Editing Luke's Sweet Chapter 02-03

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|scriptHeader=Find Clues I: Central Business District
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Street Corner|location=Stellis Central Business District|image=Stellis - Outside Themis (Day).png}}}}
''Discuss the notes with Luke.''
After saying goodbye to Aaron, you and Luke stop in a quiet corner.
{{SL|Luke|Let's take a look at the information Aaron gave us.}}
{{SL|You|All right.}}
The information in the file folder is mainly the results of a police investigation in North Stellis where Morten Rickmon was found injured...
As well as tracking the whereabouts of Rickmon after he came to Stellis. However, no interviews had been conducted.
{{SL|You|Well, at least we don't have to make a trip to North Stellis now. There's nothing useful there.}}
{{SL|You|They found Rickmon in a surveillance blind spot. The nearby residents didn't see anyone suspicious, so there aren't any witnesses...}}
{{SL|You|It's almost as if Rickmon appeared out of thin air. It's way too bizarre.}}
Luke looks over the information, carefully going over it for ten more minutes.
{{SL|Luke|This was premeditated.}}
{{SL|Luke|They attacked Rickmon elsewhere to make sure they caused mental damage, and then deliberately abandoned him in North Stellis.}}
{{SL|You|Attacked him elsewhere... then moved him?}}
{{SL|Luke|Yeah, look at the results of the trace identification.}}
You move beside Luke and look at where he's pointing.
{{SL|Luke|There were no other shoe prints on the ground except for the concerned citizen who found Rickmon, as well as a set of drag marks.}}
{{SL|Luke|If this is the place where Rickmon got beat up, it would have left other traces, not just these.}}
You nod, deep in thought, as a question pops up in your mind.
{{SL|You|But if the culprits found out Rickmon's investigation interfered with their business, why didn't they just...?}}
Before you can finish, Luke already knows what you mean.
He sighs gently and shakes his head.
{{SL|Luke|Killing people to keep them quiet is indeed the best way to prevent more secrets from coming out. However, it might also attract police and public attention.}}
{{SL|Luke|It's relatively easy to accept an "accidental mental disorder" without evidence or clues, rather than a death with no apparent reason.}}
{{SL|Luke|Furthermore, Rickmon has no family members and he's in no shape to file a police report.}}
You can hear a sliver of helplessness and dissatisfaction in Luke's tone, and you don't know how to respond.
After a while, Luke frowns slightly.
{{SL|Luke|There is much we need to investigate.}}
{{SL|Luke|Who is the person that Morten Rickmon mentioned, and what role do they play in all this?}}
{{SL|Luke|Who was the person that hurt Rickmon, and where was he hurt?}}
{{SL|Luke|More importantly... Where is the notebook that Rickmon mentioned? Is the information it contains still intact...}}
The series of questions brought up by Luke leave you troubled.
{{SL|You|(If we assume someone planned the attack on Rickmon...)}}
{{SL|You|(Then the mastermind must be covering his tracks to avoid exposing his identity.)}}
{{SL|You|(It's already been several days since Rickmon was found, and we can't delay any longer...)}}
{{SL|You|(If we don't get to the bottom of this, our hard-earned clues will be...)}}
Suddenly, you feel a warm touch in your palm, and you realize it's Luke grasping your hand as you come to your senses.
He strokes your back to comfort you.
{{SL|Luke|We have many questions to answer, but we'll take it one step at a time.}}
His expression is soft and natural, and his words have a soothing charm.
Your heart gradually calms down.
{{SL|You|You're right. You can't get fat in one sitting. We'll need to uncover the clues one by one.}}
{{SL|Luke|Yeah. Don't rush, take it easy. We'll find a breakthrough.}}
{{SL|You|What should we do next?}}
{{SL|Luke|Let me think...}}
{{SL|Luke|Everything has a beginning and an end. As you said before, we have to thoroughly go over Morten Rickmon's background.}}
{{SL|Luke|We have to understand his background and social network to know why he came to Stellis and what he was doing here.}}
{{SL|Luke|Once we know that... everything else will fall into place.}}
{{SL|You|Yeah, that makes sense!}}
After saying that, you can't help but sigh.
{{SL|Luke|What is it? Something wrong?}}
{{SL|You|No, nothing... I was just thinking about what I can do when you're investigating.}}
{{SL|You|I'm not very good at scouring the internet for information, but I won't just be a cheerleader.}}
You want to do everything you can, together with Luke, and search for any useful clues.
Luke bursts out laughing, rubbing your head.
{{SL|Luke|As much as I want to say that you just need to be by my side... I know you won't agree to that.}}
At that moment, you recall the information you just read, and an idea pops into your head.
{{SL|You|I know!}}
You flip through the folder of information that Aaron gave you and point to the places where Morten Rickmon visited.
{{SL|You|While you're investigating Morten Rickmon's background, why don't I check out the places that he visited?}}
{{SL|You|Perhaps we'll find somewhere special.}}
Luke looks at you, and the corners of his mouth curl up, making you feel somewhat "guilty."
{{SL|You|I admit going to every single place is stupid, like searching for a needle in a haystack...}}
{{SL|You|But... that way, we won't miss anything.}}
Luke doesn't say a word, but he lifts your hand delicately.
{{SL|Luke|I don't think it's a stupid idea.}}
{{SL|Luke|I just feel like you've done a lot for me.}}
{{SL|You|...What do you mean? It's my pleasure.}}
Luke doesn't linger on the subject. He picks up a sheet of paper and studies it for a moment.
{{SL|Luke|Here's the plan, [Player]. Head to the bookstore first. If you don't find anything useful there, check somewhere else.}}
{{SL|You|The bookstore? Why?}}
{{SL|Luke|Morten Rickmon isn't from Stellis, but he went to the same bookstore twice.}}
{{SL|Luke|His records show that he only visited the other places once. So there must be something special at the bookstore, right?}}
You carefully look over the information again and nod.

{{SL|You|You're right.}}
{{SL|You|Then I'll do as you say and head to the bookstore first.}}
You and Luke smile at each other, seeing a glimmer of hope in each other's eyes.
{{SL|You|All right, let's split up!}}
{{SL|Luke|Yes, my Watson!}}
|scriptHeader=Find Clues II: Southeast Stellis Street
''Go to the bookstore to gather information about the notes.''
{{SL|You|Excuse me, do you remember a customer by the name of "Morten Rickmon" that visited your bookstore?}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|Morten Rickmon...?}}
The bookstore owner seems confused until you hold up a picture of Morten Rickmon.
{{SL|You|This person.}}
Looking at the picture on your phone, a wary expression appears on the bookstore owner's face.
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|Why do you ask?}}
{{SL|You|Hmm... Well, you see...}}
{{SL|You|Morten Rickmon got in an accident two days ago, and the circumstances around the accident are strange. The police are investigating this matter.}}
{{SL|You|However, the investigation is still in the early stages. I was instructed to ask around to avoid too much public attention.}}
You take out the file folder that Aaron gave you and Luke, pointing to the official seal.
The bookstore owner's eyes change as soon as he sees the seal.
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|I see. I won't say anything to draw public attention.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|I remember the fellow you're talking about.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|He bought a whole set of Stellis souvenir notebooks at my store.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|I talked to him at the checkout. He seemed like an interesting fellow.}}
{{SL|You|Did he mention anything in particular when he talked to you?}}
The bookstore owner touches his beard and shakes his head.
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|No, he only asked me where the best place to visit in Stellis was and said he would bring his girlfriend next time.}}
{{SL|You|(Girlfriend... Was the person that Morten Rickmon mentioned his girlfriend?)}}
Suppressing the doubt in your mind, you ask about Morten Rickmon again.
{{SL|You|I heard that... Morten Rickmon visited your store twice. Was there something important to him here?}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|Oh, that? Here's the thing...}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|I told him about our custom service the other day...}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|So one day he brought in a notebook and said it was something he had written before. He wanted it made into a custom notebook.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|I finished the custom notebook according to his specifications and delivered it to him via courier. I don't know if he liked it or not.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|There was nothing else besides that.}}
The bookstore owner clicks his tongue and goes on about something else.
{{SL|You|Mister, thank you for your cooperation. I'll not bother you any longer.}}
{{SL|Bookstore Owner|You're welcome.}}
|scriptHeader=Find Clues III: Luke's Residence 2F
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Detective Agency|location=Time's Antiquities|image=Time's Antiquities - Office (Day).png}}}}
''Discuss the current clues with Luke.''
{{SL|You|Luke, I'm back!}}
{{SL|Luke|How did it go? Did you find anything?}}
You recount to Luke the information you learned from the bookstore owner.
{{SL|Luke|Great, not only does it match the information I found, but you were able to uncover something else.}}
{{SL|You|Of course. This is a piece of cake for me.}}
{{SL|You|Luke, what else did you find?}}
Returning to the topic of Morten Rickmon, Luke's expression becomes solemn.
He leads you over to the whiteboard, which is filled with his research and drawings.
{{SL|You|(He researched so much in this short amount of time? Amazing...)}}
Luke points to the picture of Morten Rickmon on the whiteboard and the scribbles beside it.
{{SL|Luke|According to my research, Morten Rickmon was orphaned at the age of 10 after his parents died in a car accident.}}
{{SL|Luke|With the help of his parents' inheritance, he was able to finish college and became a local elementary school teacher. He seemed to be well-liked at the school.}}
{{SL|Luke|At this point, there's nothing suspicious about Morten Rickmon's background, but... this is where things get strange.}}
{{SL|You|What is it?}}
Luke points to the photo of a woman on the right side.
{{SL|Luke|It was easy to decipher Morten Rickmon's social network. He had no relatives and very few friends, and he didn't really interact with his coworkers.}}
{{SL|Luke|The only person he's close to is his girlfriend, who you also learned about from the bookstore owner.}}
The girl in the photo has a delicate face with a gentle smile. The name written at the bottom reads, "Olivia Kilner."
{{SL|Luke|It seems they started dating in junior high and have been on good terms ever since.}}
{{SL|Luke|However, not long after Rickmon started working, Olivia Kilner was diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized for long-term treatment.}}
Luke pauses for a moment, putting down his hands. There is a hint of sadness on his face.
{{SL|Luke|And two months ago... Kilner, who had been getting better, died suddenly...}}
{{SL|Luke|Unable to accept his girlfriend's death, Rickmon was convinced that something shady happened. He got into a dispute with the hospital over Kilner's death.}}
{{SL|You|How is that possible!? Then he told the bookstore owner... that he wanted to take his girlfriend to Stellis.}}
{{SL|Luke|Perhaps... it was just a beautiful wish that Rickmon had in his heart. }}
{{SL|Luke|I reviewed the news coverage of the dispute between Rickmon and the hospital...}}
{{SL|Luke|The description of Kilner's clinical manifestations in the weeks leading up to her death... is very concerning.}}
{{SL|Luke|She also exhibited intermittent nerve pain... and other symptoms that cancer patients shouldn't have.}}
{{SL|Luke|Maybe Rickmon suspected that Kilner had been treated with drugs that were not compliant with the law, which led to her death.}}
{{SL|Luke|But the hospital's medication record for Kilner showed no anomalies. They even paid a large sum of money to her family...}}
{{SL|Luke|Thus, the dispute between Rickmon and the hospital fizzled soon after.}}
{{SL|You|So... Rickmon was conducting a secret investigation in Stellis?}}
{{SL|Luke|Yes, I believe Rickmon was searching for his girlfriend's real cause of death and the source of the drug in Stellis.}}
At this point, the office becomes quiet, so quiet that you can hear the rustling of Luke's clothes.
You look at the photo on the whiteboard again, her smile still gentle and bright...
Through her, you seem to see the cold nothingness of the blazing sun.
You move your lips to say something, but an inexplicable bitterness rises to your throat, preventing you from speaking.
And so, time remains silent. You look away, afraid to face Luke.
{{SL|Luke|[Player], I know you're worried about me.}}
{{SL|Luke|But I'm not the same as her. I'm doing great right now.}}
Suddenly, Luke's voice rings in your ear, his tone slower and calmer than usual.
You turn around to see the same darkness in his eyes.
{{SL|You|Luke, you're not lying to me, are you?}}
You choke on your words as you question Luke, trying to force a smile.
{{SL|Luke|No, I'm not.}}
{{SL|Luke|We're still investigating Morten Rickmon... We'll find hope at the end of the tunnel.}}
Luke takes your hand, the engulfing confusion fading from you as you feel the warmth from his palm and skin.
He hungers for your answer... as much as you hunger for his.
You tiptoe lightly around him and press your face into his chest.
{{SL|You|Yes, we'll find it.}}
In the eerie silence, you can only hear his heart...
It takes some time for you and Luke to calm down.
Afterward, Luke goes over the rest of the information, and the two of you discuss your next course of action.
{{SL|You|Now that we know more about Morten Rickmon's background, we can speculate what he came to Stellis to do...}}
{{SL|You|Then what should we do next? Should we investigate Olivia Kilner's death or try to find the notebook?}}
{{SL|Luke|I also want to review Kilner's medication and medical records...}}
{{SL|Luke|But there might be jurisdiction problems because this is an intercity investigation. I'll have to consult Aaron before we move forward.}}
{{SL|Luke|I just pulled footage of Rickmon from all over the city, trying to pinpoint his last known location.}}
{{SL|Luke|But it will take some time to review the footage... For now, I think we can check out Rickmon's residence.}}
{{SL|Luke|He booked a hotel here in Stellis, and we might find clues there.}}
{{SL|You|Good idea, let's go.}}
{{Character|name=Luke Pearce|image=Luke character icon 1.png}}
{{Character|name=Luke Pearce|image=Luke character icon 1.png}}
{{Character|name=Aaron Yishmir|image=Aaron Yishmir character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Aaron Yishmir|image=Aaron Yishmir character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Morten Rickmon|image=Morten Rickmon character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Morten Rickmon|image=Morten Rickmon character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Fruit Shop Owner|image=Shopkeeper F character icon.png|nolink=true}}
{{Character|name=Bookstore Owner|image=Elderly M character icon.png|nolink=true}}
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