Luke's Sweet Chapter 03-07

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Extension of Clues (1): West Hemingway Heights Street
West Hemingway Heights Street

Misc Location - Office (Day).png

Clues on Campus - Head to Tony's school to progress the story.

According to the information provided by the police, you head to Willis High School and manage to find Tony Lester's former homeroom teacher.

She's the only teacher in the office when you get there.

There was someone else when you both came inside. However, the teacher says something to him, and he quickly excuses himself politely.

You: Greetings, Miss Harvey. I imagine the police already told you about why we're here.

You and Luke decide to move things along quickly and decline Miss Harvey's invitation to sit down, opting to start questioning straight away.

Miss Harvey: Yep. I received a call from the police. You want to ask about Tony Lester, right? I can help.

You: Sure. Then let's begin.

Dropout situation

You: Well then, please tell us everything about how Tony Lester dropped out of school back then.

Miss Harvey heaves a long sigh when she hears your question as if she has a lot to say on the subject.

Miss Harvey: I was... extremely shocked when I heard about it.

Miss Harvey: Even now, I still don't understand. Tony had good grades and good character. Aside from being a little withdrawn, he practically didn't have any flaws...

Miss Harvey: Why did he want to drop out of school so suddenly, and for no reason...?

You: I suppose the school did not immediately agree to his request, right?

Miss Harvey: Of course not. The school must have asked him to think things over carefully.

Miss Harvey: Besides, a decision like that can only be made after thorough discussions with his sponsor.

Luke and you look at each other briefly, and both feel a tinge of excitement.

Luke: Sponsor?

Miss Harvey: Yes. Tony's parents passed away in an accident when he was still young. He doesn't have many relatives, and his sponsor has been the one paying his school fees.

Miss Harvey sighs rather dejectedly.

Miss Harvey: But no one could've imagined that Tony was dead set on dropping out of school. Even his sponsor couldn't talk him out of it. We ended up having no choice but to agree.

Miss Harvey: It's a huge missed opportunity as far as the school is concerned, to lose a student with great potential.


Luke: Could you please tell us everything you know about Tony Lester's sponsor?

Miss Harvey considers it for a while, then picks up her phone and seems to be looking for something.

Miss Harvey: All I know is the sponsor's contact number and address. I don't know anything else about them.

Luke: No worries. Please send us a copy of the information.

After receiving the contact information for Tony Lester's sponsor, you remember a question that you need to validate.

You: Miss Harvey, did something happen around the time when Tony mentioned wanting to quit school?

She doesn't hesitate and immediately nods to indicate an affirmative answer.

Miss Harvey: He became very sick and needed surgery shortly before he quit school.

Luke: ...

You: (I see. That matches our previous findings.)

Miss Harvey: But he made a speedy recovery and was able to attend school soon after the surgery.

Miss Harvey: However, he immediately applied to drop out... Do you mean those two events are somehow related?

You: (They're definitely related... more so than the average person could imagine.)

If your predictions are correct, then Tony had ingested inappropriate medications during that period of illness, which led to his body developing abnormalities.

Due to confidentiality clauses, you definitely can't tell Miss Harvey that it was related to illegal medications produced by a certain company in Stellis. You have to make up an excuse.

You: No... It's nothing. I just thought about it, so I asked.

Other plans

You: Miss Harvey, did Tony mention where he would go after leaving school? Or did he leave any clues or information?

Miss Harvey: I don't recall any...

Miss Harvey: Tony was very quiet during that time. He didn't say anything to anyone.

Luke: ...Would Tony's friends know a thing or two? Who was his best friend in school?

Miss Harvey: I think he was pretty good friends with someone in the class next door.

Miss Harvey: Hold on. I'll call their homeroom teacher.

A few minutes later, Miss Harvey hangs up and passes the student's information to you.

Miss Harvey: The student is named Ellis Hull, but he's at home, sick. I'll send you his address.

You: Thank you. That's all of our questions for today.

Now that you've received some new clues, you and Luke feel much more settled.

You: Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Harvey.

Luke: Then, we won't bother you any longer. We need to head out now to investigate these new clues.

Miss Harvey: No worries. I hope your investigation runs smoothly.

West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis University - Hall (Day).png

You and Luke immediately start discussing which clue to focus on as soon as you leave the office.

You: Why don't we start somewhere close? ...How about we go to Ellis Hull's house first?

Luke: I agree.

Luke: We don't know what the relationship between Tony and his sponsor is. We might get something useful if we start with Tony's friend first.

You: Yep! Then let's head out.

Extension of Clues (2): Central Business District
Central Business District

Misc Location - Bedroom 1.png

How the students view him - Head to Tony's classmate's residence to progress the story.

You find Hull's home based on the information Miss Harvey gave you.

After you ring the doorbell, a middle-aged man comes out to open the door and pauses when he sees you.

Middle-Aged Man: How... can I help you?

Luke: Hello. Is this Ellis Hull's home? We're hoping to speak to him about his friend at school, Tony Lester.

You also explain who you are and state that you're here to assist the police with an investigation.

Middle-Aged Man: Ah, then come into the bedroom with me, please. My son is sick and is resting.

You: Thank you!

When you enter the room, you see a boy playing on his phone in bed.

The middle-aged man immediately goes and takes away the phone, then puts his hand on the boy's forehead. Sensing that his fever isn't very high, the middle-aged man visibly relaxes.

Middle-Aged Man: What are you doing? You haven't fully recovered and still you're playing with your phone!

Ellis Hull: Dad! I was just... Huh? Who are they...?

The boy is about to argue with his father when he sees you, and he blinks curiously.

You: Hi there. We're hoping to ask you some questions about Tony Lester...

The boy with cropped hair sits up gloomily on the bed, his hand still fidgeting with his phone.

Ellis Hull: You wanna know about Tony, huh...

Ellis Hull: Well, we used to be friends, but not anymore... he blocked me! So, no. I don't know anything about him.

Teenagers still wear their hearts on their sleeves. Noticing that his words don't truly mean what he thinks, you hurriedly explain the situation.

You: Tony might be in danger.

You: We need to know everything we can about him. We hope you can work with us, so we can find him ASAP.

Ellis Hull: Huh!? Tony... How would he...

He frowns and thumps the bed with his fist. Then he sighs despondently and raises his head to look at you seriously.

Ellis Hull: All right. I'll tell you what I know.

Ellis Hull: Tony has great grades, but he's not so good at talking with other people...

Ellis Hull: And he's super smart. He's got the gold award for the science competition multiple times at school!

Ellis Hull: And... Um... He likes to fiddle around with mechanisms and gadgets... I don't really understand those, but they look really awesome.

Ellis Hull: *Sigh* I don't understand why he suddenly quit school... and he blocked me, too... seriously...

Having talked about this all in one go, he stops and looks at you.

Luke: Anything else? For example, where he might go after he quit school? Or places where he used to go all the time?

Hull thinks about it for a while, then provides half a dozen locations that he used to go to with Tony.

However, you and the police have already looked into all these places.

Seems like you are at a dead end again. You and Luke thank Hull and his father, but Hull suddenly calls out to you.

Ellis Hull: Please make sure you find him!

Luke turns and replies solemnly.

Luke: Don't worry. It's our duty. We will do our best.

Extension of Clues (3): Central Business District
Central Business District

Stellis - CBD RPG map.png

Discuss the investigation - Discuss with Luke.

Once you come out of Hull's home, you find somewhere quiet to discuss the clues you have at the moment and to sort out your thoughts.

Perhaps noticing how you look rather despondent, Luke starts talking first.

Luke: This trip is still pretty fruitful. At least it shows our hypotheses before were all correct.

Luke: For example, we now know that Tony had great grades and was an exemplary student. He had no reason to quit school or cut off his friends.

You: True. That means Tony definitely made these decisions due to his illness, which was getting worse and worse.

You: It's just a pity that we still don't have anything regarding where Tony might be right now.

Luke: Don't worry. We still have another source of "hope."

You: Do you mean his sponsor?

Luke: Yep. Our investigation will unveil how much hope they can give us.

Luke: Sometimes, having no clues means we have touched upon the heart of the matter.


Just as you're about to reply, your stomach gives an untimely noise of complaint.

Luke laughs, but his concerned expression also smooths out.

You: ...

Luke: Seems like we need to solve the problem of "dinner" before we touch the heart of the matter.

Luke: I'm feeling hungry as well. Let's find a restaurant close by and eat something as we talk.

You: Okay. Let's deal with our hunger issue first!


Miss Harvey

Passerby F2 character icon.png
Middle-Aged Man

Passerby M2 character icon.png
Ellis Hull

Robert Whitaker character icon.png