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Revision as of 08:25, 31 July 2021

Trials of Themis is a game mode similar to regular stages where players progress through levels of increasing difficulty in an 8-bit art style.

Unlike regular game modes, each level consists of two parts: A debate stage and a rewards portion.

The first wave will consist of two Typhoeus' Pitfall and an NPC. Selecting the NPC bring up the menu to start a debate stage. The debate stage is similar to other debate stages, where players use their cards to defeat the opponent's argument. Defeating the opponent rewards Btn money s.pngS-Chips depending on how high the stage level is. The rewards section gives the player a choice between three different chests. These chests may contain Btn coin s.pngStellin, Oracle of Justice, or a Trials of Minerva chest.

The Trials of Minerva chest will ask the player a question and three possible answers. Answering correctly will give the player both Btn coin s.pngStellin and Oracle of Justice, while answering incorrectly will give the player nothing.

Playing through Trials of Themis will also unlock various difficulties for Temple of Trials.

This game was developed by the Big Data Lab as a simulation for the bar exam.

"Zeus… I’ll be back!"

Typhoeus spat out black smoke as his gigantic body sublimated into thin air.

However, the evil aura that Typhoeus left behind enveloped the land and corrupted the minds of humans. The gods of Olympus were next to succumb, and their lands fell into darkness.

To prevent Typhoeus' resurrection and to save Olympus, Gaia came to the reincarnated Themis in her dreams.

"Go save the world, my child!"

"Let the light of justice cleanse all evil!"

So, with the blessing of Gaia, you wake up on a small islet. The waters of the Aegean Sea gently splash against your hands.

You raise your head and gaze at the horizon.

Under the azure sky, a lone temple is surrounded by a blazing inferno.

"Vengeance! Vengeance!"

The shouts of the pirates pierce through the air. Their every word stings your nerves.

You hear a voice speaking to you:

"Embark, brave warrior!"

"Rip through the darkness and let the light of Zeus shine upon this land once again!"

DAVIS: Enemy sighted! You’ll encounter many kinds of enemies. Select an enemy to start debating! Obtained stage rewards are kept in [the bag]. You’ll receive them after clearing the stage.

Trials of Minerva Questions

  • Note. Some questions may be slightly different due to wording changes between Closed Beta and release.
Question Correct Answer Other Answer 1 Other Answer 2

Who is the goddess of law and justice? Themis Athena

Who is "Mother Earth" referring to? Gaia Pandora Eros

What do people call Aphrodite? Goddess of Love Celestial Being Divine Goddess

Where do the chests you encounter during your journey come from? Priesthood Don't know From the skies

Who is the goddess of victory? Nike Aphrodite Medusa

Who is called the god of war? Ares Heracles Poseidon

What did Jason ride on? Ox Airplane Pirate Ship

"Vega" belongs to which constellation? Lyra Leo Pisces

What present did Phaethon give his father Helios for his birthday? A Golden Chariot A cake A trip to the

Who turned into a laurel? Daphne Theresa Selene

Which of the following is a Greek philosopher Prague Tolstoy Darwin

Who invented the ruler, number, and alphabet? Hermes Hades Medusa

Which of the following Goddess is associated with the hearth? Hestia Aphrodite Hera

In the legends, what started the Trojan War? Apple of Discord War of the Gods Pandora's Box

Where are the "ears" of crickets located on their body? On the legs On the butt On the wings

In this story's beginning, who spewed black smoke and tainted the gods? Typhoeus Governor King

What is bamboo classified as? Grass Leaf Flower

Which food should you avoid when sick? Fish Apple Congee

What do most people call you on your journey? Servant Intruder Captain

What is the most abundant creature in the ocean? Plankton Macroorganisms Microorganisms

What did Prometheus give to humanity? Fire Water Food

Athena was known as the goddess of wisdom and what else? Goddess of war Goddess of harvests Goddess of love

What can you do when a leech bites you? Detach by the head Pray Dance

Who is the god of the sea? Poseidon Apollo Zeus

Cacti use which of their parts for photosynthesis? Stem Thorn Willpower

What is bamboo classified as? Grass Leaf Flower

Do fish have a heart? Yes No Schrodinger's fish

What is Artemis' mythical beast? Deer Spear Bronze mirror

Who was the snake-haired woman with a petrifying gaze? Medusa Helen Pandora

When are maritime mirages usually experienced? Summertime Every day Daytime

What exactly is "moonlight"? Reflected sunlight Moon's reflection An illusion

How do dandelions spread their seeds? Wind Themselves Willpower

What is a fragrance extracted from the digestive system of sperm whales? Ambergris Androstenol Muscone

What should you drink to prevent heatstroke after sweating a lot in the summer? Salted water Sugar water Boiled water

Why do mosquitoes suck blood? To lay eggs For fun To mate

If you eat something that can cause food poisoning, what should you do? Vomit Drink water Don't move

What should you do if you find a wild mushroom? Ignore it Eat it Watch it

What was the wondrous thing hidden in Pandora's Box? Hope Money Pilatory

Who is Zeus' wife? Hera Athena Eros

Eros is whose son? Aphrodite Apollo Zeus