Vyn "Burning Embrace"/Rewards

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< Vyn "Burning Embrace"
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Story Summary

This story takes place in an Alternate Universe (AU) or possible past life. Its events do not affect the main timeline.


Held in Secret"There are too many people here. It will be easier for us to stick together if I hold onto you."

Held in Secret illustration.png

After Story

After Story script

Vyn: Come here. Are you not waiting for me? Why are you in such a daze?

Intimate Interaction

Point 1 (tree)

(After that day, I stood under the peach blossom tree every day to wait for Vyn and shared with him my day-to-day activities.)

(Fortunately, he returned after a year.)

(And on the day of his return, the peach blossom tree went into full bloom.)

Point 2 (Scarf)

You: The weather is fairly hot today. I notice that you have your scarf on. Is your old wound acting up again?

Vyn: No. It is just an old habit of mine. If you are doubtful... You may come forward to examine my wound.

You: N-no, it's fine...

(if repeated)

You: (His scarf looks worn out. I should get a new one for him next time.)

Point 3 (Hand)

You: Your hands are warmer now, unlike how they were in the past.

Vyn: That is because your hands are warm too. As long as your hands are in mine... I will no longer feel cold.

You: Really?

Vyn: Yes, I am speaking the truth. Do you want to try holding my hands again?

(if repeated)

You: (His hands are finally warmer after holding my hands.)

Peach Blossom Hairpin...

You: Is this a... Peach Blossom Hairpin?

Vyn: Yes, this is my Flower Prayer Festival gift for you. Do you like it?

You: I like it... but why would you give it to me, Mr. Vyn?

Vyn: The peach blossom wilts easily. It only takes a few days for it to bud, bloom and wilt, but I want to use this hairpin to preserve its glorious moment for you.

Vyn: Besides, I...

You: (Why did he stop? And the way he's looking at me...)

You: Is there something you wish to tell me?

Vyn: You have yet to listen to any story this year. I have a tale about the origin of the Peach Blossom Hairpin. Are you interested?

You: The origin of the Peach Blossom Hairpin? Yes, do tell.

Vyn: About a hundred years ago, I met a couple under the peach blossom tree. The man was confessing to his adored lady.

Vyn: He gave the lady his jade pendant as a keepsake, and promised to be with her for the rest of his life.

You: The keepsake in the story was a jade pendant. How is it related to this Peace Blossom Hairpin?

Vyn: As for how they are related... After seeing what the man did, I thought of giving my lady a love keepsake too.

You: Your lady...

Vyn: My lady has promised to go flower viewing with me some day, after all.

Vyn: But I am greedy. I want to spend every season with her.

You: ...

Vyn: This Peach Blossom Hairpin is not a rare treasure, but it is my first handmade gift after knowing you. Will you... accept it?

You: (He looks as if he's... asking for my hand in marriage.)

You: Yes... but I am not good at putting on accessories. Could I trouble you to put it on for me?

Vyn: Sure. I will help you put it on every day from now on.

Story Locations

Ancient Era
Blizzardous - Stage (Night).png
Ancient Era
Blizzardous - Market Street (Day).png
Ancient Era
Pavilion Terrace
Blizzard Villa - Courtyard (Snow).png
Ancient Era
Marquis House
Blizzard Villa - Indoors (Lit).png
Ancient Era
Blizzard Villa - Indoors (Lit).png
Ancient Era
Blizzardous - Market Street (Night).png
Ancient Era
Outside the City
Misc Location - Snow Forest (Night).png
Ancient Era
Mountain Pass
Nosta - Cave (Day).png
Ancient Era
Blizzard Villa - Guest Room.png
Ancient Era
Pavilion Terrace
Blizzard Villa - Courtyard (Spring Day).png

Story Characters

Story Teller

Blizzardous General shadow character icon.png
General Li

Blizzardous Vice General shadow character icon.png

Blizzardous Woman shadow character icon.png

Blizzardous Guard shadow character icon.png

Blizzardous Girl shadow character icon.png