Editing Artem's Sweet Chapter 02-09

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{{SL|Darius Morgan|No problem.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|No problem.}}
|scriptHeader=Continue the Investigation I: Central Business District
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Hospital Ward|location=Sanatorium|image=Hospital - Patient Room (Day).png}}}}
''Visit Ronan again.''
Ronan is looking much more anxious than he was the last time you saw him.
Seeing you and Artem, he lets out a quiet smile that is faintly bitter.
{{SL|Ronan|Sorry, you won't get much information from me.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I already told you everything I know.}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't worry. Today we're not here to ask questions.}}
Artem accepts Ronan's lack of willingness to cooperate and takes control of the conversation.
{{SL|Artem|We just want to inform you of the latest updates.}}
{{SL|Artem|According to our investigation, there is insufficient evidence to prove that Professor Russo falsified evidence and took bribes.}}
{{SL|Artem|So you can rest assured that Fiona's claim that Lamont Russo coerced you into committing a crime is not true.}}
Instead of looking relaxed, Ronan clenches his hands together.
Artem sees Ronan's strained expression and continues speaking.
{{SL|Artem|On the contrary, Fiona's actions constitute an infringement on Professor Russo's reputation.}}
{{SL|Artem|We just came from the police station. Lamont Russo wants to press charges against Fiona.}}
{{SL|Artem|He seems very adamant.}}
{{SL|Artem|As Fiona's attorney, I will do my best to mitigate the punishment she faces based on the facts.}}
{{SL|Artem|But if she did something illegal, she will have to pay the price.}}
Artem calmly looks at Ronan as he speaks.
Ronan avoids Artem's gaze and looks down at the ground as if his soul had left his body.
Artem falls silent and waits for Ronan to sort out his emotions.

Ronan opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. Seeing that he is relenting, you decide to take advantage of the situation.
{{SL|You|A comprehensive review of Professor Russo's cases by an expert revealed no mistakes, and they have been refiled.}}
{{SL|You|The case has gotten too much attention. Fiona has also insinuated allegations of corruption within the Stellis judicial entities.}}
{{SL|You|It is easy to predict a judge's ruling, given that the public demands an explanation and the malign influence of the case must be removed.}}
{{SL|You|Now that Professor Russo has vowed to severely punish the main perpetrator, Mr. Wing has a tough fight ahead of him.}}
You shake your head mockingly and let out a huge sigh.
In the twilight, Ronan's hands are still tightly clasped, his knuckles white and bloodless.
{{SL|Ronan|Enough with the acting. Professor Russo wouldn't do something like that... It's just a misunderstanding...}}
{{SL|You|Ronan, do you really believe your own words?}}
You take out a voice recorder, which recorded Lamont Russo's communication with the police, just before leaving the station.
{{SL|You|Would you like to hear a recording?}}
Ronan looks at the voice recorder in your hand, his lips pressed together, saying nothing.
Seeing this, you press the play button.
"...I request the police to investigate as soon as possible, punish the main perpetrator, and restore my reputation!"
Hearing this, Ronan closes his eyes instinctively, showing a look of vulnerability.
When the recording finishes playing, you put the voice recorder away.
{{SL|You|Ronan, now do you believe us?}}
Ronan seems unresponsive, standing there like a puppet, completely silent.
Seeing Ronan in this state, Artem pats you on the shoulder, signaling that he'll give Ronan's psychological defenses a final breakthrough.
He walks over to Ronan, his eyes filled with concern.
{{SL|Artem|Ronan, did Lamont Russo promise you that he won't hold Fiona accountable, as long as you're on his side?}}
Hearing Artem's speculation, Ronan turns his gaze upon Artem.
{{SL|Artem|When the time came, none of you would be prosecuted for this. It's a "win-win-win" situation.}}
{{SL|Artem|And you chose to believe him because you have evidence that threatens him.}}
{{SL|Artem|So you don't believe Lamont Russo would lie to you about that, do you?}}
Ronan's words fail him. He looks nervously at Artem, his pupils quivering, his expression pleading for help.
{{SL|Artem|However, if Lamont Russo chooses to go back on his word, there's nothing you can do about it.}}
{{SL|Artem|Ronan, it's Fiona. Can you afford to "bet" on that outcome?}}
At this point, Ronan's face turns pale, and he closes his eyes in disbelief.
When he opens his eyes again, there is no hint of hesitation in them.
{{SL|Ronan|I... I have evidence to prove that Lamont Russo engaged in illegal activities.}}
After saying this, Ronan looked as if the weight of the world has lifted from his shoulders. The tension leaves his body.
Artem looks at Ronan, then speaks in a warm tone.
{{SL|Artem|Please elaborate.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I... have been one of Professor Russo's students for a year and a half.}}
{{SL|Ronan|In the beginning, Professor Russo was very kind to me. He took the initiative to involve me in a variety of rare discussions, and that's when I met you, Mr. Wing.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Mr. Wing has always been my idol, and I once fantasized about joining Themis after graduation and becoming Mr. Wing's colleague.}}
{{SL|Ronan|But a year ago, things quickly took a turn for the worse.}}
Ronan pauses for a moment, exhaling with a shudder before continuing.
{{SL|Ronan|A year ago, Professor Russo was defending a murderer.}}
{{SL|Ronan|It's extremely difficult to build a misdemeanor defense when the suspect is clearly malicious and aware.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Professor Russo asked me to collect all the drugs the suspect had taken and amplify their effects on mental states when used as evidence.}}
{{SL|Ronan|He also twisted the fact that the suspect had voluntarily surrendered for a pending arrest warrant instead of being incapacitated after committing the crime.}}
{{SL|Ronan|In court, Professor Russo even cited a number of different cases as legal grounds.}}
{{SL|Ronan|His defense was extremely successful, and the murderer was sentenced to only nine years in prison.}}
{{SL|You|Nine years...}}
{{SL|You|(According to law, murderers with ill intent are rarely sentenced to less than ten years in prison.)}}
{{SL|You|(Regardless of where he stands, Lamont Russo is very strong in terms of his ability and results...)}}
Ronan continues.
{{SL|Ronan|...As in that case, I had already been unwittingly involved in his illegal activities...}}
{{SL|Ronan|By the time I knew something was up, the cases I worked on were...}}
Ronan's face is stricken with pain, his voice trembling.
{{SL|Ronan|The realization came too late.}}
{{SL|Ronan|To atone for my sins, I started helping people online with their legal questions using the "Ronan's Legal Aid" account.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Helping others gave me peace of mind, but the guilt was always there.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I thought about turning myself in many times, but Professor Russo stopped me. "Attorneys are not meant to be ambassadors of justice. That's the truth of the profession," he said.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Professor Russo's control over me gradually grew stronger...}}
{{SL|Ronan|Until three months ago...}}
At this point, it seems as though Ronan's most painful wound has been pried open, and he shudders.
{{SL|Ronan|Professor Russo took me to one of the suspect's residences, which the police hadn't found yet...}}
{{SL|Ronan|Based on the information the suspect gave him, Professor Russo found the real murder weapon... He then gave it to me and told me to destroy it myself...}}
{{SL|Ronan|I did as I was told...}}
{{SL|Ronan|The shock was too overwhelming, coupled with the adrenocortical hormones I was taking... My mental state quickly broke down...}}
{{SL|Artem|Was this one of the cases that Fiona mentioned in the article?}}
{{SL|You|Fiona claimed that Lamont Russo also forced you to go to that dinner party, is that true?}}
{{SL|Ronan|Yes, everything Fiona said about the dinner party is the truth.}}
Ronan has finally confessed everything.
But you don't feel any sense of relief. Ronan's struggles and frustrations are so vivid that they leave you speechless.
{{SL|Artem|Ronan, this isn't the second time we've met.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Mr. Wing... you still remember me?}}
{{SL|Artem|When I met you in the collaborative law enforcement project, you were like a razor-sharp sword... you were outstanding.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I... let you down...}}
{{SL|Artem|What I'm trying to say is, no one goes through life without making mistakes. The mistake is not having the courage to make amends.}}
{{SL|Artem|It will be difficult, but keep your head up and move on.}}
Artem's words are very moving for Ronan, who is close to tears at this point.
Ronan falls silent, then speaks solemnly.
{{SL|Ronan|I recorded everything that Professor Russo did in a notebook. It might be useful to you.}}
{{SL|You|A notebook?}}
{{SL|Ronan|Yes... my electronic devices were being monitored... and my every action was being recorded. That was the only way I could keep evidence...}}
{{SL|Ronan|It's on my desk in Dormitory 513. Fiona and I have a photo album... with a black notebook hidden inside.}}
{{SL|You|Thank you, Ronan.}}
Ronan shakes his head, not saying anything else.
{{SL|Artem|I'll relay everything you said to the officer in charge of the investigation. It won't be long before they get here.}}
{{SL|Ronan|...I will cooperate with the investigation.}}
{{SL|Artem|You are kind and brave... Trust that these qualities will lead you out of the darkness.}}
Artem's words seem to instill Ronan with courage. Unexpectedly, he looks at you and Artem, his eyes brighter than ever.
{{SL|Ronan|This is the key. Go... quickly. I'll tell the police everything.}}
You take the key from Ronan.
{{SL|You|See you later, Ronan.}}
|scriptHeader=Continue the Investigation II: West Hemingway Heights Street
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Ronan's Residence|location=Stellis University|image=Misc Location - Dorm (Day).png}}}}
''Go to Stellis University and find Ronan's notebook.''
On the way over to Ronan's dormitory, you and Artem brief Captain Morgan on the situation.
He says officers in plainclothes will be sent immediately to bring Ronan back for questioning.
You and Artem don't have too much trouble getting inside the dormitory. Only after a simple registration are you allowed access.
{{SL|You|There is no one... in the dormitory...}}
{{SL|Artem|They must still be in class. I remember law students have many classes in the morning.}}
{{SL|You|Yes... Ronan should be...}}
It is easy to spot Ronan's bed. Next to his computer is a photo of him and Fiona.
{{SL|You|(Ronan and Fiona are pretty close.)}}
You quickly find the black notebook with Ronan's information.
In it, Ronan recorded everything that happened over the course of committing the crime with Lamont Russo.
{{SL|You|Look, is this the case where Ronan was forced to destroy the murder weapon?}}
{{SL|Artem|Time, place, modus operandi... He was totally...}}
{{SL|You|He was totally putting himself on trial in his notes.}}
Recorded in the notebook was more than what Ronan did for Lamont Russo.
{{SL|You|It seems like... Ronan couldn't help writing down his feelings in these notes?}}
"I threw the blade into the middle of a lake. It looked clean, probably because the suspect had already wiped it down."
"But with the sinking shadow of the blade, I can see the rich color of blood flushed before my eyes."
"I was overwhelmed with remorse. My mind went blank and I wanted to jump off the boat toward the murder weapon..."
"Professor Russo held onto me tightly, the boat shaking violently almost as if it could tip over at any time, but I wasn't afraid at all."
"I wanted to drown myself at that moment."
Through his words, you can feel the deep remorse and despair that Ronan felt at that moment.
Artem says nothing, reading Ronan's words carefully in silence.
His hand flips through Ronan's notes without shaking, but he straightens his tie at certain parts.
It's a tell for when Artem needs to regulate his emotions.
{{SL|You|(Artem said... he wanted to be Ronan's guide... He must be emotionally affected...)}}
{{SL|You|It must be hard seeing Ronan go through that.}}
Artem notices the worried expression on your face and closes the notebook. He then comforts you with a nod.
{{SL|Artem|I'd be lying if I said it wasn't affected... But now that we have this notebook, we're getting very close to the truth.}}
{{SL|Artem|We cannot change Ronan's past, but we can help his future.}}
{{SL|Artem|So don't worry about me, but...}}
Artem leans down and holds you tenderly for a while before separating.
{{SL|Artem|Thanks to you, I'm feeling much better.}}
{{SL|You|I didn't do anything, and you were there for me too.}}
{{SL|You|We have each other. A hug does wonders for those negative emotions, right?}}
Artem looks down slightly, his eyes beaming, answering you with a smile.
{{SL|You|Now that we have the notebook, let's head to the police station immediately and hand it over to Captain Morgan.}}
{{SL|You|There are many clues recorded within the notebook. It will provide Captain Morgan with the breakthrough he needs in the stalled investigation.}}
{{SL|You|And... that's what Ronan wants.}}
{{SL|Artem|Let's go back to the police station.}}
You and Artem leave with the notebook and head over to the police station to meet with Ronan.
''[Obtain evidence: Ronan's Notebook]''
|scriptHeader=Continue the Investigation III: West Hemingway Heights Street
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Meeting Room|location=Stellis City Police Department|image=Stellis Justice Dept - Interview Room.png}}}}
''Find Ronan at the police station.''
When you and Artem arrive at the police station, Captain Morgan's interrogation of Ronan is nearing its end.
Captain Morgan walks over to greet you and Artem.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|I understood the situation. Is this the notebook that Ronan was talking about?}}
{{SL|Artem|Yes, it contains a detailed record of Lamont Russo coercing Ronan to commit crimes, as well as other valuable clues.}}
{{SL|Artem|It will certainly provide a breakthrough in the review of Lamont Russo's cases.}}
Artem hands Ronan's notebook to Captain Morgan.
Afterward, he nods at Ronan.
{{SL|Artem|Rest assured, the police investigation will get to the bottom of this.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I'm happy that it could help you guys.}}
Ronan looks calmly at the notebook, as if he has figured something out.
He looks straight at Captain Morgan, and for the first time, you can feel he's calm.
{{SL|Ronan|Although... I have a final request.}}
With that said, the three of you look at him.
{{SL|Ronan|I want... to see Professor Russo one last time.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|What are you planning to do?}}
{{SL|Ronan|I want to atone for my sins.}}
Ronan takes a deep breath and looks at everyone solemnly.
{{SL|Ronan|Mr. Wing, Miss [Player], when you went to retrieve the notebook, I told Captain Morgan everything.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Confessing everything I did wrong... wasn't as embarrassing as I thought...}}
{{SL|Ronan|On the contrary, I felt relieved throughout the whole process.}}
{{SL|Ronan|...I only realized how stupid I've been, and I'm asking for a chance to make things right.}}
{{SL|Ronan|It's the only thing I can do.}}
{{SL|You|(Ronan has come to this realization...)}}
You and Artem look at Captain Morgan, as he is the only person capable of making that decision.
Captain Morgan falls silent but doesn't reject Ronan outright.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|What do you plan on doing?}}
{{SL|Ronan|I only just learned... that there isn't any proof of Lamont Russo's illegal activities, so I thought...}}
{{SL|Ronan|Maybe I can use myself as bait to get Lamont Russo to confess his crimes.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I will make an appointment with Lamont Russo, pretend that I did everything I was told, and beg him to spare Fiona.}}
{{SL|Ronan|Lamont Russo thinks he has something on me, so he won't be on guard around me.}}
{{SL|Ronan|I will use that opportunity to get him to confess something he did in the past while recording the conversation.}}
{{SL|Ronan|The recording may not be admissible in court as valid evidence, but at least... it will help with your investigation.}}
Ronan waits for Captain Morgan's answer with a sincere expression.
Captain Morgan ponders Ronan's plan for a moment and soon agrees.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Okay, get yourself ready. We'll carry out your plan this afternoon. I'll have officers in plainclothes follow you and make sure everything goes well.}}
Ronan looks surprised and glad.
Captain Morgan nods, not saying anything else. He turns around to head outside, signaling for you two to follow.
{{SL|You|(That's it? Given Lamont Russo's impenetrable style, a simple plan like that won't have a high chance of succeeding...)}}
{{SL|You|(Captain Morgan knows that for sure...)}}
You want to say something, but notice Artem shaking his head at you.
{{SL|You|(...It seems Captain Morgan must have his own reasons for agreeing.)}}
You keep your mouth shut and follow Artem out of the room.
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Conference Room|location=Stellis City Police Department|image=Stellis Justice Dept - Waiting Room.png}}}}
Outside the meeting room, you can't help but look curiously at Captain Morgan.
{{SL|You|Captain Morgan, why agree to Ronan's plan when it's clearly full of holes?}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Ronan's plan will not succeed if carried out by himself.}}
{{SL|You|That means...?}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|I'll send someone in to help.}}
{{SL|You|Then just now...}}
{{SL|You|(Captain Morgan didn't mention this detail to Ronan...)}}
{{SL|Artem|That must be part of the plan, right?}}
{{SL|Artem|Captain Morgan wants Ronan to meet Lamont Russo without knowing anything about the real plan.}}
{{SL|You|Is this to fool Lamont Russo?}}
{{SL|Artem|Yes, Lamont Russo has been operating for a long time without being discovered, which speaks to his prudence.}}
{{SL|Artem|Lamont Russo will likely discover Ronan's hidden recording device, but if another device is prepared without Ronan's knowledge...}}
{{SL|You|While coveting gains ahead, one will be unaware of the danger behind them. With the police assisting, Ronan will succeed in his objective even if his plan fails.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Precisely.}}
Captain Morgan looks at the clock on the wall, his expression softening.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|It's about time for lunch. If you two don't have plans, the police station can provide lunch.}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't trouble yourself, Captain Morgan. [Player] and I already have plans. See you after lunch.}}
{{SL|You|Yes, thank you, Captain Morgan. You don't need to worry about us.}}
You follow Artem out of the police station.
{{Character|name=Artem Wing|image=Artem character icon 1.png}}
{{Character|name=Artem Wing|image=Artem character icon 1.png}}
{{Character|name=Darius Morgan|image=Darius Morgan character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Darius Morgan|image=Darius Morgan character icon.png}}
{{Character|name=Lamont Russo|image=Frederick Yang character icon.png|nolink=true}}
{{Character|name=Lamont Russo|image=Frederick Yang character icon.png|nolink=true}}
{{Character|name=Ronan|image=Ronan character icon.png|nolink=true}}
|name=Ronan's Notebook
|image=Ronan's Notebook icon.png
|description=A black notebook found in the photo album of Ronan and Fiona. In it, Ronan records everything that happened over the course of committing the crime with Lamont Russo.
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