Luke's Sweet Chapter 03-04

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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A New Clue (1): West Hemingway Heights Street
West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis - Hemingway RPG Map.png

Proceed with investigation - Investigate Tony's residence with Luke.

You and Luke head to Tony's address, but no one is home.

As such, you had to change your plans and settle for asking neighbors exiting the apartment building. Luckily, a friendly-looking old lady steps outside right at that moment.

You: Hello! Do you know of a young man named Tony Lester living in this apartment building?

Neighbor Granny: Tony... Yes, I know that boy. Do you have any business with him?

Luke: Yep, we're his distant relatives.

Luke: I heard from Tony's teacher that he hasn't been to school for a while, and it doesn't look like he's been home either... I'm concerned for him.

Luke: Have you seen him recently? Do you know much about him?

Luke sounds very sincere. The old lady believes everything he says and spends a while thinking with a frown.

Neighbor Granny: So that's why... No wonder I haven't seen that boy for a while.

Neighbor Granny: Let me think... We're all neighbors, so I know a thing or two about him. Little Tony has always been aloof on the outside, but a good boy on the inside.

Neighbor Granny: He's very kind and used to helping the old folks living here, like picking up our packages or carrying heavy groceries.

Neighbor Granny: He's just a bit of an introvert and a very private person. He never mentioned anything about his family.

Neighbor Granny: As for anything else... I am not too sure... *sigh*

You: I see... Thanks for letting us know.

She waves her hand to indicate there's no need to thank her, while still looking quite worried.

Neighbor Granny: Where would the boy be... I hope you find him quickly.

A New Clue (2): West Hemingway Heights Street
West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis - Hemingway RPG Map.png

See what others think - Head to the internet cafe that Tony visited with Luke.

The police files indicate that Tony used to frequent an internet cafe. When you head there to investigate, you run into the receptionist at the entrance.

You: Could I ask about a boy who used to come here often? His name is Tony Lester.

The staff member pauses and seems to think for a bit.

Network Manager: Tony Lester...?

Luke takes out the digital image he prepared and shows it to the employee.

Luke: Do you remember him?

Network Manager: Ahh, it's him... I know him. Why do you want to know about him?

You: We're his relatives.

You explain to the employee using the excuse Luke previously supplied to the old lady.

You: He has disappeared, and we're worried. Please, tell us anything you might know.

Network Manager: Well... I don't know where he might have gone, but...

Network Manager: Whenever he's here at the internet cafe... he gives me a vibe different from other people.

You: How is he different?

Network Manager: At first, I thought he was just a student skipping out on school and coming here without telling his parents.

Network Manager: Then, I got really curious one day and looked at his screen when I walked past his table...

Network Manager: And guess what! Everyone else comes to net cafes to game or watch videos, but there were all sorts of articles I couldn't even understand on his screen! And they were in foreign languages as well!

Network Manager: And... I might not be good with books, but I recognized there was a lot of computer code... or something like formulas?

You: !!!

You and Luke look at each other, and you both reach a similar conclusion.

Network Manager: But hey, everyone has their secrets. I never asked what he was doing here.

Luke: Do you know anything else about him?

Network Manager: Lemme think... Ahh, right. He might look really cold and detached, but sometimes he helps me fix IT problems that even I don't understand.

Network Manager: He's so quick and efficient! There was this one time he was a huge help. If it weren't for him, my boss would've docked my pay.

Network Manager: I wanted to transfer some money to him, but he didn't want it.

Luke: Do you remember when was the last time you saw him?

Network Manager: Umm... About two weeks ago? I haven't seen him since.

Network Manager: I really don't know anything else... Why don't you ask someone else instead?

You: All right, thank you...

A New Clue (3): West Hemingway Heights Street
West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis - Hemingway RPG Map.png

Key person - Investigate the concerned citizen with Luke.

Through the information you've gotten, you soon find the helpful citizen, Joe Stephens.

Joe Stephens: You two are...?

You: Mr. Stephens, we want to ask you a few questions...

When you tell Stephens about how the police are looking for his help in this investigation, Luke has his eyes fixed on Stephens' face to catch any changes in the man's expression.

Joe Stephens: Okay. I see. What do you want to know?

Stephens' gaze seems to shift around. Luke evidently notices this too and gives you a look.

Luke: Mr. Stephens, did you meet a young man on the night you found Morten Rickmon?

Stephens doesn't seem to anticipate this question, and he pauses for a moment.

Joe Stephens: Why are you asking that?

He seems very hesitant and apparently wants to avoid you.

You: We've seen the surveillance footage. We saw how a young man spoke to you before you went into the alleyway to find Rickmon.

Luke: That young man is currently missing. We're very concerned about his safety.

Luke: Mr. Stephens, we hope you can tell us exactly what happened on that night.

Stephens heaves a deep sigh and shakes his head despondently.

Joe Stephens: Okay...

Joe Stephens: Let's talk somewhere quiet, maybe in the shops around here.

A New Clue (4): West Hemingway Heights Street
West Hemingway Heights Street

Misc Location - Restaurant 4 (Day).png

Learn more details - Ask the concerned citizen about Tony with Luke.

There are very few customers in the shop nearby. You order juice and tea and sit down next to Luke.

Stephens thanks the two of you and sips on the tea. Then, he thinks for a while before he starts to talk to you about Tony.

Joe Stephens: Ever since I saved that dying man, I knew I'd get asked about it sooner or later...

Joe Stephens: So, what do you want to know?

Tony Lester

You: How did you run into Tony Lester on that day?

Joe Stephens: I left the mahjong parlor that night and saw him not too far off.

Joe Stephens: He walked up to me with a hand on his belly, and his face was pale as a ghost's... I thought he might be sick, so I asked if he needed any help.

Joe Stephens: But... the first thing he said was that he heard someone calling for help in the alleyway northwest of there and wanted me to go take a look.

You: ...

Luke: So, did you head there straight away?

Joe Stephens: No... the boy said a bit more after that.

Stephens shakes his head. He takes a moment to recall what happened, then describes what he remembers.

Joe Stephens: I think he said something like... he was too scared to go over there, and he wasn't feeling well.

Joe Stephens: Right. He also said before he left that he came here to play without telling his parents, so he needed to head home ASAP or his parents would yell at him.

You: Parents...?

You: (The police files indicate that Tony Lester's parents passed away a long time ago, and he doesn't have many relatives.)

You find yourself looking at Luke, wanting to know what he thinks.

As if he knows what you are trying to ask, Luke nods at you and speaks in a low voice.

Luke: It sounds like an excuse he made up.

You: I think so too.

Subsequent movements

Luke: So you went to the alley after Tony left and found Rickmon who had been beaten up?

A hint of pride flashes past Stephens' face, and he gives an emphatic nod.

Joe Stephens: Yep. Someone was calling for help, after all. I couldn't just ignore that! What kind of a man would I be otherwise?

Joe Stephens: Besides, Stellis is pretty generous with citizens who demonstrate acts of bravery, right? There's a reward and everything...

Joe Stephens: Uh... I mean, I'm not just saving people because of the reward!

At this point, Stephens appears rather embarrassed and quickly changes the subject. Joe Stephens: Anyway, I went all the way to the end of the alley and found a guy all curled up in a corner in seriously rough shape. He looked like he'd been beaten up all over.

Joe Stephens: I was shocked and called the police and the ambulance right away. I made sure he got taken to the hospital.

After obtaining more clues, Luke sinks deeply into thought, tapping his fingers on his arm. He seems to be musing over whether there are any missing points.

Luke: By the way, how was the situation at that location at the time? Was there anyone else around? Or... was there anything at all that you felt was suspicious?

Joe Stephens: The location at the time? I don't think there was anyone else around me, and I don't remember anything suspicious.

You: (This is pretty similar to what he told the police — apart from having met the boy...)

The reason for hiding the truth

You: Then... Mr. Stephens, why did you hide the fact that you saw Tony?

Stephens pauses briefly, as if concerned that he might become a suspect.

Joe Stephens: I—I didn't mean to hide it! It was the boy who asked me to keep it a secret.

Luke: What did he say to you?

Joe Stephens: He said he'd like for me to keep this a secret and not tell anyone that I met him. He said he was afraid his parents would give him an earful.

Joe Stephens: He mentioned twice that his parents would yell at or hit him, and he looked sickly, so I didn't think he'd lie...

Joe Stephens: I felt pretty bad for him. He was just a kid who passed by me on the road. I didn't think it was a big deal, so I didn't mention him until now.

Luke: ...

You: Tony Lester...

You: (It sounds like he's terrified of being found by other people.)

Luke: Do you recall anything else, Mr. Stephens?

Joe Stephens: Nope. That's all I've got.

You: Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Stephens.

Stephens stands up and is ready to leave but pauses before he goes out the door. He opens his mouth and hesitates as if he doesn't know what to say. Finally, he speaks after a long while.

Joe Stephens: I think... he's a good boy.

Joe Stephens: He might be the true "hero" who saved Rickmon that night.

Joe Stephens: I hope you'll find him soon.

He emotionally expresses his thoughts before nodding and walking away.

You can't help but look at Luke, who is now lost in thought due to Stephens' words.

You: What's wrong?

Luke: I feel like Stephens was right about Tony Lester.

You: Yeah, Tony was definitely a nameless hero.

You: But I feel like... the more we investigate, the more puzzles we uncover...

Luke: Let's go find Aaron and share our findings with him. We'll also see if he's got anything new, and we can work out a plan together.

You: Sure. Let's go!


Neighbor Granny

Passerby F3 character icon.png
Network Manager

Passerby M1 character icon.png