions must be too difficult for you, aren't they?"
HP: 29750
ATK: 1795
DEF: 60000
Intuition card type icon
"Do you need a hint? Admit defeat and I'll give you one!"
HP: 29750
ATK: 1795
DEF: 60000
Logic card type icon
"The clock is ticking. You can just admit defeat!"
HP: 29750
ATK: 1795
DEF: 60000

Wave 3

No type card icon
"You know, you can just admit defeat if you can't figure out the answer."
HP: 101100
ATK: 1795
DEF: 60000

Layer by Layer icon.png
Layer by Layer
Boosts your Influence by 50% for 30 turns (CD: 3 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon Just some unpopular knowledge.

Logic card type icon These questions are so basic!

Intuition card type icon I trust my judgment!

Intuition card type icon I know how to answer them!

Intuition card type icon Easy peasy lemon squeezy. No problem at all!

Empathy card type icon So easy. These are too basic.

Empathy card type icon I know the answer to this question!