CCG Lighthouse Garden: Lighthouse History

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The white-collar man looks at the old lighthouse and slowly tells its story.

  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 23961


  • Hover to view spoiler content.
Lighthouse Garden
Lighthouse Garden

Beach - Day.png

You and Vyn follow the tour guide to the Lighthouse Garden.

The towering lighthouse glows with a faint yellow, its walls left with the mottled traces of time.

You: I can feel a "sense of history" here...

Vyn: Yes, the lighthouse has stood here for hundreds of years and witnessed the ups and downs of this island.

???: You're correct. History is the most important part of the lighthouse.

As you and Vyn are standing in awe of the lighthouse, a man with weary eyes initiates a conversation.

You: You are???

White Collar Worker: I'm just an ordinary office worker.

Vyn: Based on what you said, you seem to know a lot about this place.

White Collar Worker: I can't say that I do. I just like to come here for walks when I'm exhausted from work.

White Collar Worker: With how much time I spent here, it's only natural that I know a thing or two about this place.

You: I see...

You: It's our first time here, so we don't know much about Lighthouse Garden.

You: Would you mind explaining its history to us?

White Collar Worker: Let's see... I have some time before my next conference.

White Collar Worker: Sure, I can tell you its history.


You: To think there was such a profound story behind it...

White Collar Worker: Yes, the lighthouse has a long history.

White Collar Worker: Oh no, it's almost time for my conference! I've got to go!


Debate Details

  • Enemy Name: White Collar Worker
  • Turn Limit: 25 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"Fishermen used to use it to guide their way home!"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"Only when one sees it in person can one feel its charm!"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500
Intuition card type icon
"Look at all the marks. It's so weathered!"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500

Wave 2

Logic card type icon
"400 years! It's been standing here for more than 400 years!"
HP: 13150
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500

Layer by Layer icon.png
Layer by Layer
Boosts your Influence by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 3 turns)
Feigning Defeat icon.png
Feigning Defeat
Boosts your Defense by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 3 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon It is super old!

Intuition card type icon I learned something new!

Empathy card type icon I didn't know it had this effect!

Empathy card type icon I see!