Marius' Sweet Chapter 02-02

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Unexpected Person I: Marius' Personal Studio
Marius' Studio

Marius' Studio - Sitting Area (Day).png

It seems something has happened. Go see what's going on.

Marius: Come in.

The door opens. It's Vincent.

Vincent Kim: Pardon the intrusion, Master Marius. There is something we need to confirm with you.

He walks over quickly and hands over the tablet in his hands.

There is a press conference playing on the screen.

The title is "Crimson Spring Product Launch Conference — A Wave of Medical Reform Through Bionic Prosthetics."

You: Bionic prosthetics?

Vincent Kim: Yes. It's the latest product Crimson just announced today. Please keep watching.

At the press conference, the spokesman of Crimson is making a speech.

This bionic prosthesis is a new type of prosthetic developed using special bone alloy technology.

On the one hand, it is lighter and more convenient for usage in daily life.

On the other hand, the more ergonomic materials will also minimize damage to the original limbs.

The speaker lists a large amount of experimental data and multiple clinical studies, strongly emphasizing that this is a medical reform.

Vincent Kim: Master Marius, this...

Marius frowns and gently closes the video, as if he has already lost the patience to continue watching.

You: (Crimson is a competitor of Pax's, but if this was only a new product being released, then Vincent wouldn't be so nervous.)

You: (Judging from Marius' reaction, the impact of this incident must be considerable.)

You: (Does this matter involve Pax? Maybe I should stay out of it...)

You're just about to leave when Marius gently takes your hand.

Marius: It's fine. You can stay.

Vincent puts the tablet away. He seems to have noticed your confusion and begins to explain.

Vincent Kim: You see, Crimson's new orthopedic technology is also something that Pax has been researching.

Vincent Kim: We call it "Xbone Alloy" technology.

Vincent Kim: We were about to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce the successful development of this technology.

Marius nods, his face turning grim.

Marius: Being the pioneer in any industry is always a massive advantage, as it allows you to gain the most brand recognition.

Marius: Although Crimson's technology isn't exactly the same as Pax's, they've seized the chance to get a head start just by holding this conference.

You: Oh, I see... But for a company as big as Pax, this shouldn't pose too much of an issue, right?

Vincent Kim: This isn't particularly serious for Pax, but for our Master Marius, it is very serious.

You: What?

Vincent Kim: Xbone Alloy technology has always been the main project he supported.

Vincent Kim: We firmly believe that this market has huge potential, so we spent a lot of time on this project.

Vincent Kim: Originally, it was to be released tomorrow, but now that Crimson has gotten ahead of us...

Vincent doesn't say more, but somehow, you understand his unspoken words.

When it comes to the development of emerging technologies, the first one is seen as the pioneer, but every one after that will always be labeled as "followers," no matter how brilliant they are.

This will undoubtedly affect the market shares in the future. In other words, Pax is already at a disadvantage from the very start.

For Marius, who is leading the project, this matter is even more serious.

With this in mind, you can't help growing worried about Marius.

You: Marius...

Marius doesn't seem to have heard you. He frowns, deep in thought.

Vincent Kim: Master Marius, the board of directors has just contacted me and asked for an emergency board meeting.

Vincent Kim: They want you to give an explanation at the meeting.

You: (This is also inevitable. The board of directors was already dissatisfied with Marius from the start.)

You: (Now that the project got off to a bad start, they will want to find someone to blame.)

You: (Marius...)

You look at Marius, who also turns to look at you.

Marius: Don't worry.

Before you can say anything reassuring, Marius is already gently holding your hand in his.

His grip isn't firm, but it makes you feel at ease.

Vincent Kim: Master Marius, what do we do next?

This involves Pax's trade secrets. To avoid any misunderstandings, you decide to give them some privacy.

You: You guys go ahead. I'll wait for you over there.

Marius nods. His face appears calm, but his hands are curled into fists by his side.

Unexpected Person II: Marius' Personal Studio

Marius is talking with Vincent. It's best not to disturb them.

You: (How could this happen?)

You walk to the side and turn on your cell phone to see the public's comments on the Crimson conference.

On the internet, most of the comments about the Crimson technology are positive.

"I hope the product is as good as its publicity!"

"I want to buy one for my husband. Whenever I look at his leg, I feel very sad..."

"I'm really looking forward to this. It will definitely benefit many people. Crimson really cares about the welfare of minorities, as always!"

"In terms of commercial benefits and social impact, Crimson has really won this round. This might completely eliminate Pax from the market."

"What does this have to do with Pax? I wonder if these are fake comments set up by Crimson."

"Crimson's bionic prosthetics are revolutionary for the whole market. Pax has been left miles behind."

"Yeah, there's no need to compare Crimson with Pax anymore."


The comments gradually change from discussions about the technology to the competition between Crimson and Pax.

You: (These commenters don't know about "Xbone Alloy," but they can already sense how important this is to Pax.)

You: (For Marius, the pressure must be unbearable...)

With this in mind, you can't help looking at Marius.

He seems to be asking Vincent to do something. Vincent nods, looks at you, gives you a nod, and leaves.

You: (He...)

Marius: Miss, would you like to go to the board of directors meeting with me?

Marius hugs you from behind and buries his head in your shoulder. There is a hint of laziness in his voice.

Although you can't see his face, in your mind, he looks like a cat who is whining at its owner for attention.

You: Huh? Me...? Go with you?

You turn and look at him.

You: Marius...

Marius: You heard what Vincent said. I'm now being attacked from both sides.

Marius: At a time like this, I need my lawyer with me.

His words are vague, which makes you puzzled.

You: (As his lawyer? Does he mean that there will be legal issues involved?)

You: (But, this problem involves Pax's internal management.)

But since Marius is asking, and you're worried about him, you finally decide to accept his proposal.

You: Okay, let's go together.

You take Marius' hand. He smiles, then firmly squeezes back.
