Vyn "Gentleman's Game"/Rewards

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< Vyn "Gentleman's Game"
Revision as of 21:51, 11 August 2021 by imported>Kyanos (Text 2: Daily Training)
Text: Training and Communication

You: I heard that horses might be able to understand our language.

You: Dr. Richter, is that true?

Vyn: Horses are smart creatures. With proper training, they will be able to understand your commands.

Have you trained horses?

You: Dr. Richter, have you trained horses before?

Vyn: I have. Horses are very important partners in equestrian competitions.

Vyn: You can only win by having built a strong rapport with your horse.

Can you talk to horses?

You: Dr. Richter, can you talk to horses?

You: You know... guiding it with your voice... and communicating with it when training...

Vyn: You mean voice commands? Yes, I do employ that kind of method.

Vyn: Letting the horse get used to their master's voice is also a method of training.

Vyn: Are you interested in horse training?

I read an interesting article

You: I happened to read an article about it today.

You: It talked about ways of communicating with animals, so I was a bit curious.

Vyn: So... what you really want to know is "how to communicate with animals."

Vyn: Hmm... Alright, let me first ask you a question.

Very interested

You: I'm very interested!

You: I'd like to learn how to communicate with animals too!

Vyn: Speaking of which, I just thought of another question.

Vyn: Do you think animals have feelings and emotions?

Animals have emotions!

You: Of course! I believe they have their own range of emotions.

You: Whether it be humans or animals, their genuine feelings are still one and the same!

Vyn: You are correct. You have to make use that if you wish to communicate with animals.

Vyn: Express your emotions through your body language and voice. Then, change it into a command that the animal can understand.

Vyn: It is a process that requires a large amount of patience.

I'm not so sure...

You: I'm not sure if animals have emotions...

You: But, I believe that they instinctively get closer to people that are friendly towards them!

Vyn: In terms of psychology, the expression of friendliness is also a process of building response.

Vyn: Through long periods of contact, the animals will grow to trust you after getting used to you.

Vyn: This is the most effective way of communicating with animals right now.

Vyn: I can teach you a few easy methods the next time we go to the horse ranch.

I want to learn

You: I'd like to learn it. Dr. Richter, can you teach it to me?

Vyn: Sure. It is not hard.

Vyn: With your talents, you may one day become an excellent horse trainer.

Will I be able to learn?

You: Will I be able to learn it?

Vyn: It is not a problem as long as I am around.

Vyn: If you would like to learn. I am willing to share with you everything I know.

Vyn: I look forward to the day when we ride side-by-side.

Text: Daily Training

Vyn: How are you feeling after resting for a night?

Vyn: Was horseback riding tiring?

Not tired at all

You: Not at all!

You: Exercising actually makes you more energetic!

Vyn: Looks like you are in pretty good shape.

Vyn: A lot of people feel fatigued the day after horseback riding.

Vyn: I rarely see anyone learn so quickly.

A little tiring

You: A little bit...

You: I'm still in bed...

Vyn: That is normal. You are still not used to it yet.

Vyn: You are fast learner. Horseback riding is difficult.

Feels like my body's going to fall apart

You: I need to exercise more...

You: When I woke up, my entire body was hurting.

Vyn: That is normal.

Vyn: Horseback riding is difficult, because the rider is required to do many things at once.

Vyn: Not many people can learn it that quickly.


You: Really?

You: That gives me a lot of confidence!

Vyn: Of course. I mean it.

Vyn: I would never go against my own will to give out praise.

Are you trying to comfort me...

You: Dr. Richter, are you just trying to make me feel better...?

You: I was all over the place...

Vyn: Of course not.

Vyn: I meant everything I said. You are too hard on yourself.

Vyn: Did you like horseback riding? Would you like to go again?

I want to go again next time

You: It was very interesting. I feel like I was onto something.

You: I would love to go again if I had the chance to!

Vyn: Just let me know if you want to go.

Vyn: When you have the basics down, I can teach you a few simple equestrianism maneuvers.


You: That sounds great!

You: But, I'm quite busy lately, so we will have to wait till this case is finished.

Let's not do Equestrianism...

You: Eh... Let's not do equestrianism...

You: It's already quite a feat for me to ride by myself and not fall off...

Vyn: I was not thoughtful enough.

It was fun, but no

You: Horseback riding is very interesting, but I don't feel like it's my thing. Let's not go again.

Vyn: That is a shame. I was hoping to teach you how to dressage.

Vyn: It's all because I was not thoughtful enough.

Vyn: I should have found a less intense activity for you to warm up with.

I don't really like it

You: People always look so valiant riding horses in the movies. I looked like the complete opposite...

Vyn: I think the way you ride is not only valiant, but also very elegant.

Vyn: It's all because I was not thoughtful enough.

Vyn: I should have found a less intense activity for you to warm up with.

Vyn: I would feel terrible if horseback riding got in the way of your work.

It won't affect my work

You: It won't. Don't worry!

Vyn: I am relieved to hear you say that.

Don't blame yourself

You: Don't feel bad. Although I'm a bit tired, I still had a great time.

Vyn: You have never blamed me for anything. You truly are kind.

Vyn: I am really happy today too.

Vyn: I never thought I would ever have a girl ride the same horse as me.

Vyn: You are the first, and you will be the last.