Artem's Sweet Chapter 02-08

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x100


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Recollections of the Past: Artem's Living Room
Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Night).png

End the investigation and go home to rest.

After a full day of investigation, the two of you finally return to Artem's home.

As you put Ronan's file on the desk, you notice a detail you hadn't noticed during the day.

You: This is the collaborative law enforcement project Artem was talking about?

According to the file, Ronan was able to find the smoking gun in a criminal case by accurately analyzing blood stains.

His action expedited the case and helped the police complete the evidence chain.

You feel a sense of loss after remembering what Ronan was like today.

Artem: What are you looking at?

You: Information on Ronan.

You: He gave excellent advice in the collaborative law enforcement project and has been providing legal aid online.

You: I don't know much about him, but from Fiona's account and all the signs, I'm willing to believe he's a good man.

You think back to Artem's expression when Fiona mentioned Ronan.

You: Artem, what was Ronan like when you met him?

Artem: He was bright. Despite not being an attorney, he wasn't scared sitting in a room full of senior attorneys.

Artem: When the discussion got off-topic, he would point it out quickly and ruthlessly, putting the other senior attorneys on the spot.

You: It's rare to see you admire someone...

You: (By the way, Fiona said Ronan admired Artem.)

You: Is it because he's a "fan"?

Artem glances at Ronan's file, his eyes stopping on a picture of Ronan in the past.

Artem: No, I just saw my former self in him.

You: Your former self... You mean...?

Artem: Many rookie attorneys are not good at high-pressure debates when they start out in court.

Artem: Or should I say "ignorant people are fearless"? Things were very different for me then...

Artem: When I first started out, I was very comfortable in those high-pressure environments.

Artem: I never thought of backing down in a difficult situation.

At this point, Artem mocks himself with a smile.

Artem: Now that I think back... I was too impulsive.

What emerges in your mind once more is the image of a young Artem arguing fearlessly in court.

You shake your head in disagreement and stare at Artem.

You: It seems to me, even at that time, you still shined with adoration.

You: And... everyone has to experience growth. Look at you now—there's no sign of impulsivity.

Hearing that, Artem stares back at you, your eyes locking, as waves ripple through your body from your heart.

Artem: I have suffered a lot from that youthful pride.

Artem: But thankfully... I met you in the end.

You: Me?

Artem: After I met you, I saw more possibilities as an attorney.

Artem: With your inspiration and company, I gradually resolved some of my past regrets, allowing me to move on with determination.

Artem: This is all thanks to you.

You: You're exaggerating...

You blush, but Artem still looks at you tenderly.

Artem: So the first time I met Ronan, I thought about what kind of encounters he would have to help him through this period.

Artem: ...Just like how you helped me.

Artem looks at you gently with calm eyes, as if you are in a quiet lake.

Gentle and stable.

Artem: Everyone should have the right to grow from their past selves... the right to evolve into a butterfly from a cocoon.

Artem: And at the very least... to not perish due to the injustice of reality.

At this moment, you suddenly realize why Artem has been so concerned with Ronan.

You: You said... Ronan's performance in the collaborative law enforcement project reminded you of your former self.

You: And you feel sorry for what's happened to Ronan.

You: Do you want to be his guide in this dark time?

You think back to what Artem said after leaving Ronan.

You: Tell me, do you still feel guilty about Ronan...? Do you feel you were too late?

Artem stares at you in silence, not responding, but his expression says it all.

Artem, who had always been strong and reliable, finally revealed a weakness to you.

It felt like an oyster on the sea floor opening its hard shell to reveal its soft interior.

Artem: You always see right through me.

You move closer to Artem, looking earnestly into his eyes.

You: I know... it must be exhausting to watch people close to you drift away.

You: But this isn't your fault, Artem. It isn't your fault.

You: Sometimes, there are things that we can't prevent from happening. Until we reach the end, there is always the possibility of change.

You: And... you're not alone. You have someone here with you to confront everything together.

You: No matter what you decide to do, I'll always be here supporting you.

Feeling like words are insufficient to convey your feelings, you wrap your arms around Artem's neck to prove yourself.

You close your eyes, inching closer to Artem's pale lips until you feel something soft.

Artem's hand tightens around your waist, and you snuggle closer into his embrace.

Artem's shallow breathing feels gentle.

Artem: ...

The kiss wasn't intense by any means, lasting for only a few breaths before separating.

But it was tender enough to soothe a broken heart.

You: I'm sealing my promise with this kiss.

Artem looks at you and smiles, his eyes as deep as the ocean.

Artem: Then I, too, shall seal my promise with this kiss—I'll always protect you.

You: In that case, we'll have to work even harder on Fiona's case.

You: After all, this is for you and me.
