Blizzardous Threads of Red Side Story 3-3: Forever Young

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Astral Memory icon.pngAstral Memory x30


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


Forever Young (1/4) - Villa Garden
Blizzard Villa
Villa Garden
Blizzard Villa - Villa Garden RPG map.png

Ms. Ge is searching around for something. Go ask her if she needs any help.

Ms. Ge: Which branch is better...? How about this one?

Ms. Ge stares at the peach tree, mumbling to herself.

Then, she walks towards the peach blossom tree, as if wanting to pick a branch from the tree.

You: !!!

You: Ms. Ge!

Ms. Ge: Oh hey, you scared me. I didn't hear you approach at all.

Before you can explain, Ms. Ge waves for you to leave.

Ms. Ge: Leave me be. Don't bother me.

It seems like Ms. Ge has already made up her mind to pick the peach blossom branch...

You: Ms. Ge, this peach blossom tree has been around for a thousand years. You can't go picking...

Ms. Ge: Nonsense, you think I don't know that? It's precisely because it's the thousand-year peach blossom tree that I...

Ms. Ge: Hey, wait, are you trying to trick me?

You: Ms. Ge, I'm not trying to trick you.

You: I... I just want to help you...

You: It must be hard for you to do this alone... I just want to help you.

You say a few nice words to Ms. Ge. She stops moving her arms long enough to inspect your face carefully.

Ms. Ge: Hmph, it's great to be young. Look at your face, no wrinkles.

You: ???

Ms. Ge: Well, you're young and pretty. You don't need what I'm looking for.

The more you listen to Ms. Ge, the more confused you become.

Ms. Ge: Since you want to help me, I'll tell you the truth.

Ms. Ge: I came here to find the elixir of eternal youth.

You: The elixir of eternal youth?

Ms. Ge: Shh! Quiet down. Don't draw attention to yourself.

You: Oh... The Zeng family had an elixir like that?

Ms. Ge: It's an old secret recipe... But who normally has the chance to enter the Zeng estate? If it wasn't for the auction...

Ms. Ge: Ahem. We're going off-topic. The secret recipe requires branches from the peach blossom tree, so I was choosing one.

You: (How can I protect the peach blossom tree...)

You ponder for a moment before coming up with an idea to stop Ms. Ge from destroying the thousand-year-old peach blossom tree.

You: Ms. Ge, let me get the branch for you.

You: Look at the surrounding fence... The peach blossom is tall as well... I'm afraid you can't maneuver around it all that easily.

Ms. Ge: ...

Ms. Ge: You're right. I'll leave it to you then. Can you... also bring me a porcelain bowl?

Ms. Ge: While you're at it, I can move on to other things.

You: A porcelain bowl?

Ms. Ge: Yes, just get me one. I'll tell you more about the elixir when you do.

You: Okay, I'll be back soon.

Forever Young (2/4) - Villa Dining Room
Blizzard Villa
Villa Dining Room
Blizzard Villa - Villa Dining Room RPG map.png

Go to the Villa Dining Room to search for a porcelain bowl.

You: Where did I see a porcelain bowl? I remember seeing one.

You: I think it was here...

You scan the room...

Sure enough, on the table of small snacks and fruits, there are several white porcelain bowls for guests to use.

You: Now that the missing porcelain bowl issue is solved, next is plucking a branch from the peach blossom tree...

Forever Young (3/4) - Villa Garden

Go to the Villa Garden and search for peach blossom branches.

You: What an enormous tree...

You: Are the red silk tied to the tree wishes that people have left?

You: Now's not the time to think about that. I need to look for any branches that have been blown off.

You: Instead of picking a branch, I can choose one that has fallen off naturally. That way, the peach blossom tree won't get damaged.

You look up at the tree, at the wind blowing through its branches and fluttering red silk. The faint sound it makes is almost like a whisper...


You search under the trees and find some suitable branches under the snow.

You: That's everything. Time to find Ms. Ge.

Forever Young (4/4) - Villa Garden

Go back to the garden to give Ms. Ge the porcelain bowl and peach blossom branches.

You: Ms. Ge, I got everything you asked.

Ms. Ge: ...

Ms. Ge: Put it here, I'll be ready soon.

Ms. Ge is crouched in the corner with her back to you. A long time passes before she stops and turns around.

She is holding a ball of something black in her hands, which looked like mud, but also like a ball of traditional herbal medicine...

Ms. Ge: Whew... I'm exhausted, but it paid off. I finally found it.

You: Ms. Ge, is that the elixir?

Ms. Ge: Give me the bowl and branches.

Ms. Ge ignores your question, staring only at the porcelain bowl and peach blossom branches in your hands.

You hand the things over to Ms. Ge, who expertly places the "mud" into a bowl, mixing it with a branch from the peach blossom tree.

You: Ms. Ge, what are you doing?

Ms. Ge: Making medicine. Can't you see?

Ms. Ge seems to have forgotten all about her promise to tell you about the elixir.

You: ...

You: Ms. Ge, now that I've gotten everything you needed, you promised to tell me about the elixir...

Ms. Ge is shocked when you mentioned her promise.

Ms. Ge: You still remember? You youngsters sure have good memories.

Ms. Ge: Fine, fine. I won't hide it from you because I already found it.

Her hands move as she speaks.

Ms. Ge: The Zeng family's elixir of eternal youth was a secret recipe used by imperial concubines in ancient times.

Ms. Ge: The recipe needed sealed snow mud, chilled air, and the branches of a 1000-year-old peach tree, brewed for an hour...

Ms. Ge: Then add purified water, apricot flowers, and various spices before stirring to create the elixir.

Ms. Ge: Apply it to your face and your wrinkles will disappear.

Ms. Ge's face lights up at the thought of her irritating wrinkles disappearing soon.

You: (Where did Ms. Ge find this secret recipe?)

You: According to the recipe, this elixir can only be prepared in the winter?

Ms. Ge: Yes. Only when it's snowing, and the timing has to be perfect.

Ms. Ge: If it wasn't for the auction, I wouldn't have had the chance.

You: The remaining steps...

Ms. Ge: I've already made all the preparations, so I won't bother you anymore.

Looking at the black "elixir," you can't help but think it's something similar to a volcanic mud mask...

You: (Maybe there's something to this recipe?)

You: I hope the Zeng family's secret recipe works...

Ms. Ge: That's none of your concern. Just leave.

Ms. Ge's tone makes it clear that she doesn't want you around any longer.

She's probably afraid that you'll learn how to make the elixir of eternal youth...

You: ...

You: Ms. Ge, I'll take my leave now.

When you are far away, Ms. Ge is still in the yard, constantly stirring the mud in her hands...


Ms. Ge

Passerby F2 character icon.png