Editing Entwining Hearts Event Chapter 3

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===Storage Challenges===
===Storage Challenges===
During the event, after completing the Main Story tasks in Phase 1 of Entwining Hearts Chapter 3, head to South Stellis > Time's Antiquities to organize house with Luke. Hold and drag the items in the item bar to put them in the Bag. Store the items in the Bag without overlapping them. Tap the Rotate button to change an item's orientation. Players will have multiple attempts to organize different items in the Bag and will be awarded different Event Titles according to the size and number of items they have successfully packed into the Bag. In addition, players can unlock stories related to the item after the completion of each challenge. New Storage Challenges will be available daily between 5/5 and 5/9 at 11:00 (UTC+9).
During the event, after completing the Main Story tasks in Phase 1 of Entwining Hearts Chapter 3, head to South Stellis > Time's Antiquities to store old items with Luke. Hold and drag the items in the item bar to put them in the Bag. Store the items in the Bag without overlapping them. Tap the Rotate button to change an item's orientation. Players will have multiple attempts to organize different items in the Bag and will be awarded different Event Titles according to the size and number of items they have successfully packed into the Bag. In addition, players can unlock stories related to the item after the completion of each challenge. New Storage Challenges will be available daily between 5/5 and 5/9 at 11:00 (UTC+9).

Please see below for daily game solutions and scripts.
Please see below for daily game solutions and scripts.
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|scriptHeader=Airplane Model (Day 2)
|scriptHeader=Airplane Model (Day 2)
Large and small plane models are affixed on the axis point in the display case.
They are extremely detailed and seem lifelike as if they could fly off any time if they are given enough propulsion and energy.
{{SL|You|When did you buy these, Luke? I haven't seen them before...}}
{{SL|Luke|Oh, I got them last year. I just rarely take them out.}}
As Luke caresses the base of one of the models, Luke's eyes reveal a sense of confusion and regret.
{{SL|Luke|You definitely won't be able to guess why I wanted to buy it.}}
Seeing that Luke is trying to keep you in suspense, you decide to make a guess.

{{SL|You|Was it not just because... you like it?}}
{{SL|Luke|Well, I do like it... but that wasn't the most decisive factor.}}
{{SL|Luke|It's actually because I had a dream the night before I bought it...}}
{{SL|You|A dream?}}
Luke nods, and his gaze falls on the model before him. He traces the aerodynamic shape of the plane with his finger.
{{SL|Luke|In the dream, I was flying a combat aircraft with two seats, and you were giving me directions in the seat behind me.}}
{{SL|Luke|I can't remember exactly what the situation was. I just remember you kept telling me in the dream to avoid bombs...}}
{{SL|Luke|And after I woke up, I somehow had an urge to visit the model shop, and then...}}
{{SL|Luke|I spotted this.}}
{{SL|You|So that's why you bought it...}}
Luke takes out the small plane from the model display case and gestures with it excitedly.
The small plane takes turns in the air for a while, then lightly "glides" to rest before you.
{{SL|Luke|Ahem... What a pretty and cute young lady. Would I have the honor of carrying you in my aircraft for a while?}}
{{SL|You|Sure. But are you sure your tiny plane can fly with me in it?}}
{{SL|Luke|That's easy. Just watch my magic—}}
Then, the plane glides behind you, together with the arrival of a warm scent. Luke lifts you in his arms.
{{SL|Luke|See? Isn't this easy?}}
{{SL|You|You... you...}}
{{SL|Luke|Let's go. We'll go everywhere to take in the views, eat tasty food, and see the entire world!}}
The sound of laughter follows. You understand this is undoubtedly the vision of the future that Luke dreams of.
In the future, whether on a day bathed in radiant dawn or a night swathed in twinkling stars, you will achieve this together.

|header=Days 3-5 (Time's Antiquities - Luke's Bedroom)
|header=Days 3-5 (LOCATION 2)
|scriptHeader=Intro: Organize House
|scriptHeader=Intro: Store Old Items
{{SL|You|Luke, did we get tricked by this "game"? It feels like tidying things up is a hidden stage or something...}}
{{SL|Luke|No... This... is my problem...}}
{{SL|Luke|I just forget about cleaning the place when I get too busy...}}
{{SL|You|What am I going to do with you...? Never mind. Let's hurry up and tidy this place up.}}
{{SL|Luke|Now we need to think together about how to place these items into this limited area in an orderly and perfect way.}}
{{SL|You|Hold on! Let me have a look...}}
{{SL|Luke|Don't worry. We can take our time figuring it out.}}
{{SL|Luke|If we can't fit them in... the worst-case scenario is that we just try a few more times.}}
{{SL|You|You're right! Then let's start right now!}}
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With a hint of curiosity, you pick up the book with a bookmark poking out of it — "A Selection of Unsolved Mysteries II."

When you were cleaning the room, you noticed that Luke pushed the bookmark that was slipping out back in.
{{SL|Luke|Are you interested in this book too?}}
{{SL|You|Just a bit curious... Have you read the whole thing?}}
{{SL|Luke|Yep, I've read it twice already. I was planning to find time to read it again.}}
{{SL|You|You read it twice already...!?}}
Luke opens the cover page and points to the introductory words in the preface.
{{SL|Luke|This selected edition added recent unsolved mysteries from around the world, as well as an important section of expert analysis.}}
{{SL|Luke|The first time I read it, I focused on the mystery. The second time, I was focusing on the analysis.}}
So this is how Luke read this book.
{{SL|You|Then how are you going to read it the third time? Are you going to combine the mystery and the expert analysis?}}
Gloating a little, Luke stretches out a finger and shakes it, indicating that you got it wrong.

{{SL|Luke|Perhaps many people would read like that the first time. They read the mystery, read what the experts have to say, and then move on.}}
{{SL|Luke|But I feel that would reduce the "charm" of the mysteries themselves.}}
{{SL|Luke|Therefore, for my third read, I'll forget about the experts' analysis and my own opinions as well.}}
{{SL|Luke|Looking at the mysteries from a brand-new point of view might provide me with different experiences and hypotheses. That's where the fun is!}}
You didn't think he would read a book in so many complicated and innovative ways.

{{SL|You|Just listening to you makes me want to try doing that myself.}}
{{SL|Luke|I'll finish reading part two very soon, and then lend you the whole set. Otherwise, your reading experience is going to get broken up, and it won't be as fun.}}
{{SL|You|Sure! And I'll try out your method!}}
Luke seems rather excited. He seems very happy that he's able to share what he likes and his way of doing things with you.
{{SL|You|Your behavior reminds me of when we went to the school library together to borrow books.}}
{{SL|You|Back then, you dragged me over there and took out a list of the books you wanted to borrow in front of the countless rows of bookshelves. You said it was a pity that you could only borrow five books at a time.}}
Evidently, Luke recalls that memory from before. He laughs awkwardly and rubs his forehead, looking helpless.
{{SL|Luke|Yeah... I barely had a chance to get excited before the librarian came over...}}
{{SL|Luke|He told me to lower my voice, otherwise, the entire library would know what was on my book list.}}
Such ordinary items can help you recall similar events from the past. These imperfect and not particularly valuable memories are making you savor every detail of the time you've spent with Luke.
You excitedly talk about the words you've said to each other in the past. Neither of you realizes that these ordinary moments are the very foundation for your relationship.
|scriptHeader=Movie Disc (Day 4)
|scriptHeader=Movie Disc (Day 4)
After you have tidied the items in a neat way, one item in particular grabs your attention.
It's a collector's case for film discs, but there are some marks of wear and tear at the edges, seemingly indicating that they have been used for a long time.
{{SL|You|Hmm? This collector's case...}}
{{SL|Luke|I use it to store my comedy collection. It's the old kind of film... monochrome ones.}}
{{SL|You|That sure is obscure...}}
{{SL|Luke|The discs inside and the case are all from my friend a few years ago.}}
{{SL|Luke|Back then...}}
Luke seems to remember something when he mentions this, and his soft smile freezes for a moment. He then looks at you.
You are about to ask him what's the matter, but he immediately puts on a normal expression again and continues.
{{SL|Luke|I was feeling pretty down during that time, and my friends were worried that I was suppressing my emotions too much...}}
{{SL|Luke|So they recommended me some old comedies.}}
{{SL|Luke|At first, I didn't want to refuse their help, so I just watched them. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with those films...}}
Luke explains as he recalls this experience. His expression becomes ever more gentle. It's as if seeing once again how he managed to escape his depressed mood.

{{SL|You|I see.}}
{{SL|You|No wonder you looked so happy when I mentioned we should watch a comedy.}}
Hearing this, Luke reaches out and tucks a tuft of loose hair behind your ear.
{{SL|Luke|Yep. It feels like you finally discovered something I've liked for a long time.}}
{{SL|Luke|Oh, why don't I recommend a few more fun films to you?}}
As Luke says this, he takes out some discs from the case. You can see that he spends some time thinking and analyzing before pulling out two discs for you.
{{SL|Luke|Here — "Warehouse Without Rain," and "Special Space Post Office." They're both really interesting!}}
{{SL|Luke|Remember to tell me what you think once you've watched them.}}
{{SL|You|Sure. Don't get bored if I write an essay for you.}}
{{SL|Luke|No way. I'm gonna read every single word of it.}}
Luke says this happily, and then he goes and packs up the other discs again. Seeing him do that, you can't help but feel emotional.
{{SL|You|I didn't think that such an ordinary collector's case would have such a history behind it.}}
You don't know how many instances of emotional crisis he went through during that time, so much so that he had to rely on such a medium to release his pent-up emotions.
You can't help but hug Luke. He blinks and laughs happily after a brief moment of confusion as if he found something that will truly ground him.
{{SL|Luke|Actually, a lot of the things in here have their own story.}}
{{SL|Luke|I'll tell them to you when you've got the time. How does that sound?}}
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You take the clear display case on the table, which contains a Sherlock Holmes memorial badge that is tightly sealed in plastic.

Though it has been preserved lovingly, you notice on a closer look that there are still lots of areas where the color has faded.
The more you look at it, the more familiar it looks.
{{SL|You|Oh! Isn't this...}}
A memory flashes before your eyes. You recall a much younger Luke, his face still chubby with baby fat. His expression is full of surprise and gratitude.
A soft laugh pulls you back to reality. Before your eyes, you see Luke tilting his head to look at your face.
{{SL|Luke|Do you remember it now?}}
Before you can answer, Luke starts talking as if he is claiming the credit.
{{SL|Luke|This badge was a gift from you when we were little.}}
{{SL|Luke|I remember you saying that you saved up your pocket money for ages and spent it all on this gift.}}
{{SL|You|I didn't think... you'd remember it so clearly...}}
Luke laughs in delight and crosses his arms as if the events behind this badge just happened yesterday.
{{SL|Luke|Of course. I remember everything that's got to do with you.}}
{{SL|Luke|Besides, this memorial badge was so popular that it sold out everywhere in the city.}}
{{SL|Luke|I kept asking you where you bought it, but you didn't want to tell me.}}
{{SL|You|(Huh? Didn't I tell Luke that...?)}}
As you are puzzled about what you did in the past, you look up to see Luke leaning close to you. He blinks, and his eyes seem to glitter with light as he looks at you with curiosity and desire.
{{SL|You|What's wrong?}}
{{SL|Luke|So, where DID you get it back then?}}
{{SL|You|I... forgot...}}
{{SL|Luke|Looks like it'll be an unsolved mystery for the ages. But if you ever remember, make sure you tell me.}}
{{SL|You|Do you care about it a lot...?}}
{{SL|Luke|Yep! This puzzle is more intriguing to me than anything else.}}
Seeing how Luke still wants to explore this, a surge of complex feelings swell up from inside you, like a warmth that wraps itself around your heart, or like summer fruit that is sweet and refreshing.
{{SL|You|I'll definitely let you know when I remember. Actually... I really didn't expect you to have kept this...}}
{{SL|Luke|Of course, I've always treasured this.}}
Luke answers you decisively. Then he takes the case with the badge from you as if it is an invaluable treasure.
{{SL|Luke|The thought is priceless.}}
{{SL|Luke|To buy me this gift back then, you must have spent a lot of effort to get it.}}
{{SL|Luke|I'm thinking that you didn't tell me how you bought it, just so I won't feel guilty or have any burdens, right?}}
{{SL|Luke|For me, the meaning and value attached to this badge exceeded its financial value ages ago. It is now my "priceless treasure."}}
Luke looks deep into your eyes. His soft words seem to pull you back in time to when you were children, interwoven with the rhythm of your heartbeat.
In a daze, you seem to see your previous self overlapping with your current self. You look at the delighted and expectant young man before you as you blush and speak with a feigned nonchalance.
{{SL|You|A—as long as you like it.}}

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