Snowy Sweetness: Epilogue

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Revision as of 03:20, 27 December 2023 by Harmonea (talk | contribs) (I think no chip reward? I forgot halp)


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Story Script

Wishful Cafe
Wishful Cafe

Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Night).png

As the Wall of Wishes slowly fills with all kinds of handwritten notes, the Winterwish Festival finally arrives under everyone's watchful gaze.

Just as the Big Data Lab predicted, today is sunny with no signs of snow.

However, none of you have time to enjoy the beautiful weather right now. Due to your previous preparations, business is booming today.

In addition to the usual customers, several friends and colleagues have also come to cheer you all on.

The bell from the back kitchen rings constantly, reminding you that there is food to serve. Your mind is full of greetings such as "Welcome!" and "Happy Winterwish Festival!"

Luke: Phew—

Marius: So tired—

After seeing off the last group of customers, Luke and Marius simultaneously slump over on the table and sigh.

Even Artem and Vyn look exhausted as they lean back in their chairs, not saying a word.

Upon seeing everyone else's fatigue, a wave of exhaustion that you had long been suppressing suddenly hits your body.

You all sit in total silence.

Store Manager: Um... sorry to bother you all.

The elusive manager suddenly appears before you, holding this period's sales records in his hand.

Store Manager: Today is the last day you'll be working, so I need to check the sales records, profits, and expenditures for this period.

You: All right, do we need to do anything for that?

Store Manager: No need. I just wanted to let you all know.

Store Manager: Regardless of the final ranking, the organizers are really grateful to you all for your hard work. Good job, guys.

After he finishes speaking, the manager nods just as he did when you first met, then turns and leaves.

Amidst your exhaustion, seeing this gesture again finally gives you a sense that this journey is coming to a close.

You: I didn't expect it to be over so soon.

Luke: Yeah, time flew by. I'm too tired to even lift my arms, but I still can't believe it!

Marius: Well, I want to believe it — I can't even count how many orders of ice cream I made today.

Artem: True... when Celestine came, she said I looked busier than I do at the law firm.

Luke: Me too. Aaron said our superiors probably didn't expect that their training would be used for this...

Marius: Geez, at least you can apply what you've learned... When Payton came, he just took a few pictures of me and sent them to my dad...

You: Pfft... by the way, Dr. Richter, did you know that Ogier also stopped by?

You: I was too busy and didn't have time to tell you. He told me not to bother you as well.

Vyn: Yeah... I just saw the text he sent me.

Vyn rubs his forehead helplessly, looking at Marius before he speaks.

Vyn: All I can say is... you are not the only one.

You: ...

At this moment, the two men who constantly butt heads are unexpectedly commiserating over a "common opponent."

You: Captain Morgan came too. He doesn't have time off during the festival, but he still came to drink a cup of Wishful Lemon Tea.

As you are chatting, Marius' phone suddenly buzzes.

Luke: Is it the final results?

As soon as Luke says this, everyone turns to look at Marius.

However, you suddenly realize something — at some point, it began snowing heavily outside.

You: It's snowing!

Stellis rarely sees snow, let alone such heavy snowfall.

For a moment, you all forget to ask Marius about the results of the competition, quietly watching the snowflakes falling outside instead.

After taking a closer look, you realize that there's something off about this "snow."

You: It doesn't seem like real snow...

Luke: It looks like it's only snowing outside our café.

Artem: Is it fake snow?

Just as Artem said, it isn't actual snowflakes falling outside, but white foam that resembles real snow.

However, this sight on such a special day makes it impossible to look away.

You: Is this the mysterious first-place surprise? So we really...?

You suddenly realize something, turning to look at Marius and inadvertently holding your breath as you wait for his answer.

Marius: Yes...

Marius: We won!

He nods with a smile, the fatigue in his eyes vanishing.

Luke: We won...

Luke repeats what Marius just said, clearly still in disbelief.

Artem: Great work, everyone.

Even Artem, who has always been stoic, chuckles happily at the good news.

Vyn: I propose a toast for our hard work during this time, and for the heavy "snow" falling just for us.

Vyn brings over several cups of hot tea.

You: Yay!

Perhaps due to your excitement, some of your tea accidentally spills out when you all clink cups.

As soon as everyone sees this, you all start laughing at the same time.

Luke: This is a real Winterwish miracle.

Marius: And it's a miracle unique to us.

Vyn: Yes... Everyone, Happy Winterwish Festival!

You: Happy Winterwish Festival!

Snow is falling as the steam from your tea rises up in the air. You take a sip as you make a silent wish—

That the NXX Investigation Team will have more adventures together in the new year.

Artem: Come on, [Player]. The cake Vyn baked just came out of the oven.

Artem is standing nearby as Marius and Luke wave you toward the table. Vyn comes out of the back kitchen holding a steaming hot cake.

You: All right, I'm coming!

Actually, a wish doesn't really need a miracle to come true...

Regardless of whether the road ahead is sunny or snowy, no matter how bumpy the journey, you firmly believe that you can face anything together.
