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The Deck Menu is where players can select cards to put together a team to use for Debates. The Deck Menu consists of the Primary Deck and the Support Deck.

Primary Deck

These are the cards that are used during debates.

Support Deck

These cards provide additional stats to the team but are not used during debate stages. Additionally, some cards have skills which activate only when equipped from the Support Deck, such as the Formidable skill.


For players having difficulty with a tough debate, keep the following deck-building tips in mind:

  1. Attributes are important; a card's strength is drastically reduced if it hits an argument of the "wrong" attribute. Always remember the "rock-paper-scissors" hierarchy of Logic card type icon Logic > Empathy card type icon Empathy > Intuition card type icon Intuition > Logic card type icon Logic
    • However, care must be taken not to load a deck with suboptimal cards of the trumping attribute when leveled/built cards of the matching attribute are available; a Logic card of higher level, rarity, and skill level may hit a Logic argument harder than a weak Intuition card.
  2. Card types should be kept in mind when specializing or manually selecting card usage order (more on these below). Generally, cards can be divided into a few types:
    • Heavy hitters, which generally have some variant of Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike and at least one other offensive skill, preferably in skill slot 2, which is a card's self-buff.
    • Active support, which generally have an influence-boosting or defense-reducing skill such as Logical Conclusion icon.pngLogical Conclusion or Virtuous Presence icon.pngVirtuous Presence and preferably at least one other offensive skill. Active support skills come in 1-turn (α), 2-turn (β), and 3-turn (γ) variants; see below note about card usage order to optimize these.
    • Passive support, which may have less desirable main skills but still buff the overall deck in an important way, such as providing Drastic Measures icon.pngDrastic Measures to an all-Empathy deck.
  3. Skill leveling is important; any influence-boosting skills in your primary deck should be prioritized. It's generally not recommended to spend resources on leveling Formidable icon.pngFormidable as the max-level boost is only 1%.
  4. Deck specialization is important; many of the SR+ skills in skill slots 2 and 3 can become even more powerful than Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike, as these skills multiply their values by the number of appropriate cards in the primary deck. For example:
    • In a debate against a single attribute, such as an Intuition-based opponent, a player should bring an Empathy-heavy deck. Emotional Appeal icon.pngEmotional Appeal and Emotional Projection icon.pngEmotional Projection will begin outperforming Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike of equal skill level once the primary deck is more than half composed of Empathy cards.
    • In a debate against multiple attributes, a player might consider instead specializing in a single male lead's cards; skills like Sharp One icon.pngSharp One or Truth Restorer icon.pngTruth Restorer will again start to outperform Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike of equal skill level when more than half the deck is composed of that male lead's cards.
    • In any specialized deck, passive support skills become similarly important; for example, stacking all possible sources of Foresight icon.pngForesight and Reformer icon.pngReformer will apply an influence buff equivalent to half a Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike to every Intuition card in the deck (including the support cards themselves).
  5. Card usage order is important; when auto-debate fails, players can win debates at huge power deficiencies with cards manually selected in the appropriate order. Consider, for example, a sequence of active supports such as Attention to Detail icon.pngAttention to Detail γ III -> Layer by Layer icon.pngLayer by Layer β III -> Attention to Detail icon.pngAttention to Detail α II. This sets up a 3-turn Intuition influence buff, a 2-turn all-attribute influence buff, and 1-turn Intuition influence buff. Using an Intuition-attribute heavy hitter with Preemptive Strike icon.pngPreemptive Strike III at this time will take advantage of all three buffs for massively increased damage.
    • Advanced note: Active support skills are additive while Preemptive Strike is multiplicative. This means the above chain, assuming all skills involved were level 10, would provide (base damage of 100% + 30.03% + 24.98% + 40.96% = 195.97%) x 1.4996 = 293.88% influence damage before taking attribute bonus into account.

Power Calculations

See also: Cards#Power Calculations, Game mechanics#Damage Calculations
Variable Value
attackCoefficient 1
defenceCoefficient 1
hpCoefficient 1
talentCoefficient 500

[math]\displaystyle{ deckInfluence = primaryDeckTotalInfluence * attackCoefficient * (1 + supportDeckTotalInfluence) }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ deckDefense = primaryDeckTotalDefense * defenceCoefficient * (1 + supportDeckTotalDefense) }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ power = hp * hpCoefficient + skillLevel * talentCoefficient + deckInfluence + deckDefense + primaryDeckTotalSkillValue }[/math]

Support Deck Attack Rate Calculations

[math]\displaystyle{ levelRate = 0.0202 * (cardLevel -1) * (1 + cardStar * 0.1) }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ skillRate = skillLevel * 0.0666 }[/math]

Card Rarity cardRateValue
R 0.006
SR 0.0075
MR 0.0075
SSR 0.01

[math]\displaystyle{ supportDeckInfluence = (1 + levelRate + skillRate) * cardRateValue }[/math]

Support Deck Defense Rate Calculations

[math]\displaystyle{ supportDeckDefense = supportDeckInfluence / 2 }[/math]