Editing Artem's Sweet Chapter 02-04

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|previousStage=Artem's Sweet Chapter 02-03
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{{SL|Fiona|Okay, okay! Thank you, Mr. Wing!}}
{{SL|Fiona|Okay, okay! Thank you, Mr. Wing!}}
|scriptHeader=Cause and Effect: West Hemingway Heights Street
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Artem's Car|location=Misc|image=Misc Location - Car Front Seat (Day).png}}}}
''Accompany Fiona to the police station for questioning.''
You and Artem drive over to the police station.
You rub your empty stomach. It'll have to wait.
{{SL|Artem|Are you hungry? Here, eat this first.}}
Artem hands you a well-made onigiri, which he had made himself.
You take it, realizing that the onigiri is still warm.
{{SL|You|When did you...?}}
{{SL|Artem|I left the house this morning with a few simple meals stored in the car refrigerator, and I took them out when I parked.}}
{{SL|Artem|The temperature should be just right, and here's some water. The onigiri is dry, so be careful not to choke.}}
You taste the onigiri and wash it down with the water Artem gave you.
The delicious onigiri rescues you from hunger.
You feel much better.
{{SL|You|It's my favorite flavor! I can't believe... how prepared you are.}}
{{SL|Artem|I'm glad you like it, but it's just something to tide you over. We'll go eat after the police take Fiona's statement.}}
{{SL|You|Sure! But you have to eat something as well.}}
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Police Station|location=Stellis City Police Department|image=Stellis Justice Dept - Waiting Room.png}}}}
Fiona is visibly nervous, sitting in an interrogation room at the police station. However, she has quietened down.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Fiona, I have a few questions for you to confirm...}}
{{SL|Fiona|I... I need to speak to my attorney first. Until that happens, I have the right to remain silent!}}
Before Captain Morgan can ask any questions, Fiona makes her position clear.
She looks at you and Artem, her eyes crying for help, looking as if she's about to start weeping.
{{SL|Artem|Captain Morgan, how about letting us talk to her first?}}
{{SL|Artem|After all, [Player] and I came here not only to learn more about the situation, but also to assist in the police investigation.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|...}}
Captain Morgan glances at you and Artem. He is silent for a moment before nodding.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|With your expertise... Yes, I can trust you two.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|I'll give you guys a shot.}}
Watching Captain Morgan close the door to the interrogation room, Fiona immediately looks to Artem. It looks like she has a lot to say, but doesn't have the courage to do so.
You smile amusingly at Artem, who looks back at you helplessly.

{{SL|You|Don't be scared, this is the normal process. Do you want to collect yourself before we speak?}}
{{SL|Fiona|No, I'm fine. I can talk now.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I... today... my mind's in a bit of a mess right now. Can you ask the questions, and I'll just answer them?}}
|choice1=Distrust in police
Seeing that Fiona is more friendly to you, you ask her the first question.
{{SL|You|Why are you afraid of a police subpoena?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Before I answer that question, can I ask you guys something?}}
Fiona looks at you in embarrassment.
{{SL|Fiona|I know Mr. Wing's identity, but Miss, what is your relationship with Mr. Wing?}}
{{SL|Artem|Why do you ask?}}
{{SL|Fiona|I would prefer fewer people to know about what I'm about to say next... Aside from my attorney... and the police...}}
{{SL|Artem|Rest assured, she is the person I trust the most. Anything you say to me, you can say to her.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I am relieved to hear that.}}
Fiona lets out a deep sigh and looks earnestly at the two of you.
{{SL|Fiona|To be honest... I am the one who wrote that article.}}
You had a hunch, but after hearing what Fiona said, you and Artem still look at each other in surprise.
{{SL|Fiona|I know Lamont Russo is not only a law professor at Stellis University but has also been a criminal lawyer for many years.}}
{{SL|Fiona|He has remained undetected for so many years. No doubt, he's under some kind of protection in the Stellis judicial community.}}
{{SL|Fiona|How can I fight against him... I'm afraid of being accused of spreading rumors... So I'm afraid of the police.}}
|choice1=Article Writer
{{SL|You|Since you're the author of the article... everything you wrote comes from a personal experience?}}
{{SL|Fiona|I wrote it, but it's not about me... It's about my boyfriend, Ronan.}}
You notice Artem frown sharply.
His fingers on the table tense up, trying to calm down, before straightening his tie casually.
{{SL|You|(Does Artem know Ronan?)}}
Fiona doesn't notice Artem behaving abnormally and continues.
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan is Lamont Russo's favorite student. I thought they had a strong relationship with each other, but...}}
{{SL|Fiona|Everything written in the article about what he did to Ronan, it's just the tip of the iceberg!}}
{{SL|Fiona|It wasn't something as simple as stealing Ronan's research. He... he...}}
Fiona's voice starts trembling.
{{SL|Fiona|He also coerced Ronan to commit a crime!}}
The interrogation room falls silent.
Artem still had a hand on his tie, forgetting to put it down. You notice Artem in a daze, forgetting to respond.
He promptly returns to his senses and leans forward to look at Fiona solemnly.
Artem does his best to hide his emotions, but you read a hint of earnestness in his expression.
{{SL|Artem|How do you know about this?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan got drunk one day and told me himself.}}
{{SL|Artem|Did Ronan provide you with the chat logs and proof used in the article?}}
{{SL|Fiona|No... Ronan doesn't know anything about that...}}
{{SL|Fiona|I secretly downloaded his chat logs with Lamont Russo and uncovered the truth little by little.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I'm not a law student, so it took me a long time to sort out the article.}}
|choice1=About Ronan
{{SL|Artem|According to your story, Ronan was the target of Lamont Russo's persecution, but why are you speaking out for Ronan? Why not Ronan himself?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan... He can't.}}
Hearing that answer, Artem seems to think of something, falling silent.
{{SL|You|What does that mean?}}
{{SL|Fiona|He's on... a temporary leave of absence from school, thanks to Lamont Russo.}}
{{SL|You|Leave of absence?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Yes, Ronan was coerced by Lamont Russo for a long time to commit a crime... The mental pressure was too great, which resulted in him developing mental health problems.}}
{{SL|Fiona|After finding out about Ronan's situation, Lamont Russo used it as an excuse to force Ronan into a leave of absence.}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan is under Lamont Russo's complete control. He can't resist...}}
{{SL|Artem|How much do you know about Ronan's mental state?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan has been suffering from insomnia for a long time, but I'm not sure when it started. I often see him sitting in front of his computer in a daze...}}
{{SL|Fiona|At the time, I thought he was just under academic pressure...}}
{{SL|Artem|When did you find out Lamont Russo coerced Ronan into committing a crime?}}
{{SL|Fiona|About a month ago... Lamont Russo invited Ronan to a dinner party where they serve alcohol... He knew that Ronan was on medication and couldn't drink...}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan came home that day and broke down, telling me everything.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I told him to call the police, but he dared not betray Lamont Russo...}}
{{SL|Artem|Why do you think Ronan won't betray Lamont Russo?}}
{{SL|Fiona|...He didn't say. But I guess... he's afraid of his crime being exposed...}}
Hearing that answer, Artem's eyes grow dim. He's unable to ask any more questions.
|choice2=Purpose for running to school
{{SL|You|So you were headed toward the law department because of Ronan?}}
Fiona blushes a little. She plays with her fingers, then looks up at you.
{{SL|Fiona|I... I'm not a law student, and I don't know any attorneys... I didn't know what to do...}}
{{SL|Fiona|But Ronan is a law student, and I got to know a few teachers through him. I thought I'd ask one of the teachers for help...}}
{{SL|You|Who would you have asked if we didn't come along?}}
{{SL|Fiona|I don't know who is here. I only know which classrooms the law students usually take their classes in... and thought I'd try my luck...}}
{{SL|You|I see.}}
{{SL|Fiona|G-Good thing you guys came along.}}
Fiona reveals an awkward smile for the first time since you met.
|choice3=Reason for keeping it a secret from Ronan
{{SL|You|Why didn't you tell Ronan?}}
{{SL|Fiona|His mental state is very unstable. I'm afraid Lamont Russo would've sensed something was wrong, so I also hid the truth from Ronan.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I just hope this ends soon, and Ronan can be free from Lamont Russo's control.}}
{{SL|Artem|What makes you so sure that Lamont Russo is keeping Ronan under strict control?}}
{{SL|Fiona|I just know it!}}
{{SL|Fiona|He must be scared that Ronan might turn him in, knowing everything he's done.}}
{{SL|Fiona|He "helped" Ronan apply for a leave of absence.... probably so that he could use Ronan's graduation as leverage.}}
{{SL|You|Then... do you have any proof that Lamont Russo is blackmailing Ronan?}}
{{SL|Fiona|...No, but I'm certain that's the truth!}}
Fiona knows what she just said wasn't convincing, pleading with her eyes.
{{SL|Fiona|I know that I don't have much evidence... and it doesn't quite prove my words, but...}}
{{SL|Fiona|Please, you have to believe me! I'm telling the truth!}}
{{SL|Fiona|Ronan, he's a good guy! Please believe me...}}
Fiona scrambles to take out her phone, swiping through it quickly with her fingers as if looking for something.
{{SL|Fiona|Look! This is Ronan's legal aid account! Every day, he answers questions for people online!}}
{{SL|Fiona|He's got hundreds of thousands of followers! He's really helped a lot of people!}}
{{SL|Fiona|Mr. Wing, please, you have to save Ronan! I don't know what else to do!}}
Fiona clasps her hands together, overflowing with sincerity.
Artem looks at Fiona's phone for a brief moment, his expression softening.
{{SL|Artem|Rest assured, people from various industries have placed heavy importance on this case, so the truth will come out.}}
{{SL|Artem|Besides, you can choose to trust the police. If there's at least one person who can help you, it's the police.}}
Fiona did not seem relieved to hear Artem's words. Instead, there is despair in her eyes.
{{SL|Fiona|Mr. Wing, are you not accepting my case?}}
You look at Artem, still stunned, and Fiona in despair. You explain hastily.
{{SL|You|Fiona, that's not what he means. He just wants to put your mind at ease.}}
{{SL|Fiona|So Mr. Wing accepts my case!?}}
Artem doesn't immediately respond to Fiona, but instead brings up another detail.
{{SL|Artem|You said you're not a law student, and you don't know any attorneys. So how do you know about me?}}
{{SL|Fiona|Because... of Ronan. He looks up to you. He always said that he wanted to strive to become more like Artem Wing.}}
{{SL|Fiona|I think whoever Ronan looks up to must be a good person.}}
Artem listens to Fiona, not surprised by what she said.
{{SL|You|(It seems... Artem had guessed that Fiona heard about him from Ronan.)}}
{{SL|You|(And judging by Artem's strange behavior just now, he seems very concerned about Ronan...)}}
{{SL|You|(If all goes well...)}}
Artem looks at Fiona, still uneasy and full of anticipation, but he doesn't let her simmer for too long.
{{SL|Artem|I'll accept your case.}}
Fiona lets out a long sigh, finally looking relieved.
{{SL|Fiona|Thank you, Mr. Wing... Thank you, guys... I'm so fortunate to have met you today!}}
{{SL|Artem|We now have a good understanding of the situation. The police will talk to you, but don't worry.}}
{{SL|Artem|Don't be scared. We'll be with you when the police ask you questions.}}
{{SL|Fiona|Okay, sure.}}
Artem gets up to leave the room. Shortly after, he re-emerges with Captain Morgan, and Fiona's interrogation officially begins.
After the interrogation ends, the police bring up a new request.
The police need Fiona to continue cooperating with them to investigate the cases of alleged sentence misconduct described in the article.
Since Fiona can't get away from the investigation for now, Captain Morgan sees you and Artem off.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Don't worry. I'll have someone send Fiona back to the university afterward.}}
With that said, Captain Morgan takes a look at Artem, thinking about something.
{{SL|Darius Morgan|I heard from Fiona that you finally accepted the case. Why so sudden?}}
{{SL|Artem|No reason... I just wanted to do something for her.}}
Seeing that Artem doesn't want to say much more, Captain Morgan pats Artem understandingly on the shoulder.
{{SL|You|(...That's it?)}}
{{SL|You|(But when we questioned Fiona earlier, it didn't seem like Artem "just wanted to do something"...)}}
{{SL|You|(Why would Artem hide it?)}}
As you ponder over these questions, Artem arranges the investigation plan.
{{SL|Artem|Captain Morgan, do you know the situation between Lamont Russo and Ronan?}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Now that you're involved in the investigation, I can update you on their situation.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|The situation with Ronan still needs to be investigated, but Lamont Russo came by the police station today.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|He alleged that Fiona's article severely damaged his reputation, though the matter has not been settled.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Stellis University is taking this case seriously and has suspended him pending the outcome of the investigation.}}
{{SL|Artem|I understand. Today, [Player] and I will conduct a preliminary investigation into Ronan and Lamont Russo.}}
{{SL|Darius Morgan|Okay, keep me posted.}}
|scriptHeader=Journey of the Heart: West Hemingway Heights Street
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Street|location=Stellis Hemingway Heights|image=Stellis - City Street (Day).png}}}}
''Have a good meal before doing anything.''
Captain Morgan accompanies you two out of the police station.
Back outside, you notice the sun shining brightly during the hottest part of the day.
Artem blocks the sun by placing his hand on your forehead, signaling for you to get in the car quickly.
But rather than the piercing sunlight... you're more concerned about...
{{SL|You|When Captain Morgan asked why you took the case, did you not want to tell him the real reason?}}
{{SL|You|I noticed your concern for Ronan when Fiona was talking about him, but...}}
{{SL|Artem|...I did want to keep it to myself.}}
{{SL|You|Is there a specific reason why?}}
{{SL|Artem|It's not something to hide from you.}}
{{SL|Artem|I just think it would be hard to explain the long history between Lamont Russo and Ronan to Captain Morgan.}}
{{SL|Artem|And... with the amount of uncertainty in this case, I can't take a stand without careful consideration.}}
{{SL|Artem|If you want to know, I can tell you all about it now.}}
Artem's pupils seem crystal clear in the sunlight, almost like looking at the bottom of a clear pool.
You calm down and offer a suggestion to Artem.
{{SL|You|The sun is out in full force right now. How about we find a place to eat?}}
{{SL|You|We can take a break and go over the case progress, then continue the investigation after?}}
{{SL|Artem|Sure, let's find a place to sit, and I'll tell you everything.}}
{{Float|{{Background location|name=Restaurant|location=Misc|image=Misc Location - Restaurant 4 (Day).png}}}}
The restaurant is cozy with soothing music, which puts people at ease.
The delicious smell of food puts your mind at ease, making you want to pour out all your doubts.
Your chopsticks stop in place, and Artem immediately looks at you with concern.
{{SL|You|Now... can you tell me what happened in the past?}}
{{SL|You|Ronan... do you know him?}}
{{SL|Artem|Yes, I met him in a collaborative law enforcement project in Stellis. Ronan left a strong impression on me.}}
{{SL|Artem|He was an excellent law student. He reminded me a lot... of my own past.}}
{{SL|You|(Ronan actually reminded Artem of his past...)}}
{{SL|You|So this collaborative law enforcement project was what you were telling Captain Morgan about?}}
{{SL|Artem|Not entirely.}}
Artem reminisces about the past.
{{SL|Artem|The reason I met Ronan in the collaborative law enforcement project was because of Lamont Russo's past respect for Ronan.}}
{{SL|Artem|A strict but meticulous professor and a sharp but respectful student... They were admired by many others.}}
{{SL|Artem|But times have changed...}}
Artem doesn't say more, but you can still feel his regret.
{{SL|You|Lamont Russo and Ronan's model behavior doesn't seem to be false.}}
{{SL|You|However, according to Fiona, Lamont Russo must have exploited Ronan early on.}}
{{SL|You|It's difficult for outsiders to discern how much of their relationship was true and how much was fake.}}
{{SL|Artem|That may be, but I do remember something about Lamont Russo.}}
Artem looks at you with a slight look of disappointment.
{{SL|Artem|We were both taught criminal law by Professor Russo, so you must know that there is a tradition in his class.}}
Your memory unfolds slowly with Artem's words, as the details gradually become clear.
{{SL|You|I remember... Professor Russo would always talk about the origin of attorneys in the first class.}}
{{SL|You|He said... it began from people who understand the law and are willing to help others...}}
Hearing your story, Artem looks at you tenderly, as if he and you had recalled the same scene.
{{SL|Artem|An attorney is someone who helps others.}}
{{SL|You|Yes, that's it. When I heard it, I was very moved and thought that attorneys are both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time.}}
{{SL|You|I didn't expect to be reminded of that today.}}
Thinking about what's happened between Lamont Russo and Ronan, you sigh.
You reach out your hand and place it on top of Artem's hand, comforting him.
{{SL|You|A former professor versus a student you know... You must really care about them.}}
{{SL|You|I can see how you want to get involved and find the truth.}}
Artem takes your hand, the usual warmth in his palm.
{{SL|Artem|Maybe some things can't be undone... But I really want to help them.}}
{{SL|Artem|Even if in the end, all I find out is the ugly truth... it's just as well.}}
That's the worst possible scenario for Artem...
{{SL|You|No, and even if it came to that... there must be something we can do.}}
{{SL|You|After all... fate is uncertain.}}
Hearing that, Artem looks up at you from your clasped hands, a gentle look in his eyes...
{{SL|Artem|Yes, you're right.}}
With that said, he looks down and kisses your knuckles.
{{SL|Artem|Good thing I have you.}}
After lunch, you and Artem sort through the case progress.
{{SL|You|Fiona accused Professor Lamont Russo of exploiting Ronan, coercing him into committing a crime, and controlling Ronan when those actions caused him to develop mental problems.}}
{{SL|You|She took parts of Ronan's chat logs with Professor Russo, combined them with her understanding, and wrote the article before spreading it online.}}
{{SL|You|However, Professor Russo believes Fiona has damaged his reputation and demanded a thorough investigation into the matter.}}
{{SL|You|Currently, Ronan, the key person in this incident, has not revealed himself.}}
{{SL|You|It seems that we still need to find Professor Russo and Ronan to understand the truth behind this incident.}}
{{SL|Artem|Professor Russo resides in South Stellis, which is closer to us. Let's go find him first.}}
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{{Character|name=Security Guard B|image=Anonymous character icon.png|nolink=true}}
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