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Revision as of 21:43, 26 August 2021 by imported>Harmonea

Let's scribble down some stuff about how to navigate the datamine. I'm not gonna talk about how to access it in hopes that the page won't get nuked.

Common Terms/Shorthand

These shortcuts are found throughout the files in various situations. Card types, level labels, etc.

  • Sun - Logic
  • Moon - Empathy
  • Star - Intuition
  • Spy / XY - Luke
  • Lawyer / ZR - Artem
  • Professor / MY - Vyn
  • Richson / LJH - Marius (I lol'd)
  • Richman - Summer Breeze
  • Island - Lost Gold
  • Urbanlegend - Symphony of the Night
  • Iceland - Skadi

Any text in code tags is discussing a filename (and possibly subsection of that file)


Meat and potatoes of where to pull text from. Enormous. Has two sections: StoryMainEN and TextMapEN.


StoryMainEN is the source of all story dialogue text in the game. Not battles, menus, text messages, phone calls, etc, but the actual main script of the VN itself. It exists entirely to be called by the story file.

                "IncrementalID": 505053,
                "StoryID": 20024,
                "DialogID": 120,
                "TextEN": "Concerns? Was it because of me?"
  • IncrementalID - just an index that is not referenced by outside sources.
  • StoryID, DialogueID - is called by story. Denotes which line is being translated.


TextMapEN in the source of all other text in the game. If it doesn't pop up in a dialogue box in the center of your screen, it's probably from here.

                "IncrementalID": 7001363,
                "ID": 4147972,
                "English": "What did Prometheus give to humanity?"
  • IncrementalID - just an index that is not referenced by outside sources.
  • ID - these vary WILDLY and are not in any discernable order -- trials of Athena in the 4140000 range comes before battleTalk in the 200000 range which both come before clue names in the 301000 range, for example -- but they are unique and are called by many different files.


Describes Stages and stage-related data.


MC's counterarguments.

                "ID": 283,
                "TalkInfos": [
                        "TalkOrderID": 1,
                        "AttributeType": "Sun",
                        "TalkTextID": 2000831
  • ID - each group of counterarguments is defined by this single ID that can be called by multiple stages.
  • Talkinfos - container for group of individual lines
  • TalkOrderID - untested - probably defines the order in which they come out? seems unimportant
  • AttributeType - this counterargument comes when the player selects this element from the personal deck (see common terms above for equivalent to sun/moon/star)
  • TalkTextID - calling translationen/TextMapEN


Empty section


Empty section


                "ID": 17,
                "Order": 4,
                "Type": 4,
                "JumpTargetType": "GotoBirthday",
                "LockTextmapID": "1008",
                "BannerPath": "subbanner/sub_banner_birthday_my",
                "IsDisplay": true

Have not delved too deeply into this. Appears to describe what buttons a player can touch to go to which stage listings. Includes event listings such as the above which is important later....


Have not studied. Appears to describe stage rewards e.g. first time completion S-chips. Might warrant digging into but we as players can also easily observe and record this with little effort.


Empty section


Have not studied. Appears to link back to groups. You'd think it describes our daily schedule, but there are 9 entries.


Describes the event schedule. !!!Dates listed here should be treated as tentative until officially announced!!!

                "ID": 3,
                "GroupID": 17,
                "StartTime": "2021-09-22 12:00:00",
                "EndTime": "2021-10-03 03:59:59"
GroupID links back to groups above; this example is group 17 which is described in the group section as birthday_my, so here we have a tentative schedule for Vyn's birthday event.


Appears to describe some mechanism for certain cards being more powerful in certain stages.

                "ID": 7,
                "BonusInfos": [
                        "CardStar": 2,
                        "CoinID": 10,
                        "CardID": [
                        "MainBonus": 125,
                        "SupportBonus": 125

I tried looking into this, but none of the cards listed (CardID links to card) are any we have access to at this time, so this is future content. Having played other gachas though, it's not unheard of for event-specific units to get power boosts during their event. The above describes the R cards "All Ready," "Here For You," "Another Side of You," and "Practice Makes Perfect" as performing at maybe +25% or even +125% effectiveness, the latter of which would see them performing better than basegame SSRs... but then there are other entries describing event SSRs as getting a massive +400% bonus, just in case you thought they were being nice.


Finally the good part. This tells you pretty much everything you need to know about a stage. Here's Main Story 01-16 to start us off.

                "ID": 16,
                "GroupID": 1,
                "LevelType": "FinalJudge2",
                "LevelTypeForServer": 1,
                "BattleRepeatBlock": 1,
                "Parentid": [
                "Hardlevel": 3575,
                "StaminaCost": 20,
                "StageType": "Main1",
                "ChapterID": 1,
                "PartID": 16,
                "LevelDetailPicPath": "leveldetail/bg_judge_01_s",
                "BackgroundPath": "storyBackground/bg_judge_01",
                "IconPath": "icon/level/lv_img_lawyer2",
                "LevelDetialImgPath": "lv_img_cooperation7",
                "LevelTitleTextID": "level_title_16",
                "LevelOpenWordTextID": "30084|30085",
                "PreStoryID": 13,
                "StoryID": "14",
                "ClearStoryID": 15,
                "FailStoryID": 16,
                "PlayerExp": 400,
                "CardExp": 400,
                "Coin": 1600,
                "RewardType": 1,
                "FirstReward": 1,
                "BossID": 6,
                "AttributesID": 1,
                "BattleTalkID": 6,
                "DropHintMaterialID": [
                "DropHintSC": 1,
                "BattleStartPicPath": "battle_player/player_court",
                "BattleResultWinPicPath": "battle_player/player_court_win",
                "BattleResultLosePicPath": "battle_player/player_court_lose",
                "BattleSpine": "Player/player_court"
  • ID - unique identifier, referenced by other entries in this section
  • GroupID - Describes what group this stage belongs to.
  • LevelType - Valid leveltypes are Battle1 (regular debate), FinalJudge2 (trial), Story3 (regular story), Research4 (investigation), Monopoly5 (game board stages e.g. Summer Breeze fake staff battle), Tower6 (Trials of Themis / Temple of Trials)
  • LevelTypeForServer - valid values are 1-10, describing (1) Main Story, (2) Character story, (3) Legal studies, (5) game board levels, (6) Temple of Trials of Themis, (7) Anomaly levels, (8) unknown, (9) Lost Gold, (10) Skadi
  • BattleRepeatBlock - is set to 1 for Trials and level types 8-10.
  • MaxBattleTimesEveryDay - sets the limit of 3/day on Anomaly stages
  • ContinueTimes - on battles that can be fought multiple times in a row, defines the max number of auto-debates the player can direct the game to do at once.
  • RoleID - for character stories, describes which character's affection level will be checked in the next field (valid values 1-4 in the order listed in "common terms").
  • FavorLimit - describes the affection level required to enter this stage.
  • Parentid - level IDs for stages that must be completed before accessing this one.
  • IsUnlocked - is set to 1 on stages that have no prerequisites e.g. Main story 01-01 or Monopoly stages.
  • Hardlevel - for debate stages, defines the recommended power level.
  • StaminaCost - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean--
  • StageType - a more descriptive stage subdivision. Examples: Main1, Elite2 (Anomaly), EvolveLawyer20, RichsonPerson14 (Marius character story), Island24 (Lost Gold), etc.
  • ChapterID - for main story and character story, which chapter we're in. Note that internally, chapter 5 pt2 is logged as Ch6 and chapter 5 pt3 is logged as Ch7. Presumably this pattern will continue.
  • PartID - for main story and character story, which stage within the chapter we're in.
  • LevelDetailPicPAth / BackgroundPath / IconPath / LevelDetialImgPath - graphical assets used to display the level in the menu
  • LevelNameTextID - links to translationen/TextMapEN - describes any extra text present in the menu, such as investigation partners.
  • LevelTitleTextID - doesn't appear to link to anything which is a bit weird. Maybe talks to the Lua folder?
  • LevelOpenWordTextID - only noted on trial stages. links to translationen/TextMapEN and describes a brief setting e.g. "Civil Court, 10:00"
  • DescriptionTextID - links to translationen/TextMapEN and describes the blurb present before entering the stage on debate stages (someone laid down in front of our car!).
  • PreStoryID - links to story; displays a prequel story that plays before the main meat of the stage. Not commonly defined, most often the pre-trial waiting room dialogue.
  • StoryID - links to story; displays the main dialogue of a non-debate story. Can have multiple listings separated by a bar for e.g. the part before and the part after an investigation.
  • ClearStoryID - links to story; describes a story that plays if the trial's battle is won.
  • FailStoryID - links to story; describes a story that plays if the trial's battle is lost.
  • PlayerExp / CardExp / Coin - self-explanatory
  • RewardType - You'd think this part would link to the Reward section above, but currently the only values in this column are 1 or blank, and the blank is only used in Monopoly and Temple of Trials of Themis... and future event stuff
  • FirstReward - this probably links to Reward section above. valid values 1-5.
  • BossID - links to battle/Boss and describes the stage's debate opponent.
  • AttributesID - is set to 1 for debate stages
  • BattleTalkID - links to level/BattleTalk and describes what set of counter-arguments the player will see in this debate.
  • DropHintMaterialID - links to item and describes what items' icons will be displayed with the level in the menu.
  • DropHintSC - not sure what this does; very rarely used and only ever set to 1.
  • DropHintCoinID, DropBonus - appears to be future event stuff
  • BattleStartPicPath / BattleResultWinPicPath / BattleResultLosePicPath / BattleSpine - describes graphics used in this stage's debate; the last one describes the player sprite (e.g. greek outfit in ToToT levels).

more to come unless I get screamed at