Mirage of Blooming Swords 4-5: The Sound of Celebration

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The Sound of Celebration (1/2)
Stellis Central Business District
Celebration Plaza
Stellis - Plaza RPG map.png

The annual celebration is finally starting at the Celebration Plaza. Go enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city!

Northwest event

You: Wow, there are so many people here...!

Luke: We're too late. I guess we won't be able to get a good spot for the ceremony now.

You: That's okay. Experiencing something like this is all about being part of the atmosphere.

You: It's sad that Anne won't get to see all of this.

Luke: She can. We can record some videos of the ceremony and let Captain Morgan show it to her.

You: Good idea! Let's take some pictures of the Sky Gladiolus too. She will be happy to see them.

Center statue

You: The Paradise Flycatcher is a symbol of happiness and health... I hope Anne can personally get to see the beauty she brought here someday.

Marius: You look down. Are you still thinking about Anne Croft?

You: I feel that she is still very caught up in the past. I think it's deteriorating her condition...

Marius: Don't worry about it. I will think of a way to treat her. She's a good person. Good people tend to live longer.

You: You're right! She will definitely get better.

Northeast event

You: Wow, the banners have gladiolus patterns on them. I never noticed that before...

Artem: You were too busy with the investigation to care about the surroundings. You noticed it now because you're finally relaxed.

You: True. I've never found this square to be this beautiful till now.

Artem: We have plenty of time left. If you like... we can walk around when the ceremony is over.

You: Great! I would love to.

Southeast event

Vyn: Are you still thinking about Anne Croft?

You: I'm thinking about... the necklace from Daron Rowe...

You: Anne worked so hard on her research to cultivate the Sky Gladiolus... Was she doing it for Daron Rowe?

Vyn: I think so. She lost her beloved and had to do something to hold on to him.

You: She is a... very brave woman.

The Sound of Celebration (2/2)
Stellis Central Business District
Celebration Plaza
Stellis - Celebration Plaza.png

The celebration is starting! Enjoy the festivities with the other citizens!

Celebration Host: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this year's City Anniversary ceremony!

Celebration Host: We are gathered here to celebrate a day that belongs to everyone in Stellis.

Celebration Host: This is an exciting moment. Yet this joy doesn't only belong to those of us who are present here...

Celebration Host: It also belongs to the people who are still on duty and are striving hard for our city.

Celebration Host: Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make Stellis a better place. You are all heroes of Stellis.

Celebration Host: This is a holiday for heroes, a holiday for all of us! Let us begin with a round of applause for all those who stand on guard for Stellis!

The City Anniversary ceremony officially starts with an impassioned speech by the host...

This is a holiday for heroes, for the guardians of the city... A holiday for all.

It is for people like Daron Rowe, who hold fast to their dreams of making Stellis a better place... and created such a bustling and prosperous city.

From today onwards... you will try your best to keep their names and all they have done in your heart and mind.

As Anne said, they deserve it.

The ceremony goes on for three hours as the people celebrated the holiday, each in their own way.

The citizens release balloons, throw gladiolus pedals and cheer for the merriment of the occasion.

The entire square is immersed in the joy of celebration for every minute of the ceremony.

You: It's all so lively!

Marius: Hmm, is this the end of the ceremony? I wish it wasn't over yet.

Luke: It's not every day that we are all together for an event! We should do something to commemorate it.

You: How about... a dinner?

Artem: Ahem...

Luke: Well...

Vyn: That does not sound like a good plan to me.

You: (Is dinner really that bad of an idea?)

Just as you're thinking about how to change the topic, your phone beeps; it's Celestine calling.

You: (Saved by Celestine!)

You: Sorry, I have to take this.

Celestine Taylor: Hi, where are you?

You: I just watched the ceremony. I'm still near the Celebration Plaza.

You: Celestine, are you done with that case from abroad?

Celestine Taylor: Yes. I've been done with it a long time ago. I'm back at the office now. By the way, is Artem with you?

You: Yes. Is something wrong? I can give him the phone.

Celestine Taylor: That's okay. I'll talk to him when you guys get here. Come to my office when you are back. There is something I want to show you.

You: Okay. I'll tell Mr. Wing.

Celestine Taylor: All right. See you soon.

Artem: What's up with Celestine?

You: She has something to talk to us about. Mr. Wing, how about we go back to the office and check it out?

Marius: Fine. I suppose we'll have to cancel the rest of our plans for today.

Luke: I guess so. It would be bad to delay urgent work.

Vyn: That is right. I am sure that there will be chances for us to get together some other time.

Artem: [Player] and I will head back to the office. Send a message to the NXX group if Captain Morgan has anything else for us.

Celestine's phone call successfully changed the topic, but it also ruined your plan with the guys.

It looks like having an NXX dinner is more difficult than you've expected...
